Сборник научных статей международной научно-практической конференции «Современные тренды педагогического образования»

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Супрун В.И. Ономастические поле русского языка и его художественного-эстетический 
потенциал.– Волгоград, 1997.– 48 с.
Жанұзақ Т. Қазақ ономастикасы. Атаулар сыры. – Алматы: Дайк-Пресс, 2007.-524-б.
Керімбаев Е.А. Казахская ономастика в этнокультурном,номинативном номинативном и 
функциональном аспектах. – Алматы, 1995. – 248с.
Эмирова А.М. Крымскотатарская ономастика как объект этнолингвистики // Мир языка. – 
Алматы, 1999. – 293 с.
Төреева Н.Ж. – М1703-19 тoбының мaгиcтpaнты 
Ғылыми жeтeкшi:Шингарева М.Ю.– PhD,доцент 
Oңтүcтiк Қaзaқcтaн мeмлeкeттiк пeдaгoгикaлық унивepcитeтi, Шымкeнт 
Мақалада субтитрлерді кинодискурстың құрамдас бөлігі ретінде зерттеу
субтитрлердің қалыптасу ерекшеліктерін және олардың байланыстылығын талдау туралы 
айтылады. Субтитрлерді белсенді зерттеуге қарамастан, отандық тіл білімінде олар тек 
кино аудармасының түрі ретінде қарастырылады. 
Бұл зерттеудің өзектілігі субтитрлердің лингвистикалық мәнін теориялық тұрғыдан 
түсіну қажеттілігімен және субтитрлердің жүйелік сипаттамасын жеке лингвистикалық 
және паралингвистикалық сипаттамалары бар және кинодискурстың құрамдас бөлігі 
ретінде әрекет ететін мәтіндік құбылыс ретінде құру қажеттілігімен байланысты. 
Гипотезаға сәйкес зерттеудің мақсаты анықталды: субтитрлерді кино-дискурстың 
элементі ретінде жан-жақты сипаттау және олардың лингвистикалық және 
паралингвистикалық сипаттамаларын анықтау. Зерттеудің ғылыми жаңалығы, біріншіден, 
субтитрлердің лингвистикалық мәртебесін анықтайды, субтитрлердің кинодискурс 
құрылымындағы орны анықталады және олардың кинодискурс компоненттерімен 
байланысы сипатталады. 

В статье рассказывается оисследованию субтитров как составляющей кинодискурса,
анализу особенностей формирования субтитров и их связности. Несмотря на активное
изучение субтитров, в отечественном языкознании они рассматриваются только как
вид киноперевода. 
Актуальность настоящего исследования обусловлена потребностью теоретического
осмысления лингвистической сущности субтитров и необходимостью создания
системного описания субтитров как текстового феномена, обладающего
индивидуальными лингвистическими и паралингвистическими характеристиками и
выступающего в качестве составляющей кинодискурса. 
В соответствии с гипотезой была определена цель исследования: дать комплексное
описание субтитров как элемента кинодискурса и определить их лингвистические и 
паралингвистические характеристики. Научная новизна исследования заключается в
том, что, во-первых, в нем установлен лингвистический статус субтитров, определено
место субтитров в структуре кинодискурса и описана их взаимосвязь с компонентами

Since the concept of a subtitle is represented by us as a text accompaniment of audio 
and video series encoded by language means, the need to take into account the 
linguistic features of the translation of the phenomenon under study is not only 
possible, but also implies an academic interest in deep insight into the structure and 
mechanisms of creating such text works as subtitles.
Linguistics or linguistics, being an incredibly broad field of Humanities, 
includes a huge number of other intra-system areas, such as phonetics, semantics, 
grammar, morphology, etc. Linguistics is the science of language that studies 
structure language, its regularities, development, and also deals with the comparison 
of languages and the identification of relationships between them (Dal V. I. 1863-
1866.). It has always taken into account the peculiarities of a particular national 
language as a unit of encodedinformation. The language code in linguistics is one of 
the Fundamental concepts. In the most General sense, code is a means of 
communication (V. I. Belikov, L. P. Krysin, 2001). 
For the purposes of this study, it seems necessary to refer to the scientific 
apparatus of psycholinguistics to describe the factors thataffect the perception of text 
works. Psycholinguistics studies the factors that make it possible to master, apply, 
and understand a language. She studies ontogenesis, as well as the processes of 
speech generation and perception, which is certainly necessary for a deeper 
understanding of the problems of subtitles (V. A. Kovshikov, V. P. Pukhov, 2007). 
Here we come to the definition of polycode text. So,according to the definition 
of E. E. Anisimova, a polycode text is "a text in which the message is encoded by 
heterogeneous means — verbal and non-verbal components, the combination of 
which is a certain structure characterized by the manifestation of the interdependence 
of the components both in content and in formal aspects (Anisimova E. E., 1997). We 
believe that subtitles are a kind of polycodetext, since they are a combination of two 
heterogeneous elements (written text and video-sound series) in the system of film 

