English for medical students посібник з англійської мови

Exercise 6 Answer the following questions

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Exercise 6 Answer the following questions:

  1. What is gastritis?

  2. What is the function stomach lining?

  3. What are the symptoms of gastritis?

  4. What are the causes of gastritis?

  5. Do stress or spicy food cause gastritis?

  6. How is gastritis treated?

  7. What is the diagnosis of gastritis based on?

  8. What are the complications of gastritis?

Exercise 7. Match the following Ukrainian words and word combinations with the English ones:

  1. зловживання алкоголю

  1. over-the-counter drugs

  1. печія

  1. life-threatening consequences of the disease

  1. ліки, що дозволені до продажу без рецепту

  1. heartburn

  1. загрозливі для життя наслідки хвороби

  1. enough relief

  1. значне полегшення

  1. abdominal bloating

  1. розгорнутий аналіз крові

  1. pernicious aneamia

  1. блювота з домішками крові

  1. extensive alcohol consumption

  1. потоншення вистилки шлунка

  1. complete blood count test

  1. злоякісна анемія

  1. blood-streaked vomiting

  1. здуття черевної порожнини

  1. thinning of the stomach lining

Exercise 8. Say whether the sentences are true or false:

  1. Gastritis is an erosion of the stomach mucosa.

  2. Gastritis is caused by autoimmune disorders.

  3. Cytoprotective agents are used to fight with the H.pylori.

  4. Gastritis is characterized by fever and rash covering the whole body.

  5. Feeling full after only a few bites of food is one of the symptoms of gastritis.

  6. Treatment of gastritis includes taking antacids and antibiotics.

  7. The most common symptom of gastritis is pain in the pelvic cavity.

  8. Many patients with gastritis may experience no symptoms at all.

Exercise 9. Match the following terms with their definition:

  1. Gastritis

  1. The most common type of peptic ulcer

  1. Peptic ulcer

  1. An adjunct to diagnosis that involves removing a small sample of living tissue from the body for examining under the microscope

  1. Duodenal ulcer

  1. The surgical removal of a part of the stomach

  1. Gastrectomy

  1. A flexible instrument, comprising fiber optics or a miniature video camera, that permits internal visual examination of the stomach

  1. Biopsy

  1. An ulcer in the stomach

  1. Gastroscope

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

  1. NSAIDs

  1. An inflammation of the stomach lining (mucosa)

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