Exercise 12. Choose the correct word that completes each of the following sentences:
Ulcer and cirrhosis are not (rare, rear) diseases among those who are prone to alcohol.
The animal insulin can (course, cause, corse) allergic reactions.
At later stages gastric cancer can be treated but rarely can be (diagnosed, cured).
When gastric cancer is found at an early stage, there is better chance of (convalescence, premature death).
Smokers, who have stopped smoking, (lower, increase) their risk of getting gastritis.
Stomach cancer is a disease in which (malignant, benign) cells appear in the stomach.
Chemotherapy is a treatment that uses (chemical drugs, rays) to stop the growth of cancer cells.
After the stomach surgery the patient should take vitamin (supplements, addition) and injections of vitamin B12.
Exercise 13. Learn the following Greek and Latin terms denoting medicine:
________algia – pain in an organ
________scope – denotes a viewing instrument, used for examining smth
________itis - denotes inflammation of an organ
________logy – denotes a branch of science
________tomy - combining form meaning “cutting, incision” of an organ
________ectomy - meaning “excision” of the part specified by the initial element
________rrhagia – means “profuse discharge,” “abnormal profuse flow”
________malacia – means softening, or loss of consistency, of an organ or tissue
Exercise 14. Add the missing part of the clinical terms pertaining to the pathology of the stomach:
Gastro __________(an instrument inserted through the mouth to inspect the inside of the stomach)
Gastr __________ (the surgical removal of a part of the stomach)
Gastr________(inflammation of the stomach lining)
Gastro_________ (softening of stomach lining due to poor blood supply or an inflammation)
Gastroentero______ (the branch of medicine that is concerned with the disorders of the gastrointestinal tract)
Gastros ______ (surgical incision into the stomach)
Gastro__________ (a bleeding from the blood vessels and the stomach lining)
Gastr___________ (pain in the stomach or abdominal region)
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