discourse. One example of a polycode text is an image and a text element, forming a 
single whole and having a definite influence on the addressee. Consequently, the 
polycode nature of the text allows subtitles to be perceived, understanded2 and play a 
significant role in the film discourse. 
Thus, the polycode character of the text, which has arisen as a result of the 
semiotic heterogeneity of the natural language, allows it to enter into system relations 
with heterogeneous elements, which is certainly a condition for the existence and 
functioning of subtitles in a particular type of discourse. 
The concept of "cinema discourse" incredibly broadly. A cinema discourse is an 
object ofresearch in such Sciences as philosophy, pedagogy, psychology, sociology, 
and translationpractice. In linguistics, the language of a film is regarded as a 
specialkind of text. Often in science, the terms are used coolagannie"chinadialogue", 
"the cinema discourse", "film text". According to many scientists, the mosta 
meaningful concept is "cinema discourse" (Begenova, 2005). The mostsignificant 
works on film discourse from a linguistic point of view belong toA. N. Zaretskaya, S. 
S. Nazmutdinova, M. A. Efremova, I. N. Lavrinenko. Тhey solve such issues as: 
differentiation of the concepts of "kinodiskurs" and"kinotext", classification of 
kinodiskurs (A. N. Zaretskaya, M. A. Efremova, G. G.Slyshkin), the role of subtext 
in film discourse (A. N. Zaretskaya), etc.Having delved into the concept of film 
discourse and studied it more carefully, we haveidentified some of its elements: 1) 
plot plan; 2) script; 3)artistic image; 4) video sequence; 5) editing; 7) audio sequence; 
translation (subtitles). 
Today, subtitles are used to watch movies on the original language, as well as 
to help the hearing impaired and deaf to understand the film people. Also, in rare 
cases, subtitles comment on characters' lines, can explain complex terms, different 
names, etc. For studying foreign language usually use double subtitles or subtitles on 
the original language, so many viewers interested in this issue,give preference to 
subtitles.In this study, subtitling is viewed as didactically a mediated tool for learning 
English. According to teachers, watching films in a foreign language can be effective 
language learning tool. Watching a movie with subtitles in educational purposes 
makes it possible to remember not only the correct pronunciation of certain words, 
but also their spelling. Thus, the viewer learns phrases, words and even syntactic 
structure faster and easier sentences in English. However, such a didactic teaching 
method using movies with subtitles could very well be effective for audiences who 
already have basic language skills, which would ensure an adequate perception of the 
didactic material, its synchronous analysis, as well as the possibility of using 
subtitling as an auxiliary didactic tool that would certainly allow to multiply the 
didactic effect.
Thus, translation using subtitles iscinema discourse an element of the and it 
plays an important role in it. The subtitle as a method of translation is anelement of 
the film discourse that provides a link between the viewer and theartistic image, 

meaning and essence of the film. In other words, asubtitle is a special way of 
expressing and transmitting information incinema. 
For a long time, subtitles were seen as a cinematic reality, rather than a 
linguistic or translation unit. Despite the polysemiotic nature of cinema discourse , 
the study of its verbal component is given an important role. There is no doubt that in 
such a complex audiovisual system as cinema discourse, the functional aspect of 
verbal units can be considered solely in connection with the combination of non-
verbal elements involved in the formation of meaning. 
Initially, you should pay attention to the ways to transmit prosodics in subtitles. In 
linguistics, the prosodic features of a language should include non-segmental aspects 
of sound, i.e. intonation, volume,timbre, stress, tone, intensity, and duration 
(Blokhina, 1980). All of them are directly important for transmitting the meaning of a 
sentence,since they can Express various emotionally marked States of thespeaker. In 
this or that movie, in our opinion, during dubbing,the implementation of the voice 
characteristics of the characters is not difficult, but with the question of the very 
possibility of transmitting this kind of information with subtitles is brewing 
(Dukhovnaya, 2018). 
The syntax represents a more complex level of the language, and its 
characteristics are also important for learning subtitles. After studying a fairly large 
array of movies with subtitles, we can conclude that more complex syntactic 
constructions are converted to simple ones. In such transformations, it is important to 
maintain a balance between semantics (semanticload), pragmatics (communicative 
function of the original text) and stylistics. After studying a fairly large array of 
movies with subtitles, we discovered the implementation of two mechanisms for 
simplifying the syntactic structure at once. Next we see that not only indirect 
questions are converted to direct but also indirect denial become straight; there is a 
drooping as the same verbs and subject; merge proposals due the omission of the 
same structures; in addition, the subtitles substituted all multiple times on a simple 
(Spiritual, 2018). 
Thus, the linguistic features of subtitles are the possibility of transmitting 
prosody, lexical-semantic, syntactic and genre and stylistic features that must be 
taken into account when translated using subtitles. The linguistic subtitle features 
allow the viewer to correlate the subtitle text and image in the frame, to compare the 
spoken and written text of the subtitle. 
The interdisciplinary research aimed not only to deepen the reader's 
understanding of the subject under study, but also to confirm the author's hypothesis 
that subtitles are a system text element of the analyzed materials of the English-
language film course. The theoretical significance of the research lies in a new 
theoretical approach to the description of the phenomenon of subtitles, taking into 
account the new characteristics of the subject being studied as belonging to the 

