English for medical students посібник з англійської мови

Exercise 10. Complete the following sentences choosing suitable words from the box

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пособие мед 2 (1) 2

Exercise 10. Complete the following sentences choosing suitable words from the box:

Alcohol, spicy foods, infection, perforate, H.pylori,
pernicious aneamia, bile reflux, NSAIDs

  1. …………… or smoking can make gastritis worse.

  2. Consumption of ……………. and alcohol should be strictly prohibited in patient with gastritis.

  3. You’re more likely to develop gastritis if you’re at risk of …………..

  4. You may need surgery if your ulcers ………….., bleed or obstruct the stomach.

  5. …………….. weakens the lining so acid can reach the stomach and duodenal wall.

  6. …………….. are a class of drugs that provides analgesic (pain-killing) and antipyretic (fever-reducing) effects, and, in higher doses, anti-inflammatory effects.

  7. Chronic cause of gastritis may be ………….. that is a backflow of bile into the stomach.

  8. ……………. occurs when the stomach lacks red blood cells or hemoglobin needed to properly absorb and digest vitamin B12.

Exercise 11. Translate the words given in italics into English. Translate the whole sentences into your native language:
1. Gastritis can be caused by irritation due to зловживанню алкоголем, chronic vomiting, stress.
2. The patient has been suffering from a здуття черевної порожнини for a prolonged period of time.
3. Ліки, що дозволені до продажу без рецепту may relieve pain in mild forms of gastritis.
4. Gastric cancer is загрозливий для життя наслідок хвороби caused by the atrophic gastritis.
5. The patient was complaining of відрижку that gave him only a temporary полегшення of pain.
6. It is important to administer a patient розгорнутий аналіз крові to identify the inflammation or some other deviation from the norm.
7. Злоякісна анемія was a fatal disease before about the year 1920, when George Whipple suggested raw liver as a treatment.
8. Хронічний відтік жовчі is considered to be one of the least causes of gastritis.

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