Exercise 7. I. Memorize that-itis [aitis] means inflammation of an organ, tissue, etc. Give the terms using this term-element:
Inflammation of the liver -....
Inflammation of the larynx and vocal folds - ... .
Inflammation of the stomach -....
Inflammation of the bronchi - ... .
Inflammation of the middle ear - …
Inflammation of the nerve - …
Inflammation of the peritoneum - …
II. Explain the term meaning "excision". Translate it:
Model: tonsillectomy is excision of the tonsills
Gastrectomy, pancreatectomy, nephrectomy, splenectomy, laryngectomy, hysterectomy, adenectomy, sclerectomy
Exercise 8. Read the definition and fill in the blanks with the words given in brackets:
(Pharyngoplasty, pharyngomycosis, pharyngotomy, pharyngoscope, pharyngolaryngitis, laryngopathy, laryngograph, laryngology, tracheostomy, tracheorrhagia, tracheitis)
1. Inflammation of the trachea
2. Making an opening in the anterior part of the trachea for tube introduction in order to facilitate breathing
3. Inflammation of both throat and voice box
4. Invasion of the mucous membrane of the throat by fungi
5. An instrument used for inspection of the throat mucous membrane
6. A surgical procedure of making an incision into the throat to remove a tumor or anything obstructing the passage
7. Systematized knowledge of the action and function of the voice box
8. An instrument for making a tracing of movements of the vocal folds
9. Trachea bleeding
10. Any larynx pathology
11 .Plastic surgery of the throat
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