Грамматика английского языка

Participle II.) Translate the sentences into Russian

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Lisicina Grammatika angl azika
Lisicina Grammatika angl azika

Participle II.) Translate the sentences into Russian. 
1. I fancied I could hear a baby screaming. (‘a baby screaming’  is  the Objective 
Participial Construction (with Participle I) in the function of a Complex Object.) 
2. She doesn’t want her sister worried. (‘sister worried’ is the Objective Participial 
Construction (with Participle II) in the function of a Complex Object.) 
3. I found myself wondering about what he was going to do. 4. You must get him at-
tended to at once! 5. People who had come on a late train slowed their cars to see the 
Weeds being photographed for their Christmas card. 7. I won’t have you staying in a 
hotel. 8. Jane watched her grandmother and her aunt unpacking her mother’s clothes. 
9. Nothing will surprise her more than to hear this said of her. 10. Glancing over his 

shoulder, he could see the dog chasing him. 11. The moon came fully through a 
cloud, and he was startled as he suddenly saw her face looking at him. 12. His face 
clouded when he heard his name spoken. 13. We heard her walking on the stairs to 
the cellar. 14. I felt myself thrown forward. 15. Just as I got to the end of the corridor, 
I heard my telephone ringing again. 16. We found the safe locked and the papers sto-
len. 17. He felt his irritation mounting. 18. I want the answer sent at once. 19. “I want 
it proved,” he roared. 20. I noticed him working in the garden. 21. I imagined her sit-
ting by the fire-place, alone and in tears. 22. I have my hair cut once a month. 23. For 
the first time she found herself wondering about him. 24. It’s time we set the machi-
nery going. 25. She has her dresses made here. 26. Where did you have your watch 
Exercise 86. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Mark the Russian equi-
valents of the verbs ‘to have’ and ‘to get’ in combination with the Objective Parti-
cipial Construction. 
A. 1. He expects to have her promising to dance at our wedding. 2. The pram had its 
hood folded down. 
детская коляска
 3. He was inclined to get as many 
of his friends invited as he pleased. 4. I couldn’t follow her reasoning. She had me 
puzzled. 5. She got herself invited to all those fashionable houses. 6. Mrs. Jones 
won’t have him teasing the child. 7. We can’t have him messing around. 
B. 1. He wanted to have his shoes reheeled. 2. She had her mail sent to some friend 
of hers, I suppose. 3. The one thing my uncle dislikes most is having the house he is 
holding broken into. 4. You must get your watch fixed. 5. She is going to have her 
dress fitted. 6. The man wished to have his hair trimmed at the whiskers. 7. Mrs. 
Honey will have the ceiling of her room whitewashed. 8. I’ll have this letter typed 
for you. 
Exercise 87. Choose Participle I or Participle II in the Objective Participial Con-
1. I don’t want to see anyone ... (to hurt) 2. Roger gave such a boisterous 
laugh that I saw other people ... towards our table. (to glance) 3. “I won’t 
have anything ... against her,” he said unexpectedly. (to say) 4. Diana had the table ... 
on. (to lay) 5. Edward soon made his views ... (to know) 6. One man had got himself 
... in the accident. (to kill) 7. Light was coming through in the corner room, and he 
could hear a piano ... (to play) 8. I’ll have someone ... on to keep a watch on the 
house. (to put) 9. There are people who would like to see him ... a fair chance. (to 
give) 10. I want a telegram ... at once. (to send) 11. The picture always left me ... sad. 
(to feel) 12. I have often heard it ... (to say) 13. In fact I found myself ... that I would 
have to do something about it immediately. (to think) 14. It was easy to imagine 
Kate ... silent. (to sit) 15. Next morning he got his cheque ... (to cash) 16. Suddenly 
they saw him ... his temper and were uncomfortable. (to lose) 

Exercise 88. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English. 
1. Он вышел и увидал, что машина ждет его. 2. Я слышал, как зазвонил звонок. 
3. Я видел, что подходит мой автобус. 4. Вы не видели, как он брал книги? 5. Я 
видел, как они шли по берегу реки. 
(along the bank of the river)
 6. Я могу себе легко 
представить, что она откажется от этой работы. 7. Я услышал шаги в саду, ко-
торые приближались со стороны бассейна. 8. Как только я увидел, как муха са-
дилась на стол, я сильно ударил ее свернутой газетой. 
(to land on the table; to swat; a 
rolled up newspaper) 
9. Ты слышишь, что ребенок плачет? 10. Откуда ты знаешь, что 
я взял деньги? - Я знаю, потому что видел, как ты их брал. 11. Я никогда не ви-
дел, как вы играете в шахматы. 12. Они наблюдали, как пароход приближается 
к берегу. 13. Я не заметила, что она смотрит на меня. 14. Вы слышите, что я к 
вам обращаюсь? 
15. Было тяжело видеть его побежденным. 
(to see; to defeat)
 16. Я хочу, чтобы моя 
просьба была выполнена. 17. Я не хочу, чтобы этот вопрос обсуждался. 18. Мы 
нашли стекло разбитым. 19. Почему ты оставил дверь незапертой.
(to unlock)
Ей удалили два зуба. 
(to pull out)
 21. Ей выкрасили кухню в светло-зеленый цвет. 
22. Она ушла мерить давление. 
(to test one’s blood pressure)
 23. Вам надо сфотографи-
роваться. 24. Где вы фотографировались? 25. Когда вам настроили пианино? 

The Subjective Participial Construction 
(Субъектный причастный оборот) 
Function: Complex Subject 
or according to another point of view
 – the nominal component is ‘the subject’, the 
verbal component is ‘part of a compound verbal predicate’. 
The Subjective Participial Construction is a construction in which the participle is in 
predicate relation to a noun in the common case or a pronoun in the nominative case. 
In the sentence the  Subjective Participial Construction has the function of a complex 
subject (
or another point of view:
 one component of the construction has the function of 
the subject, the other component is part of a compound verbal predicate.) In Rus-
sian it usually corresponds to a complex sentence. 
He was seen crossing the street. 
Видели, как он переходил улицу.
 (‘He … crossing’  is  the Subjective Participial Construction in the function of a Com-
plex Subject 
or according to another point of view
 – the nominal component ‘He’ is the 
subject, the verbal component ‘saying’ is part of a compound verbal predicate.) 
The door was heard shutting. 
Было слышно, как дверь закрывалась. 
(‘The door … 
 is the Subjective Participial Construction.

But I hear you are constantly seen drunk in the middle of the afternoon. (‘You … 
 is the Subjective Participial Construction.)
►The Subjective Participial Construction 
may be found: 
•  (1) after the verbs denoting sense perception, such as: to see,  to hear, to notice, 
to watch, to observe 
(with Participle I and Participle II ) 
She was seen trying on hats. 
Было видно/видели, как она примеряет шляпы. 
A minute ago he was seen engaged in a lovely conversation with a charming girl.
But I hear you are constantly seen drunk in the middle of the afternoon.
They were heard talking together.
 Было слышно/слышали, как они разговаривают. 
Sometimes she can be heard called Lady. 
Иногда можно услышать, что её называют Леди. 
He went out and was heard laughing in the hall.
She could be observed rather alarmed at what had occurred.
•  (2)
after the verbs to find, to leave, to keep, to catch, to report, to show 

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