Оқыту әдістемелік кешені «Speech communication»

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Theme 13. Global problems of the contemporary world.

Comment on an eminent Belgian philosopher Eugene Dupreel's quo­tation:

"Population growth is necessary to prosperity and power...An in­crease in the number of people is one of the principal causes of social development, civilization, and progress, indeed the original and univer­sal cause" (Eugene Duprcel, Deux essais sur lc progres. Bruxelles: Mau­rice Eamcrtin p. 138)

In pairs discuss the questions:

  1. What global problems can you name?

  2. Can you give any statistic data?

  3. Is it possible to eliminate them?

  4. What's the FAO? And what are the principal functions of it?

tion on the situations of migrants is a pre-requisilc lor (he develop ment of such policies. Migration and integration policies have I he potential for maximum positive impact if they are coordinated not only at the local and national levels but also internationally. Il would also be of benefit if all stakeholders, including the immigrant groups themselves participate in the conception, implementation and mom toring of the relevant policies.
UNECE area, the population of the United States is not expected to decline at all in the long ran but to continue to increase, indeed at an impressive rate. The populations of Europe as a whole as compared to the United States, are thus on divergent paths. This disparity in growth between the United States and Europe has excited financial journal­ists who see much economic and geopolitical significance in the fu­ture demographic disparities between even an expanded EU, and a United States continuing to grow to 500 million and beyond. Both, however, face similar pressures from their neighbours. Polulation Chal­lenges and Policy Responses. United Nations. New York and Geneva, 2005

The FAO study, World Agriculture, towards 2010, predicts that by that year the number of chronically undernourished people in sub-sa-haran Africa may reach 300 million, (from FAO at glance)

Әдебиет тізімі:
1. Е.Б. Ястребова , Л.Г. Владыкина, М.В. Ермакова «Курс английского языка для студентов языковых вузов»

2. Айбарша Ислам «Английский язык»

3. Зражевская «Курс английского языка»
Theme 14. Demographic changes. Poverty and hunger.
Курстың мақсаты ; студенттерді ауызша сөйлеу қабілетін дамыту. студенттерге алған білімдерін жүзінде қолдану үшін кәсіби мен дағдыларға төселдіруге көмектесу.

TASK 10. Watch the video on FAO's programme of "Ensuring man kind's freedom from hunger " and discuss it with a partner. For addi tional information refer to the Appendix (p. 122).

TASK 11. Make up a dialogue with your partner on the following, situations:

  1. Develop a talk with your partner on the theme "Immigration: Is il a problem?" trying to prove that immigrants usually become education and welfare burdens.

  2. Interview a representative from the UN office on the importance of fighting poverty: make life better for the poor and for those who still live in poverty and govern wisely the UN aids.

TASK 12. Do analysis on G8 Summit (July,2005) on Fighting pro­gramme with hunger.

TASK 13. Study the table and comment on it covering the following


  1. What is the significance of the numbers showed?

  2. Should these indexes be regarded with satisfaction or with alarm/ indifference?

  3. Find out the basic factors of such demographic changes.

Russia and the Central Asian Republics: projection 1990—2050

Russian Federation —o— Central Asian Republics

TASK 14. Using the universally accepted formulas (See appendix p. 139) do statistic analysis on birth, migration rates of a country. (See appendix p. 142)

TASK 15. Analyze poverty line of a country, compare to other coun­tries, define the factors and suggest your own solution.

TASK 16. a) In group of 3 or 4 prepare for the seminar by first of all discussing your answer to these questions:

  1. Is immigration the only solution to demographic problem?

  2. What is the necessity of immigration?

  3. The "green card" scheme is introduced to induce highly skilled workers from other countries.

  4. Family policy is the paramount instrument for population develop­ment.

5. Do you think that the pension reform will be a solution to the
demographic changes.

b) Take part in the seminar.


TASK 17. Arrange a debate on suggested issues:

  1. Population ageing is not a consequence of a failure of migration.

  2. Can population ageing be "solved" by fertility?

  3. What kind of favourable impact does immigration have?

  4. Will "oralmans" change the demographic situation in Kazakhstan?

  5. Comment on: "To be a refugee is to live at the margins of society, excluded from political or social importance. The man or woman who is a refugee many one time have been important, once enjoyed a role in life. In a camp of displaced people, teach one is a former something: a former housewife, doctor, farmer, minister of state. Each is a person in waiting, dependent on another's decisions."

