Issn 2072-0297 Молодой учёный

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«Молодой учёный»  
  № 8 (112)  
Апрель, 2016  г.
a variety of language work and communication activities. 
Realia also make learning process more enjoyable.
Realia is a term for any real, concrete object used in the 
classroom to create connections with vocabulary words, 
stimulate conversation, and build background knowledge. 
Realia gives students the opportunity to use all of their sense 
to learn about a given subject, and it is appropriate for any 
grade or skill level. When the real object is not available or 
impractical, teacher can use models or semi-concrete ob-
jects, such as photograph, illustrations, and artwork. Based 
on the explanation above, the writer concluded that Realia is 
one of media in teaching learning process, it is a real thing 
that can see, hear or touch directly. It makes students more 
interesting and easy to understand the lesson.  [3]
Realia, authentic documents, and mass media are living 
daily proof of the value of language. Their authenticity, spe-
cialized vocabulary, reinforced grammatical structures, and 
topics of interest can help encourage interest in the target 
language and culture. They contain current language on all 
imaginable topics, and are not artificial or contrived. One of 
the most compelling reasons for using them is the teacher»s 
involvement in selecting and adapting materials for class-
room use. Mass media can help to dispel stereotypes. Realia 
such as maps and schedules often contain a minimum of lan-
guage and reduce potential frustration: other kinds of Realia 
lend themselves well to demonstration. Educators differ on 
whether the materials should be used in their original in an 
adapted form. The instructor can prepare written materials 
to accompany the Realia, and can easily prepare audiovi-
sual aids with it. One of the key advantages in using Realia 
is its direct link to culture, allowing attention to subtle and 
not-so-subtle differences between the target culture and our 
own. Newspapers, magazines, movie aids, mail-order cata-
logs, television commercials, the Yellow Pages, and souve-
nirs and other printed materials gathered in travel abroad or 
requested from other sources are examples of useful Realia.
Realia refer to real objects. Indeed authentic materials 
such as newspapers, magazines, catalogs, timetables, films 
designed for use in real life situations not for use as instruc-
tional tools. Realia and other authentic materials, including 
non-print mass media provide with range of printed and 
spoken messages that can be used as primary or secondary 
material in a foreign language classroom)
Realia is actual objects and items which are brought into 
the classroom as examples or as aids to be talked or written 
about and used in teaching.  [4]
Based on the definition above we can say that Realia is 
one of visual authentic material which can be touched and 
seen to serve to facilitate for teaching to understand real life 
situations. Bringing Realia into English lessons is great ice-
breaker and serves as a useful tool to prompt conversation. 
It also takes some of the attention and pressure off you by 
concentrating the students» mind on the object and word in 
Many students have had bad experiences learning Eng-
lish at school, often remember their English lessons as being 
dull and repetitive. Using Realia and other visual aids will 
generate interest and help create an atmosphere conductive 
to learning.
To bring real life into the classroom we may teach a subject 
with flashcards or picture. However, if we bring realia students 
will be surprised and thrilled and will never forget this lesson. 
This is what the use of realia in the classroom is all about: 
the use of real life objects that students can touch, feel, and 
even smell to effectively teach ESL components..  [1] Using 
Realia in the ESP classroom serves to foster a more creative 
and active teaching-learning environment and promotes cul-
tural understanding. Realia refers to the practice of using real, 
tangible things in the classroom to help our students connect 
with English on a different level. It involves visual, tactile and 
functional methods for teaching ideas, concepts, vocabulary 
or grammar. There are many ways to use Realia in teaching 
learning. In education, Realia include objects used by teacher 
to improve students» understanding of other cultures and real 
life situations. A teacher of a foreign language often employs 
Realia to strengthen students» associations between words 
for everyday objects and the objects themselves. There are 
many ways to use Realia, because it is useful for any topic of 
English lesson, however teachers can improve their creativity 
in teaching their students using Realia.
Actually, Realia is appropriate for any level of students, 
for beginner until advanced. This might be attributed to the 
fact that at this level, most students master a wide range of 
vocabulary in the target language and all of the structures. 
They also note that at lower levels, the use of authentic mate-
rials may cause students to feel de-motivated and frustrated 
since they lack many lexical items and structures used in the 
target language. Matsuata (n. d.) states that the use of au-
thentic materials is a burden for the instructors teaching be-
ginning students as they have to spend a lot of time to pre-
pare for authentic materials regarding the ability level of the 
students.  [5] Do all these mean we are not able to use au-
thentic materials in lower-level classes apart from post-inter-
mediate and advanced levels?
According to the findings of the survey carried out by 
Chavez (1998), learners enjoy dealing with authentic ma-
terials since they enable them to interact with the real lan-
guage and its use. Also they do not consider authentic situ-
ations or materials innately difficult. However, learners state 
that they need pedagogical support especially in listening sit-
uations and when reading literary texts such as the provision 
of a full range of cues (auditory and visual including written 
language). There were many teachers have used Realia in 
teaching learning process. Here some examples the use of 
Realia in the classroom:
1)  to illustrate and teach young learners vocabulary for 
animals, clothing, and fruit for example, using actual objects 
or facsimiles there of (pieces of clothing, toy animals, and 
plastic fruit). For transition period, it»s a very useful tool in 
making the abstract concrete.
2)  bring in a number of objects from everyday life, such 
as fruit, utensils or articles of clothing. Sitting in a circle, 

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