English for medical students посібник з англійської мови

Exercise 7 Answer the following questions

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Exercise 7 Answer the following questions:
1. What is appendix?
2. What is the cause of appendicitis?
3. What types of appendicitis are there?
4. What are the manifestations of acute appendicitis?
5. What is the difference of acute and chronic appendicitis?
6. Why is it difficult to make a diagnosis of chronic appendicitis?
7. What complications can occur in case of untreated acute appendicitis?
8. How can acute appendicitis be treated?
9. How can acute appendicitis be diagnosed?
10. What is the difference in laparotomy and laparoscopy?

Exercise 8. Match the following Ukrainian words and word combinations with the English ones:

1. the appearance of complications

  1. закупорка апендиксу

2. full recovery

  1. вистилка черевної порожнини

3. incision in the abdomen

  1. проводити операцію

4. obstruction of the appendix

  1. розріз у черевної порожнині

5. to begin with tenderness

  1. супроводжуватися закрепом

6. a life-threatening infection

  1. високий рівень смертності

7. to perform the operation

  1. починатися з хворобливістю

8. abdominal cavity's lining

  1. повне одужання

  1. high rate of mortality

  1. виникнення ускладнення

10. to be accompanied by constipation

  1. загрозлива для життя хвороба

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