Кто знает вас лучше ваш друг или ваша семья?

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.archivetempТемы монологов, диалогов PRE-INERM


  1. Job interview

  2. Hotel reservation

  3. Order food in a restaurant

  4. What are your plans on holiday?

  5. Which of your habits are unhealthy?

  6. Are you a pessimist or an optimist?

  7. City of my dream

1. Собеседование

2. Бронирование гостиницы.
3. Заказ еды в ресторане.
4. Какие у вас планы на отпуск?
5. Какие из ваших привычек вредны для здоровья?
6. Вы пессимист или оптимист?
7. Город моей мечты


  1. Who knows you better – your friend or your family?

  2. Masterpieces of the world known artists.

  3. Your last holiday

  4. The story behind the photo. Google the Internet and choose the photo you really like, tell the story behind this photo.

  5. Airport stories. Google the Internet and find interesting, amazing, funny, sad stories happened to people at the airport.

  6. We are living faster, but are we living better? Compare your life now and 5 years ago. Tell about the changes in your life. Time management in your life.

  7. The city of my dream.

  8. Healthy lifestyle. Your bad or good habit and its influence on your life.

  9. Are you a positive thinker? Why is positive thinking good for you?

  10. How often do you make and break promises?

  1. Кто знает вас лучше - ваш друг или ваша семья?

In my opinion, family is much more important than money, success or fame. After all, parents are the only people who love us the way we are. They will always be on our side, no matter what happens. Friends are also important, but we can never be sure how true they will stay to us in different situations. Sometimes friends can betray. It isn’t easy to find true and faithful friends, but when we do, they stay for a lifetime and become as close as the family.

  1. Шедевры всемирно известных художников.

The Dutch artist Vincent Van Gogh has been a sensitive and reserved child since childhood. In his youth, he spent seven years evaluating and selling paintings at his uncle's firm, where he discovered a passion for drawing. However, commerce and art were incompatible for him. As the son of a priest, he decided to follow in his father's footsteps: he tried three times to receive a theological education, but his heightened sense of beauty and justice did not allow him to get along with people.

  1. Ваш последний отпуск

Last year we went to Balkhash. It wasn’t only a swimming and relaxing holiday. We also went on many excursions, even climbed the mountains. I can say that Balkhash is one of the most fascinating places I’ve ever been to. It offers great opportunities for tourists. The climate is mild, the scenery is nice and there are many interesting historic monuments. The sea was also great. We really enjoyed our stay in Balkhash. There is a good chance that we’ll visit it again this year.

  1. История фото. Погуглите в Интернете и выберите фото, которое вам действительно нравится, расскажите историю, которая стоит за этим фото.

  2. Аэропортовые рассказы. Погуглите в Интернете и найдите интересные, удивительные, забавные, печальные истории, произошедшие с людьми в аэропорту.

  3. Мы живем быстрее, но живем ли мы лучше? Сравните свою жизнь сейчас и 5 лет назад. Расскажите об изменениях в вашей жизни. Тайм-менеджмент в вашей жизни.

  4. Город моей мечты.

  5. Здоровый образ жизни. Ваша плохая или хорошая привычка и ее влияние на вашу жизнь.

  6. Вы мыслите позитивно? Почему позитивное мышление полезно для вас?

  7. Как часто вы даете обещания и нарушаете их?

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