English for medical students посібник з англійської мови

Завдання для самостійної роботи студентів (СРС)

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Завдання для самостійної роботи студентів (СРС)

I. Перекладіть наступні словосполучення:

    1. порушення стану тканин та систем організму

    2. страждати від захворювань

    3. заразні і незаразні хвороби

    4. спадкові та неспадкові хвороби

    5. справлятися з хронічними та гострими хворобами

    6. невиліковні хвороби

    7. пухлинні хвороби

    8. хвороби літнього віку

    9. лікування і профілактика

    10. підтримувати здоровий спосіб життя

II. Дайте відповідь на наступні питання:

  1. What is health?

  2. What is disease?

  3. What are the main types of diseases?

  4. What diseases are connected with our lifestyle?

  5. How can psychologists and social workers help patients and their families?

III. Розкрийте поняття:

  1. хвороба


    1. Health … as the freedom from disease.

  1. had traditionally been defined

  2. has traditionally been define

  3. to have traditionally been defined

  4. having traditionally been defined

  5. have traditionally been defined

    1. Disease is a …. state of a tissue, organ, system or organism during which this part can’t function normally.

  1. disordered

  2. healthy

  3. diseased

  4. normal

  5. usual

    1. In many cases, the terms disease, disorder, morbidity and illness are used… .

  1. change

  2. interchange

  3. interchangeably

  4. changeably

  5. changeable

    1. Humans have suffered from illnesses since they first appeared on the earth about …. years ago.

  1. 2,5 million

  2. 2,5 thousand

  3. 2,5 hundred

  4. 2,5

  5. 25 hundred

    1. We can also speak of geriatric diseases, which occur …. aging people.

  1. in

  2. from

  3. on

  4. at

  5. by

    1. Nowadays there are about ….diseases.

  1. six thousand

  2. sixteen thousand

  3. sixty thousand

  4. sixty six thousand

  5. sixty sixteen thousand

    1. And as the best treatment is prevention we should carefully look after…. , keep a healthy lifestyle.

  1. our

  2. themselves

  3. itself

  4. yourselves

  5. ourselves

    1. In ancient times treatment …. superstition and guesswork.

  1. was based largely upon

  2. was based largely in

  3. was based largely on

  4. was based largely out

  5. was based largely by

    1. Medical specialists must have good knowledge …. mistakes in the process of diagnosing and treatment.

  1. in order to avoid

  2. in order avoid

  3. in order to be avoided

  4. in order to be avoiding

  5. in order avoids

    1. A disease characterized by tumours due to the excessive division of cells is called as … .

  1. nutritional

  2. contagious

  3. terminal

  4. neoplastic

  5. allergic


Exercise 1. Learn the new words:

apparent, adj



be confined to, v

[ kən´faind]


crypt, n



excessive, adj



hoarseness, n



latter, adj


останній (з двох)

peel, v (away)



steam, n



swallowing, n

[ swבləuiη]





Exercise 2. a) Read the word combinations and translate them:
Membrane: thin membrane, mucous membrane, cellular membrane, permeable membrane
Treatment: long-term treatment, in-patient treatment, surgical treatment, hormone treatment, ineffective treatment, adequate treatment
Fever: slight fever, persistent fever, fever subsided, to cause fever, to suffer from fever
Inflammation: joint inflammation, acute inflammation, chronic inflammation, to reduce inflammation, signs of inflammation
Sign: apparent sign, visible sign, early sign, external sign, unmistakable sign
b) Make up short sentences using the above given word combinations:

Exercise 3. Form nouns with a meaning of “процес, дія або результат дії” with the help of the suffix - ing.Translate them:
Model: water (поливати)→watering (поливання)
Find, act, smoke, walk, train, warm, cool, feel, understand, learn, swell, function, swallow, sweat, think, sneeze

Exercise 4. Give the Ukrainian equivalents of the following word combinations:

Pain on swallowing, edematous and hyperemic tonsils, purulent exudate, nonconfluent membrane, symptomatic therapy, adequate treatment, severely inflamed mucous membrane, cervical adenopathy, frequent cause, excessive use, irritating substances, prominent symptom, sensation of tickling, severity of inflammation, apparent dyspnea, laryngeal edema, marked erythema, voice rest, to relieve discomfort

Exercise 5. Read and translate the text:

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