Әдебиет тізімі:
1. Е.Б. Ястребова , Л.Г. Владыкина, М.В. Ермакова «Курс английского языка для студентов языковых вузов»

2. Айбарша Ислам «Английский язык»

3. Зражевская «Курс английского языка»

Theme 15. Environmental politics.
Курстың мақсаты ; студенттерді ауызша сөйлеу қабілетін дамыту. студенттерге алған білімдерін жүзінде қолдану үшін кәсіби мен дағдыларға төселдіруге көмектесу.

Comment on: The Earth is one but the world is not. We all depend on one biosphere for sustaining our lives. Get each community, each coun­try, strives lor survival and prosperity with little regard for its impact.

(Our Common Future, Report of the World Commission on i'nvironment and Development. Oxford UN Press, 1987, p. 27)

In small groups, talk about the topics below:

  1. Do you think that an ecological catastrophe is human-made or natural process?

  2. Does the ecological disaster have frontier?

  3. Is it possible to stop, prognosticate or prevent the ecological catas­trophe?

  4. What is the connection of the eco-disaster and international rela­tions?

Read the extracts and express your own idea.

The 1972 Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm, Sweden, the first truly international conference exclusively devoted to environ- mental issues, attended by 113 states and representatives from 19 inter- national organizations. The theme "Only One Earth" dra­matized inter- nationally for the first time the growing gravity and scale of global environmental problems ranging from population growth to outer space pollution. The second major international meeting, the 1992 Conference on Environment and Development, popularly called the "Earth Summit" and held in Rio de Janeiro, was attended by an even larger international delegation comprised of representatives from 179 states, including 116 heads of state. The new conference theme, "Our Last Chance to Save the Earth," invoked the growing sense of urgency about global environmental degradation that characterized the meeting, which focused special attention on the environmental concerns of developing countries. In the 1997 Kyoto Protocol on Cli­mate Change (Kyoto, Japan) emissions targets for greenhouse gas re­duction were incorporated.

Global warming is real and needs toT5e addressed now. Kath^TftarT bash or mourn the defunct Kyoto Protocol, we should start taking the small steps to reduce carbon dioxide emissions today that can make a big difference down the road. The private sector already understand', this, and its efforts will be crucial in improving fossil fuel elhciem v and developing alternative sources of energy. To harness business p<> tential, however, governments in the developed world must cieaie incentives, improve scientific research, and forge international pail nerships.
The Aral Sea is considered to be one of the most extensive human made ecological catastrophes in modern time. Unsustainable walci use and heavy pollution have led to ecological and socio-economic disruptions. The Aral Sea has shrunken to less than half of its si/.c before i960. The water loss has been caused by large-scale dams and irrigation systems constructed to meet the demands from the in­creasing cotton production in the region. Water has also been with­drawn from the Aral Sea Basin for industrial needs. An increased salinization of the sea has occurred and the south part of the sea is now considered dead. The fish industry has declined, the former sea bottom is exposed to wind erosion. Frequent dust storms are com­mon. Large quantities of previously fertile agricultural land are now covered with salt and sand. Ground water levels have dropped and the salt concentration in the drinking water has increased, (from Resolution for international recognition of the severe human health consequences from the ecological and socio-economic crises in the Aral Sea Region)


TASK 1. Now read the text, if necessary refer to the Appendix for the glossary of specific chemical terms (p. 130). Find out the answers to the following questions.

  1. What is the threat of air pollution?

  2. What is the affect of "killer smog" in London, 1952?

  3. What types of smog are mentioned in the text?

  4. What are their peculiarities? Text 1.

How Air Pollution Endangers Our Health Air pollution poses its most immediate threats to the respiratory sys tem, but over time it can also harm other parts of the body, including the brain and the heart. The principal contaminants responsible for air pol lution are sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, hydrocar­bons, and particulate matter. Individuals vary considerably in their sus­ceptibility to unclean air. Those with heart disease and those with respi­ratory ailments such as asthma, bronchitis, and emphysema are likely to feel the effects of air pollution. But even those who do not have heart disease or respiratory illnesses may be affected by air pollution to some degree. The acute smog episodes are rare, they can be deadly. Twenty people died and thousands fell ill during a smog alert in Donora, Penn­sylvania, in 1948; and more than 4,000 people succumbed to London's "killer smog' of 1952. Motor-vehicle emissions are now the leading cause of smog, but geography and climate affect the degree to which smog will blanket a given area. There are actually two types of smog; the London type and the Los Angeles type. The London variety, blamed for thou­sands of deaths in Europe and the eastern United States, is more cor­rectly termed sulfur-dioxide smog. It is caused by the burning of fossil fuels (primarily coal with high sulfur content). Reduction of the use of high-sulfur fuels has significantly decreased the occurrence of London-type smog. Los Angeles-type smog, more properly called photochemical smog, results when there is temperature inversion, when cool ocean air slips in under a layer of warmer air and becomes trapped, along with exhaust emissions from automobiles. This type of smog occurs in areas with poor air circulation (valleys, for example), especially those where there is sunny weather and low humidity.

