Exercise 17. Explain the following terms (tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis) using the following plan:
It is inflammatory disease of …
It is a disease of the upper respiratory tract.
It is manifested by the following symptoms …
It can be treated by …. .
If untreated it may result in … .
Exercise 1. Learn the new words:
abundant, adj
airway, n
дихальні шляхи
concomitant, adj
coryza, n
debilitated, adj
presumptive, adj
rusty, adj
кольор іржі
specimen, n
viscid, adj
URI = upper respiratory infection
Інфекція верхніх дихальних щляхів
Exercise 2. a) Read the word combinations and translate them:
Infection: viral infection, fungal infection, primary infection, recurrent infection, rare infection, bacterial infection
Sputum: mucopurulent sputum, thick sputum, rusty sputum, blood streaked sputum
Symptom: common symptom, unpleasant symptom, visible symptom, acute symptom, mental symptom
Disease: rare disease, curable disease, congenital disease, contagious disease, treatable disease
Cough: mild cough, persistent cough, chronic cough, dry cough, barking cough
b) Make up short sentences using the above given word combinations:
Exercise 3. Give the Ukrainian equivalents of the following word combinations:
Acute, self-limited inflammation; complete healing; debilitated patients; critical complication; a common cold; secondary bacterial infection; slight fever; back and muscular pain; onset of bronchitis; small amounts of viscid sputum; abundant and mucoid sputum; a severe uncomplicated case; persistent fever; airways obstruction; prolonged symptoms; oral fluids; to relieve malaise; concomitant chronic pulmonary disease; purulent sputum; the most common causes; persistent chills; additional findings; blood streaked or rusty sputum; lethal complications; poorly aerated lungs, appropriate specimen.
Exercise 4. Read and translate the text:
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