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1. Уикипедия – ашық энциклопедия.

2. Болат Сайлан, тар. ғыл.канд., ауған соғысының ардагері. Ауғанстан: сәуір төңкерісі бастаған соғыс//abai.kz.ақпараттық порталы
3. Ауғанстандағы соғыс//Ресурс – ақпараттық портал.
4.Снесарев А.Е. Афганские уроки // Российский военный сборник. - М.: ВУ, 2003. – С. 54-61;

5.Қожанов К.Б. ӘОЖ 94(47+420).082./083 Ресей ЖӘНЕ ұлыбритания геосаясатындағыАуғанстан (ХІХ ғасырдың соңы-XX ғасырдың басы)//Электронный научный журнал


Ahmad Wali Ahmad Yar
Student of Kuluevenuniversity, Belgium
Scientific director: Tastemirova G.A.

Refugees and migrants are people who have been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, political and religious persecutions, natural disaster and other humanitarian crisis. The migrants are coming from different backgrounds of various classes of societies with diverse cultures and mindset. When there is interaction between people with differing cultural norms and values, there is a greater chance of misunderstanding, miscommunication and mismanagement if they are not familiar with each other’s culture.

I n the light of this, it would not be surprising if there are disputes or conflicts among emigrants who are living in collective protection centres. Notwithstanding good intentions, the fled refugees of Middle East region are not facing economic problems but of political instability, war and religious factors. Many people from poor African countries embark on the dangerous journey for Europe, in hopes of a better life and to escape poverty while, the migrants from Afghanistan is suffering socio-economic, insecurity and poverty. The problem is that people became truly aware of their own culture only when they come into contact with other cultures especially when they meet people speaking different language and sometimes when they don’t have a common language to speak.
To give an instance, if we consider a migrant who has run away from the hazard of execution from a very rural area of a conflictual country which suffers more than 40 years of war and instability, who lived all his life under strict family rules and believes that women are forbidden to get in touch with men except of her family members, women must be covered and companied by a male family member outside the home otherwise she has to face rough punishment, or a member of society used alcoholic drinks, or someone left prayers and stopped obeying religious elders must be hardly tortured. Now the consequences of arriving of such a personin well-developed societies without oppressive restrictions is clear, in some cases he may think that everything is allowed and the uncovered women are all sinful and are available for everybody to use, also using alcohol is not forbidden and I can get as much as I wish but, in some other cases he is not used to his new society and feels inconvenient among the others.
In the refugee’s protection centre's any kind of problem can raise at any time, such as discords among the people from different races or ethnicities, food, water, sanitation and psychological problems. Mostly, the problemamong the refugees’ starts when they are overwhelmed of doing nothing and one has sense of superiority than the other or different mentalities.
It’s difficult to avoid or fullydominate mentioned problems but there are some solutions which can be helpful in order to decrease the problems in mass communal protection centre's. Mandatory language course and training centre's to keep the individuals busy in learning the local language. Students of different nationalities in one class will be better integrated after finding a common language to speak and communicate. Facilitating sport fields gives them opportunity to make friends while they play in groups or teams. Intercultural awareness and regular meetings organized by centre administration in order to explain them the result of creating problems is also another effective method to avoid mismanagements.

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