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тасболатова 249-256 страницы, 2022

: specifics language, direct interaction, discourse 
text, speech tools, advertising, speech use. 
Nowadays, every day information flows expand their 
boundaries, acquire a special role in the constant search for a market 
new effective means of influencing the masses. Linguists are faced 
with the issues of studying the effectiveness of media discourse texts, 
as well as the search for the interaction of the use of speech means 
and the result of their use in the course of advertising activities. The 
specifics of the language mass media, its constant development and 
change due to direct interaction with society is the subject of 
constant scientific research by linguists, historians, cultural scientists, 
psychologists and sociologists. Nowadays, newspaper, magazine, 
Internet articles, «posts» being the subject of study, give us the 
opportunity to form a certain idea of the time and era. «The dynamic 

development of traditional media: print, radio, television, the 
emergence of new computer information technologies, the 
globalization of the world information space has a huge impact on 
[Dobrosklonskaya T.G., 2008, 3]. 
The texts of mass media become the object of study, due to the 
fact that the sphere of mass communication – radio, television, 
newspapers, magazines, including the World Wide Web – the 
Internet carry the main volume of speech use, which exceeds the 
total volume of discursive practice in other spheres of human life. At 
the same time, the texts produced and transmitted daily through the 
media channels continues to constantly increase. 
An important characteristic of the new information society is 
its global nature. The new information community modernizes the 
ways and methods of information exchange, sets new requirements, 
blurs national borders and barriers, radically changes the structure of 
the world information space, intensively affects the homogenization 
of people's worldview and human values, the universalization of 
culture and cultural models, increases dynamism and exacerbates the 
demand for information services, and makes its own changes in the 
telecommunications market of Kazakhstan. Miroshnikov M. notes 
the fact that the Republic of Kazakhstan has a great potential for the 
development of telecommunications [Miroshnikov M., 2001]. Thus, 
according to the results of research, it is indicated that rapid 
development creates prerequisites for the development of satellite 
TV, broadband telecommunications networks. Currently, there are 
two major players in the cable TV market in the country – «Alma-
TV» (14 cities of Kazakhstan) and «Icon». 
The situation in the modern media space of Kazakhstan is 
characterized by the influence of two external factors, namely, from 
Russia and Uzbekistan, respectively, the information fields are based 
on the Russian-language and Kazakh-language fields, to a large 
extent are formed by the Russian mass media. Currently, more 
Russian printed publications are sold in Kazakhstan than in 
Mass editions of the «yellow press» and the appearance of 
«electronic yellow newspapers» determine the differentiation of 
mass media in periodicals, among which one can cite the example of 

the republican newspaper «Karavan» (in Russian) and the regional 
newspaper «Zamana» (in Kazakh), «Navigator», the opposition 
character «Epoch», «Ak Zhol – Kazakhstan», «Time», «Zhas 
«Exclusive», «World of Eurasia», «Kazakhstan», «Almaty 
akshamy», «Evening Almaty» and others. The domestic regional 
market is represented by the TV channels «KTK, «Channel 31», 
«Rakhat TV», «Astana City Television» and others. The leaders in 
the number of active mass media in the republic are the cities of 
Almaty, Astana, South Kazakhstan region, Karaganda region and 
East Kazakhstan region. At the same time, the vast majority of media 
outlets are non – state. 
Nowadays, there is a trend in the media of a sharp increase in 
information flows, the emergence of independent media, media 
organizations, electronic newspapers, Web publications, which 
indicates the formation of new markets for information services. 
As a process of directed information transmission, mass media 
is understood as a rigidly focused on obtaining an adequate effect, 
integrated with a visual complex (a sign or a visual image), a 
discourse that affects the mass or individual consciousness. The 
individual (as a consumer and as a producer) tends to visualize 
communication; he has a need for observation rather than reading 
(G.Debord, M. McLuhan, J.J. McLuhan). Baudrillard), which causes 
an attempt to build an interactive model of discourse, the main 
principle of which is interaction in the conditions of the cultural and 
social sphere (E.Goffman, D.Schiffrin). The interactive model is 
based on the direction of identifying the «mechanism» for 
demonstrating meanings and transmitting them to the recipient 
through communication channels, in other words, to determine the 
presentation essence of the discourse as a whole [Sheigal E.I., 2000, 
29-34]. Mass communication media provide the specified 
presentation of the entity, making it accessible to its cognitive 
activity. The language of the media, being a tool for the 
virtualization of reality, forms its own system of concepts, while the 
discourse is a space for the implementation of these concepts. It is 
important to identify the 
way of conceptualization and 
implementation of the concept in the discourse. 
The concept, actualizing and objectifying itself in its mental 