varieties of polycode text,it is formed due to the polysemiotic nature of the language 
sign, and allows it to function not only as a specific means of translation, but also as a 
functional didactic material.
Since subtitles are text works, the functional component of subtitles will 
directly depend on the typeof the text that it reproduces. 
There are several types of subtitles depending on the degree details of events: 1) 
Open captions (lit. "open captions") – subtitles present in the movie by default or can 
be enabled using the menu; 2. Closed captions (lit. "closed captions"). This type of 
subtitle is intended mainly for people with hearing impairments, as such subtitles 
explain and record the necessary sound events important in watching a movie; 3) 
Sewn (English hard subtitles, also called hard, also hardsaby - jarg.) - the image with 
the subtitle text is superimposed on the original video in the process of creating the 
final file (encoding); 4)Prerendered (from the English prerendered subtitles) - 
subtitles areready-made images stored separately from the video; 5) Software (also 
called soft - jarg. from English soft subtitles) - subtitles, representing text, often with 
markup elements (size, color,headset, position on the screen); 6) Monolingual - 
subtitles containing text in the same language in which the audio message is played; 
7) Subtitles, displayed in real time. These subtitles are supplied live programs; 8. 
Hybrid subtitles are subtitles, some of which are prepared in advance, and some are 
output in the mode real time; 9) Subtitles containing only characters' lines and, for 
example, comments of inscriptions appearing in the frame; ten) Narrative - Subtitles 
that display spoken language in writing; 11) Forced are subtitles that contain 
translation of words a character, inscription, sign, symbol, presented in a foreign 
language; 12)Content subtitles. They provide information describing any an event, 
action, dialogue that was not filmed in the film. This kind subtitling is usually typical 
for low-budget films; 13) Bonus subtitles - a separate set of textual explanations 
attached to the voiceover shooting, information; 14) Localized are subtitles 
containing clarifying comment to any element used in the text subtitle; 15) Extended 
subtitles consist of standard subtitles and localized; 16) Subtitles (in movies, opera, 
theatrical performances); 17) Media subtitles (in news programs, advertising); 18. 
Entertaining subtitles (in videos, computer games, language teaching programs)
The existence of different types of subtitles indicates the variety of functions 
performed by subtitles. We conclude that one of the basic functions of subtitles is the 
communicative function, so how subtitles serve as a means of communication and 
information transfer between characters and spectators. Providing additional 
information and explanatory comments, subtitles perform interpretive and 
metalanguage functions (Dukhovnaya, 2018). So, having a general idea of subtitles in 
general, their varieties and functions performed, let's move on to considering 
linguistic and paralinguistic characteristics of subtitles. Analysis possible types of 
subtitles indicates that the combination language and non-language parameters when 
composing subtitles are determined their communicative purpose, as well as 

orientation towards a specific addressee, which allows us to talk about the pragmatic 
nature of subtitling. 
In addition, another personal contribution of the author to the research can be 
considered an attempt to individualize the main components of the film discourse, 
such as the plot plan and script; artistic image; editing; translation (subtitles) audio 
series, video series, where the systematic nature of subtitles as an element of film 
discourse is justified. 
Confirms the validity of considering subtitles as a full-fledged didactic tool 
used by teachers of foreign languages in the preparation of didactically-oriented 
materials. The paper concludes that it is appropriate to use subtitles in a film course 
for a more linguistically prepared audience, while for novice students it may be 
effective to use subtitles in a cartoon due to simpler lexical and grammatical forms 
that correspond to the younger age group. 
Typological features of subtitles are considered in the paper as a consequence of 
the evolution of subtitle types in the direction of their greaterdifferentiation 
depending on the type of text, the meaning of which is transmitted to viewers by 
subtitles for different social, cultural and language groups. Thus, the most important 
function of reliable information about actions and events occurring on the screen is 
Further, the study of functionally significant linguistic aspects of subtitles in 
ways of transmitting prosodic features that can be described on the basis of graphic 
design of punctuation, analysis of characteristic parts of speech, etc. In addition, the 
studied lexical and semantic ways of transmitting meanings, as well as the most 
obvious changes in the syntactic organization when comparing the original text with 
the text of subtitles. The genre-stylistic features of subtitles that affect the audience's 
perception of the realities of society and culture transmitted by the film's content, 
which can only be interpreted in different genres of discourse if the corresponding 
stylistic design is observed. 

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