Курстық ЖҰмыс орта мектепте ағылшын тілін тиімді оқыту жолдары. Мамандық атауы: 0111000 «Негізгі орта білім беру»

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Сабур Жанар Ак-42 курссовая


  • Surfing

    Surfing is unusual and difficult, it’s more an art than a sport. It’s not one of the sports where you meet your friends or you may depend on their help. In surfing you are absolutely on your own with something very fast and complicated*. A great number of people don’t understand this sport. For them surfing is climbing a board and riding a wave into the beach. In fact, one fights with a wave and controls it. To achieve this control one needs some special techniques. You should be able to turn at a proper angle**, to slow down, etc. It is important to move around the board, to use your body weight to make the board work for you. All the time you should face the wave thinking over what you are going to do next. Speed*** is the most exciting thing in surfing. In the fastest part of the wave the board moves at nearly 45 kilometres an hour. Nowadays surfboards are light and made of modern materials. They are different from old long, narrow and heavy boards of the past when Captain Cook first saw them in Hawaii in 1778.
    1. In surfing you ____ your friends.
    a) meet b) don’t meet c) sometimes meet
    2. _______ understands surfing.
    a) everyone b) every child c) not everyone

    1. 3. You need special techniques to _____the wave.

    2. a) control b) stop c) turn

    3. 4. A surfboard rider uses his ____ to ride waves.

    4. a) hands b) shoulders c) body weight

    5. 5. In surfing speed is ______.

    6. a) exciting b) dangerous c) unpleasant

    7. 6. The original surfboards were used by _____.

    8. a) Captain Cook b) individuals c) Hawaiians

    9. 7. Surfing is a sport for _____.

    10. a) individuals b) companies c) friends

    3. Жазылым
    Daily life and shopping эссе жазу

    1. Айтылым

    Сабақта Интернеттен алынған əндермен қоса, əн туралы қызғылықты қысқаша деректер, əннің нотасын жəне фразаларды қолдануға болады. Əннің мəтінін қағазға шығарып оқушыларға таратып беру керек. Мысалы: «Twinkle, twinkle little star», «If you`re happy», «Spring is green» т.б. (3-кесте) [8; 43].
    Кесте № 3. «Spring is green» əнін толықтыру: [http://lingualeo.com/]
    is green, spring is
    is bright. Summer is 
    is yellow autumn, is
    is white. Winter is

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