(thinking), objective (practice) and sign (semiosis), is the initial ideal 
base for generating actual meanings and pictures of those ideal 
worlds that are built by thinking and expressed in the language of 
speech [Vorobyova O.L., 2004]. Such an understanding of the 
concept makes it possible to build the language of the media as an 
initiator and participant of the information process. All the 
influencing power of language is directed to changing the mental 
framework of society, using the widest logical and semiotic 
possibilities inherent in the language [Golanova E.I., 2000, 83-86]. 
This fact is confirmed by quantitative indicators in research, 
for example, the growing number of television channels (more than 
160 television channels from different countries are shown in the 
vast expanses of Kazakhstan), their further specialization channels 
mainly news (for example, CNN–Cable News Network), 
entertainment (MTV), sports (Eurosport), educational (Discovery 
Channel), music, etc. is proposed: There are new radio stations, new 
newspapers and magazines, designed both for a wide audience and to 
meet the interests of a wide variety of age, professional and social 
groups. Communication on the World Wide Web makes a huge 
contribution to the constant expansion of the mass media discourse. 
The spread of online versions of printed publications, the emergence 
of online publications-all this contributes to an increase in the total 
number of texts functioning in the global information space, which is 
considered by researchers as a special sphere of speech consumption, 
which has its own characteristics and features [Dobrosklonskaya 
T.G., 2008, 6]. 
In order to denote this virtual, all-pervading phenomenon 
which has no territorial borders and tangible barriers, a whole set of 
terms and concepts: information space, information environment, 
information field, media environment, media linguistics, info sphere 
is used. Thus, speaking about the role of mass media in the 
discursive practice of language processes, it is necessary to 
emphasize that we mean not so much changes caused by the 
introduction of new information technologies, but rather qualitative 
transformations in the general linguistic and cultural situation. As 
noted in various works, «media linguistics is engaged in the study of 
a certain sphere of speech consumption – the language of mass 
media» [Dobrosklonskaya T.G., 2008, 35]. 

The study at the interlinguistic level dynamics of discourse 
and the role of the media in this process involves the consideration of 
the mechanisms of interaction of languages, namely, the ways of 
borrowing lexical units, the mutual influence of broadcasting styles. 
An example is the fact that the dominant influence of the English 
language on the world information space is clearly visible in the 
analysis of the media discourse of advertising. If we take into 
account the geopolitical location and historical background, the 
Kazakh media is more committed to the influence of the Russian 
media discourse. 
The intra-linguistic study of the role of mass media draws our 
attention to the functioning of language within a single linguistic and 
cultural area, where, first of all, the following linguistic processes 
can be distinguished:
1) the tendency to blur clear style boundaries; 
2) dissemination of the norms of conversational style in the 
basic body of the media language (news, information analytics, 
3) replication of erroneous speech usage (incorrect accent, 
grammatical errors, incorrect compatibility); 
4) reduction of the speech norm due to the use of jargon, 
profanity, etc. in the media [Dobrosklonskaya T.G., 2008, 14]. 
Emphasizing these trends, T.G. Dobrosklonskaya notes: «The 
main types of media texts-news, information analytics (comment and 
analysis), journalism (features) and advertising, being in constant 
interaction and close temporal and spatial proximity (journalism and 
information-analytical programs are interrupted by advertising, news 
is adjacent to commentary, etc.), naturally influence each other. 
Sometimes this leads to the emergence of new genre-stylistic hybrids 
(infomercial). The inclusion of entertainment or advertising 
components in news materials is dictated by the same key desire of 
mass communication – to attract as large an audience as possible 
[Dobrosklonskaya T.G., 2008, 15]. Also, the author of the famous 
book «Live Russian Speech from the TV screen» O.A. Lapteva 
writes: «The influence of sounding mass media on language 
processes is difficult to overestimate. The language of the press and 
the sounding mass media is less and less connected with the book-

