Exercise 6. Complete the sentences and answer them:
What ulcers are called ... ?
What lifestyle factors were believed ...?
What is the ... cause of ulcers?
How does H. pylori affect the stomach and cause ...?
Why does smoking play a role in ...?
... increases ulcer pain?
What complications ...?
... should people with ulcers avoid?
What types of medications ...?
When may a surgical operation ...?
Exercise 7. Look through the text and find out expressions synonymic to the given ones:
The major cause, to make pain worse, bad effects, acid production, to decrease the amount of acid, alcohol intake, need the operation, hemorrhage, medicines for ulcer.
Exercise 8. What ulcer symptoms are described below?
the feeling of being about to vomit;
expelling wind from the stomach noisily through the mouth;
a general feeling of being unwell;
the reflex action of ejecting the content of the stomach through the mouth;
mental or physical tiredness;
the creation of a hole in the intestines
Exercise 9. Fill in the table “Gastric and duodenal ulcers”:
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