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"I hope you remember, reader, the little Adele?"

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"I hope you remember, reader, the little Adele?",
"Dear reader, I married him" etc.
The integrity of the narrative unity of the novel and individual style of the author's text is lost in the translation of 1901.
Regarding the translations of V. Stanevich and I. Gurova, I note that, while maintaining the form of a dialogue with the reader, the style of the addresses themselves differs in the two translations, which somewhat transforms the original intent of the narrative. From my point of view, addressing the reader in the original text suggests a friendly disposition: Jane does not just retell the series of events of her life, but trusts the reader her innermost thoughts and feelings, however, this attitude is not always conveyed by translators:
«…and when I draw up the curtain this time, reader,
you must fancy…» (и когда я подниму занавеску / штору / занавес в этот раз, читатель, ты должен вообразить).
Перевод В.Станевич: «И когда я на этот раз отдерну перед тобой занавес, читатель, вообрази…»
Перевод И. Гуровой: «И когда, читатель, я подниму занавес на этот раз, вы должны вообразить…»
From the example it can be seen that in the translation of V. Stanevich the heroine addresses the reader in a more informal style "reader, imagine", this style of communication creates a confidential tone, the impression of a friendly dialogue is created.
In The text of I. Gurova, on the contrary, the appeal is more official: "reader, you must imagine", thus the translator creates a certain distance between the heroine and the reader, so, the confidential tone is lost, the intimacy of communication is leveled. However, in other episodes of the novel, especially in the final chapters,
the positions of translators change dramatically, and already V.Stanevich's translation acquires a more formal style of dialogue with the reader:

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