Ex. 19, p. 446
1. were — Present Subjunctive Mood, should have — Present Conditional Mood; 2.
were — Present Subjunctive Mood, should pay — Present Conditional Mood; 3.
wouldn't find — Present Conditional Mood, tried — Present Subjunctive Mood; 4.
hated —1 Present Subjunctive Mood, wouldn't be — Present Conditional! Mood; 5.
would hardly know — Present Conditional Mood, met - Present Subjunctive Mood;
6. had known — Past Subjunctive Mood, shouldn't have come — Past Conditional
Mood; 7. should never have found — Past Conditional Mood, hadn't helped — Past
Subjunctive Mood; 8. had left — Past Subjunctive Mood, would have caught — Past
Conditional Mood; 9. had taken — Past Subjunctive Mood, would feel — Present
Conditional Mood; 10. had read — Past Subjunctive Mood, would know — Present
Conditional Mood
1. Будь я молод, я бы провел отпуск в походе. 2. На твоем месте я не стал
бы обращать внимания на ее слова. 3. Ваза очень красивая. Вы ни за что не
нашли бы ей пару. 4. Если бы ты терпеть не мог больных, ты бы не стал
врачом, дорогой. 5 Г о ворят, Фрэнк очень изменился». — «О да. Если б вы его
сейчас встретили, вряд ли бы узнали». 6. Если бы я это знал, то не пришел бы.
7. Мы бы никогда не нашли этот дом, если бы нам не помог прохожий. 8. Если
бы вы вышли из дома пораньше, то успели бы на трамвай. 9. Если бы вы
принимали лекарство, которое прописал врач, вы бы сейчас чувствовали себя
лучше. 10. Если бы вы прочитали рекомендованную мной статью, вы бы знали,
как отвечать на такие вопросы.
Ex. 22, p. 447
1. If they hadn't helped us, we wouldn't have found the way. 2. If I had enough
money, I would buy this cassette-recorder. 3. You will be/ would be able to speak
English better if you study/ studied harder. 4. If she were older, she would understand
you better. 5. If he had been in town yesterday, he would have called on us. 6. We
would have enjoyed the play better if it were not so long. 7. My uncle would be able
to help us if he were here. 8. I would have done the same if I had been there. 9. If I
had known of your arrival, I would have met you. 10. If you knew what it is all about,
you wouldn't keep on smiling. 11. If you had gone to the theatre last night I'm sure,
you would have enjoyed the play. 12. He would be acting/would have acted
differently if he realized/had realized the situation. 13. If she had come earlier, she
would have been able to see them before they went out. 14. Nobody told me about
your trouble. I would have helped you if I/had/heard about it. 15. would have come
sooner if I Лас? known you were here. 16. We wouldn't know anything about their
plans for the summer holidays if Mario had not sent us a letter. 17. If you had come
between two and three yesterday, you would have found him in. 18. If I were you, I
would have a long walk in the park. 19. If I could help you, I readily would do so, but
you know I can't. 20. I must be off now. If it were not so late, I would stay a little
Ex. 23, p. 448
1. They would do it if they could. 2. If it were summer now, we should go to the
country. 3. If he wrote to me, I would write to him. 4. She would have found the book
if she had opened the bag. 5. It would be better if they didn't come. 6. I would have
given it to you if you hadn't been out. 7. I could knit another sweater if I had more
wool. 8. I would study Italian if I had more spare time. 9. If she had followed the
doctor's advice, she wouldn't have fallen seriously ill. 10. The boy wouldn't be
shivering if he were well. 11. If he hadn't refused my help, the work would be/would
have been finished today. 12. I wouldn't have a headache if I hadn't had a sleepless
night. 13. Anne could translate this song if she knew French well enough. 14. You
would be quite all right now if you had taken the medicine regularly. 15. If they
hadn't taken a taxi, they would have missed the train. 16. If he Anew her address, he
would write to her, I'm sure. 17. The garden would look beautiful if the trees were not
bare. 18. He wouldn't make so many mistakes if he knew grammar well enough. 19.
Would you do it for me if I asked you?
Ex. 24, p. 448
1. What would you say if I invited him for the weekend/to stay with us over the
weekend? 2. What medicine would you recommend if the boy had a sore throat/were
to have a sore throat? 3. If I could play the piano well, I should/would play for you.
4. The boy wouldn't be shivering if he weren't cold. Give him a cup of hot tea. 5. We
would gladly stay another hour if it weren't so late. 6. If I had known that you had
called me to reproach me, I wouldn't have come. 7. If you had taken the medicines
prescribed by the doctor regularly, you would be feeling/would feel much better now.
8. If we had begun working early in the morning, we would have been through long
ago. 9. If I were you, I wouldn't argue/wouldn't have argued with them. 10. If we had
known it at the time/Had we known it at the time, we would have taken measures.
11. If everything were all right, he wouldn't look so worried/preoccupied. 12.I would
have done it long ago if I had known that it was so important. 13. If you had
followed/taken my advice, everything would be all right now. 14. If you hadn't
refused his offer/proposal, we should have all gone/left together and shouldn't be
hanging around here/sitting here alone. 15. I am sure that you would have been able
to do it without my help if you had tried. 16. I might stay/I would probably stay if I
were allowed to. 17. You would save/would have saved time if you went/had gone
by train and by boat. 18. If you knew him as I do, you would trust him too. 19. I
would have answered your question long ago if I could. JO. If you had called me, I
would have dropped in yesterday. 21. If I were you, I wouldn’t go there without an
Ex. 25, p. 449
a) In sentences 1 and 7 the action of the object subordinate clause is either
simultaneous with that of the principal clause (the wish-clause) or follows it, so the
Present Subjunctive (the non-factual Past Indefinite) is used.
