Маслова А. М., Вайнштейн И., Плебейская ji. С

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Английския язык для студентов-медиков

We are here. All know us. All know our work.
You are here. All know you. All know your work.
They are here. All know them. All know their work.
1. Как называются местоимения в каждой колонке? 2. На какие воп­росы они отвечают и какими членами предложения являются?

  1. Переведите данные в скобках местоимения:

1.1 see (его) and (его) sister. 2. We know (их) and (их) children. 2. She teaches (нам) Biology. 4. (Наш) Institute is in Kirov street. 5. He likes (свою) work. 6.1 see a car. I see (ее) well. (Ее) colour is black. 7. Do you know (ее) and (ее) brothers? 8. He meets (меня) every day.

  1. Прочтите текст В; а) озаглавьте его; б) перепишите 4-й абзац и разбейте предложения на смысловые группы; в) выпишите из текста на­звания учебных предметов.

Text В
The 1st Moscow Medical Institute was founded in 1764. Now it has over 70 departments. As in all Soviet medical institutes, the course of studies is six years. During this period the students master (овладевают) the basis of theoret­ical and practical medicine.
For two years the students learn the so-called pre-clinical subjects,1 such as Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Human Anatomy, Histology and others.
The students have clinical subjects from the third to the fifth year. During the three-years' period the students learn to diagnose different diseases, to carry out laboratory analyses and to treat people for these diseases.
At the end of the third year all the students have a six-weeks' practical training. During this period they work as nurses. After their 4th year the students have another practical training. It lasts for eight weeks. During the second practical training they work as doctors' assistants at the therapeutic, surgical and other departments. After the 5th year the students have a six-weeks' practical training at a polyclinic. So in five years2 the students gain the knowledge necessary for a general practitioner3.
In the 6th year the students gain more experience in one of the three main clinical subjects: Therapy, Surgery or Obstetrics.
When the students complete subinternship4 they get their work appointment. But before they begin to work at the place of their appointment they work as interns5 at a large hospital.
Such a system when a young doctor specializes for two years in one field of medicine helps to prepare necessary specialists.

    1. the so-called pre-clinical subjects—так называемые доклинические предметы (теоретические)

    2. in five years—через пять лет. Предлог in в значении через употребляется с существтельиыми, обозначающими период времени.

    3. a general practitioaer — врач общего профиля, практикующий врач

    4. subinternship — субординатура (врачебная практика студентов 6 курса)

    5. an intern — интерн, молодой врач-стажер

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