Методическое пособие по английскому языку для студентов 4 курса, обучающихся по программе бакалавриата

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пособие для 4 курса

3Choose either lastly or at last to complete each of these sentences.

  1. After several months of negotiations, the two sides have________________ reached agreement.

  2. First, we shall consider the causes of the war, then we shall look at the events of the war and,____________________we shall discuss the consequences of the war.

  3. She decided not to apply to Melbourne University. First and foremost, her marks were not likely to be good enough but also her parents did not want her to apply there. ________________, none of her friends were considering going there.

  4. My brother was very relieved when,__________________, he finished writing his dissertation.

  5. Many congratulations on having reached the final unit of this book______________________.

4 What can you learn about the difference between the expressions in the end and at the end from these two sentences? Use a dictionary if necessary.

  1. In the end, the government realised that the tax law had been a mistake and abolished it.

  2. At the end of the book, Tao states that privatisation of public services is the solution.

5 Correct the six errors in this paragraph.
This paragraph is a precise of Academic Vocabulary in Use. To sum, the book provides 50 units covering key aspects of academic vocabulary. Stated brief, each unit has tempted to present and practise the words that all students need. The overalls aim of the book is to help students not only to understand but also to use academic vocabulary. In bringing the book to a closure, we hope we have helped you and wish you success in your future academic studies.

Metaphors and Idioms
A metaphor is a way of using language which describes something by indirectly comparing it to something else with similar characteristics. For example, you might say an academic 'attacks' or 'demolishes' someone's theory or argument, just as an army can attack an enemy or workers can demolish a building. If a metaphor is used so often that the original force of the comparison is lost then it may be called an idiom. For example, people often use the idiom 'I'm snowed under with work at the moment'. Originally this was a metaphor based on the idea of a great deal of work having the characteristics of 'snow' (deep, overwhelming everything else and making movement difficult). However, this expression has been used so frequently that it no longer gives people a mental picture of snow.

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