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Royal Italian 
on 6 April 1847 with a performance of Rossini's 
In 1852, Louis Antoine Jullien the French eccentric composer of light 
music and conductor presented an opera of his own composition, 
Pietro il 
. Five performances were given of the 'spectacular', including live 
horses on the stage and very loud music. Critics considered it a complete 
failure and Jullien was ruined and fled to America.
Costa and his successors 
presented all operas in Italian, even those originally written in French
German or English, until 1892, when Gustav Mahler presented the debut of 
Wagner's Ring cycle. The word "Italian" was then quietly dropped from the 
name of the opera house.
On 5 March 1856, the theatre was again destroyed by fire. Work on the 
third theatre, designed by Edward Middleton Barry, started in 1857 and the 
new building, which still remains as the nucleus of the present theatre, was 
built by Lucas Brothers
and opened on 15 May 1858 with a performance 
of Meyerbeer's 
Les Huguenots

The Royal English Opera company under the management of Louisa 
Pyne and William Harrison, made their last performance at Theatre Royal, 
Drury Lane on 11 December 1858 and took up residence at the theatre on 20 
December 1858 with a performance of Michael Balfe's 
continued at the theatre until 1864. 

The theatre became the 
Royal Opera House
(ROH) in 1892, and the 
number of French and German works offered increased. Winter and summer 
seasons of opera and ballet were given, and the building was also used for 
pantomime, recitals and political meetings. 
During the First World War, the theatre was requisitioned by the 
Ministry of Works for use as a furniture repository. 
From 1934 to 1936, Geoffrey Toye was Managing Director, working 
alongside the Artistic Director, Sir Thomas Beecham. Despite early successes, 
Toye and Beecham eventually fell out, and Toye resigned.
During the Second World War the ROH became a dance hall. There 
was a possibility that it would remain so after the war but, following lengthy 
negotiations, the music publishersBoosey & Hawkes acquired the lease of the 
building. David Webster was appointed General Administrator, and Sadler's 
Wells Ballet was invited to become the resident ballet company. The Covent 
Garden Opera Trust was created and laid out plans "to establish Covent 
Garden as the national centre of opera and ballet, employing British artists in 
all departments, wherever that is consistent with the maintenance of the best 
possible standards ..."
The Royal Opera House reopened on 20 February 1946 with a 
performance of 
The Sleeping Beauty
 in an extravagant new production 
designed by Oliver Messel. Webster, with his music director Karl Rankl
immediately began to build a resident company. In December 1946, they 
shared their first production, Purcell's 
The Fairy-Queen
, with the ballet 
company. On 14 January 1947, the Covent Garden Opera Company gave its 
first performance of Bizet's 

Before the grand opening, the Royal Opera House presented one of the 
Robert Mayer Children's concerts on Saturday, 9 February 1946. 

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