Exercise 15. Translate sentences into your native language paying attention to Gerund:
Reading of scientific journals is useful. – Читання наукових журналів дуже корисно.
I like being read. – Я люблю, коли мені читають.
Having examined the patient the doctor made a diagnosis. – Оглянувши пацієнта, лікар поставив діагноз.
After having been examined by a doctor, the patient got a prescription. – Після того, як його оглянув лікар, пацієнт отримав рецепт.
1. I remember having been treated for pneumonia at this hospital.
2. The scientist continued investigating the properties of blood gases.
3. The dissecting room is worth visiting.
4. The patient had to give up going in for sport because of the disease of the joints.
5. After having been told the results of the X-ray examination the physician wrote them down in the patient's case history.
6. No physician can make a proper diagnosis without having examined the patient.
7. The patient with gastritis keeps complaining of her stomachache despite the prescribe treatment.
8. The doctor insisted on doubling the dose of anti-aneamia drug to the patient with pernicious aneamia.
Exercise 16. Complete the sentences choosing suitable words from the box.
Moaning, prescribing, secreting, defining, having,
smoking, relieving, bleeding
There are millions of people all over the world who gave up ………….
The gastric glands begin ………… before food enters the stomach.
The patient started ………. when the doctor began palpating his abdomen.
Erosions, ulcers and tumours can cause ………………..
Administration of drugs is an important part of ……… symptoms of gastritis.
The patient complained of …………. severe headaches which were not relieved by medications.
Making a correct diagnosis and ……………..a proper treatment leads to a quick recovery.
The blood can’t be transfused without …………. its blood group.
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