written type of literary language. Information and official television 
speech experience a huge impact of the oral-speech element, there is 
an uncontrolled mixing of book-written and oral-spoken speech 
features, which contributes to a general decrease in speech culture» 
[Lapteva O.A., 2000, 3]. 
Leading scientists who have considered the discourse in the 
media note that it has huge opportunities, as well as a huge influence 
on the masses when understanding the specifics of the presentation 
of the material. In particular, it is noted that the result of this kind of 
communicative integration is the interpenetration of texts into each 
other, which is expressed in the borrowing of individual fragments or 
features of other texts.
The multiplicity of theories describing the media phenomenon, 
its multidimensional nature, forms a variety of concepts, theories and 
judgments, which leads to a lack of rigor in the formulation, the 
presence of contradictions and inconsistencies with each other. The 
observed trend of shifting the research pole to the problems of 
speech influence, their linguistic and paralinguistic capabilities on 
the examples of certain types of discourse: insincere, political, ritual, 
religious, advertising, mass media discourse, and others. 
Determining the stylistic status, distinguishing media texts 
from the general flow of texts is the main task of scientists, however, 
it seems quite difficult, due to the complexity and stylistic 
heterogeneity of mass communication texts. In turn, Y.V. 
Rozhdestvensky points out the problematic nature of this issue in his 
book «The Theory of Rhetoric»: «The difficulty of studying the mass 
media is not only that there is no tradition of special research of the 
mass media, but also in the special complexity of the subject, i.e., the 
mass media itself. The complexity of mass media is caused, firstly, 
by the fact that mass information as a text is created collectively and 
collectively, and secondly, by the fact that mass information covers, 
embraces with its content all other types and varieties of the spoken 
and written word. Therefore, the characteristic features of the spoken 
word, literature and writing are included in the mass information. 
Thus, mass information is a complex text according to the method of 
creation and comprehensive according to oral and written sources» 
[Rozhdestvensky Y.V., 1997, 229]. This is emphasized by, etc. 
Dobrosklonnaya: «The general pattern in the era of total 

informatization of society is the existence of a special language of 
the media. Accumulating the linguistic, social, cultural and historical 
memory of specific languages, it is used for the production of mass 
communication texts that acquire an international character» 
[Dobrosklonskaya T.G., 2008, 24]. 
A significant increase in texts circulating in the field of mass 
communication, switching them into one of the key areas of modern 
recall the contributed to the active study of the properties of media 
texts in the second half of the twentieth century, when the attention 
of Russian and foreign scientists has begun to involve a variety of 
aspects of language use in the media: from formal to functional and 
pragmatic-semiotic. The issues of language support of mass 
communication processes were considered in the works of G.V. 
Stepanov, D.N. Shmelev, V.G. Kostomarov, O.A. Lapteva, G.Y. 
Solganik, Y.V. Rozhdestvensky, A.N. Vasilyeva, S.I. Smetanina, 
T.G. Dobrosklonskaya, T. Dyck, Alan Bell, Martin Montgomery, 
Norman Feyerklaf. 
1. It is well known that the status of the «language of mass 
media» as a separate independent phenomenon was fixed in the 
scientific community in the 90
of the twentieth century and precedes 
a number of studies in this direction. The analysis of the texts of 
periodicals, radio and television presented in the work of S.I. 
Treskova allowed us to characterize the language of mass 
communication, to point out the polyfunctionality of the stylistics of 
this phenomenon [Treskova S.I., 1989, p. 178]. Based on the theory 
of semiotics, computer science and linguostatistics, B.V. Krivenko in 
the book «The language of mass communication: lexico-semiotic 
aspect» examines the hierarchy of functional styles, typology of 
speech, the structure of journalistic genres on the basis of a 
comprehensive system analysis of newspaper, radio, film and 
television speech [Krivenko B.V., 1993]. Special attention is drawn 
to the consideration of the problems of the functioning of the Russian 
language in the media, taking into account linguistic and extra 
linguistic factors in the interaction of languages and cultures in the 
work of V.G. Kostomarov [Kostomarov V.G., 1994]. A 
comprehensive analysis of the features of speech consumption in the 
field of mass communication is presented in the fundamental work of 
Y.V. Rozhdestvensky «Theory of Rhetoric», which reveals the 

significant properties of media texts: the collegial and corporate 
nature of their production by entire organizations, and not by 
individuals: «mass information is a global text that unites different 
language communities with their different social speech structures» 
[Rozhdestvensky Y.V., 1997]. 

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