TASK 2. Read the text, guess the meaning of the words in italics from the context. Study the EPA (the USA) major responsibilities and analyze them, then describe similar organizations in other countries:

Text 2.

Major Responsibilities of the EPA

In the area of air quality, the EPA:

  • Establishes national air quality standards.

  • Sets limits on the level of air pollutants emitted from stationary sources such as power plants, municipal incinerators, factories, and chem­ical plants.

  • Establishes emission standards for new motor vehicles.

  • Supervises states in their development of clean air plans etc. In the area of water quality and protection, the EPA:

  • Issues permits for the discharge of any pollutant into navigable waters.

  • Develops "effluent guidelines" to control discharge of specific wa­ter pollutants, including radiation.

  • Develops criteria that enable states to set water quality standards.

  • Sets national drinking water standards to ensure that drinking water is safe.

• With the Coast Guard, coordinates cleanup of oil and < hemu spills into U.S. waterways etc.

To control the disposal of hazardous waste, the EPA:

  • Maintains inventory of existing hazardous waste dump sites.

  • Issues permits for treatment, storage, and disposal facilities lor haz­ardous wastes.

  • Assists states in developing hazardous waste control programs.

  • Maintains a multibillion-dollar fund ("Supcrfund") from iiulusliv fees and general tax revenues to provide for emergency cleanup ot ha/ ardous dumps when no responsible party can immediately be found etc

To regulate chemicals, including pesticides and radioactive waste, the EPA:

  • Maintains inventory of chemical substances now in commercial use

  • Issues procedures for the proper safety testing of chemicals and orders them tested when necessary.

  • Requires the registration of insecticides, herbicides, or fungicides intended for sale in the United States.

  • Requires pesticide manufacturers to provide scientific evidence that their products will not injure humans, live-stock, crops, or wildlife when used as directed.

  • Sets standards for certification of applicators of restricted-use pesti­cides. (Individual states may certify applicators through their own pro­grams based on the federal standards.)

  • Issues regulations concerning the labeling, storage, and disposal of pesticide containers.

  • Monitors pesticide levels in the environment.

  • Monitors and regulates the levels of radiation in drinking water, oceans, rainfall, and air.

  • Conducts research on toxic substances, pesticides, air and water quality, hazardous wastes, radiation, and the causes and effects of acid rain.

  • Sets noise levels that are acceptable for construction equipment, transportation equipment (except aircraft), all motors and engines, and electronic equipment etc.


  1. Why does the government (of any country) always try to reduce the environmental protection organization's discretion?

  2. Do you think that environmental protection organizations are able to stop or ban the abusing of the Earth?

  3. Are radical environmentalism's "direct action" tactics, including the street politics of civil disobedience, nonviolent demonstrations and political obstruction efficient?

Әдебиет тізімі.

Е.Б. Ястребова , Л.Г. Владыкина, М.В. Ермакова «Курс английского языка для студентов языковых вузов»

Айбарша Ислам «Английский язык»

Зражевская «Курс английского языка»

СӨЖ жопары.

СӨЖ тақырыбы.

Орындалу түрі

Тапсыру мерзімі

Сағат саны




1 week





3 week



Healthy living


5 week



Men and women


9 week



Getting a job


10 week



Environmental politics


11 week



Demographic changes


12 week



Human right protection


13 week



The global village


14 week



Poverty and hunger


15 week


Әдебиет тізімі.

Е.Б. Ястребова , Л.Г. Владыкина, М.В. Ермакова «Курс английского языка для студентов языковых вузов»

Айбарша Ислам «Английский язык»

Зражевская «Курс английского языка»
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umkd -> Қазақстан Республикасының
umkd -> Студенттерге арналған оқу әдістемелік кешені
umkd -> ПӘннің ОҚУ Әдістемелік кешені 5В011700 «Қазақ тілі мен әдебиеті» мамандығына арналған «Ұлы отан соғысы және соғыстан кейінгі жылдардағы қазақ әдебиетінің тарихы (1941-1960)» пәнінен ОҚытушыға арналған пән бағдарламасы
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