In complex sentences 2—6 and 8 the action of the object subordinate clause
precedes that of the principal wish-clause, hence the use of the Past Subjunctive (the
non-factual Past Perfect).
b) In complex sentences 1, 7, 8 the action of the subordinate clauses of unreal
comparison is simultaneous with that of the principal clauses, so the Present
Subjunctive Mood (the non- factual Past Indefinite) is used in the subordinate
In complex sentences 4, 6, 9, 10 the Present Subjunctive Continuous (the non-
factual Past Continuous) is used in the subordinate clauses of unreal comparison
because their imagined actions serve as a background for the actions of the principal
In sentence 3 the Past Subjunctive (the non-factual Past Perfect) is used in the
subordinate clause of unreal comparison because its imagined action precedes that of
the principal clause.
In sentences 2 and 5 the Past Subjunctive Continuous (the non-factual Past
Perfect Continuous) is used in the subordinate clauses of unreal comparison because
their imagined actions went on for some time up to the moment when the actions of
the principal clauses took place.
c) In sentences 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8 the Present Subjunctive (the non- factual Past
Indefinite) is used in the subordinate clauses of unreal concession (1—4) and unreal
condition (7, 8) because the situations refer to the present.
In sentences 5,6,9,10 the Past Subjunctive (the non-factual Past Perfect) is used in
the clauses of unreal concession (5) and unreal condition (6,9,10) because the
situations refer to the past.
d) Sentences 1—6 are simple exclamatory sentences that express a wish which
cannot be fulfilled.
Sentences 1, 2, 3, 5 refer to the present, so the Present Subjunctive is used.
Sentences 4 and 6 refer to the past, hence the use of the Past Subjunctive.
1. Ты был очень добр к тому иностранцу, Дик. Хорошо бы/ Хотелось бы его
увидеть. (Жаль, что мы не можем с ним встретиться.) 2. Дора жалела, что не
вынула книгу из чемодана до отхода поезда. 3. Это хорошая мысль. Жаль, что я
не подумал об этом раньше. 4. Он кивнул ей и торопливо направился к своей
комнате. Жаль, что она его видела. Жаль, что она вообще там оказалась. 5. Он
подумал, что было бы куда лучше, если бы Милдред к нему не обращалась. 6.
Это была отличная мысль. Жаль, что она не пришла в голову мне самому. 7.
Хотелось бы мне быть в этом уверенным. 8. Неужели вам не жаль, что вы не
явились раньше?
b) 1. Казалось, ему хотелось выговориться, но он боялся сказать что-нибудь
обидное. 2. Теперь я припоминаю, что он тотчас же побледнел и начал
задыхаться, как будто только что долго бежал. 3. Под глазами у нее залегли
тени, как будто она не спала всю ночь. 4. Внезапно он улыбнулся, и голос его
изменился, словно он желал рассказать какую-то тайну. 5. У нее был такой
довольный вид, как будто она весь день ждала этой минуты. 6. Хью был
удивлен и раздосадован, и к тому же продрог, как будто температура в комнате
все время опускалась. 7. А вы ведите себя так, словно мы с вами знакомы. 8.
Ты теперь уже почти взрослый, и я буду говорить с тобой как со взрослым. А
ты должен мне в этом помочь. 9. Они пристально глядели друг на друга в
безмолвном доме, и казалось, что они прислушиваются к чьим-то отдаленным
шагам. 10. Во всем его поведении чувствовалась какая-то странная
осторожность, как будто он втайне вынашивал некий план.
c) 1. Даже если бы вы только подумали, что я могу быть вам полезен, я и то
был бы очень рад, я был бы просто счастлив получить разрешение остаться. 2.
Пусть это даже было бы правдой — зачем об этом говорить? 3. Я бы добрался
туда, даже если бы мне пришлось всю дорогу идти пешком. 4. Даже если бы вы
дважды попросили его не делать этого, он бы все равно сделал это опять; он
мальчик упрямый. 5. Вы бы не смогли связаться с ним, даже если бы
попытались: его не было в городе. 6. Если бы мы вовремя получили
информацию, мы могли бы предотвратить катастрофу. 7. «Видишь ли, —
сказал Рэндал, — я бы не пошел, если бы тебе этого не хотелось». 8. Думаю,
было бы естественно, если бы вы к ним присоединились. 9. «Вот бы знать:
было бы все по-другому, если б мама не умерла?» — подумала она. 10. Кто-
нибудь обязательно бы заметил, если бы ее там не было.
d) 1. Если бы только отец был жив!
2. Если бы это было правдой! 3.
Если бы (только) я мог в это
поверить! 4. Если бы только он
рассказал тебе всю историю с начала до конца! 5. Если бы (только) она была с
нами! 6. Если бы только я не упомянул его имени! Как я мог сделать такую
Ex. 26, р. 450
1. I don't know how to address him. I wish I knew his name. 2. I feel as if my
head were on fire. 3. If only 1 had known earlier, I would have sent you a telegram. 4.
My wife says she wishes I were a thousand miles away. 5. He felt as if he were
floating in the air. 6. He stared at me as if I had asked him something very odd. 7. At
that moment she wished she hadn't sent for him. 8. If I had told you, you might have
thought it was my choice. 9. Even if it were twice as dangerous, I would carry out my
plan. 10. I wish I had never seen you. 11. Don't look at me as if you had never seen
me before. 12. I think it would be natural if you joined them. 13. Remember her! As
if I could forget her! 14. Then he suddenly said, "Would you take me to Gray hallock
if I asked?" 15. Don't you think it would be rather nice if we asked her to stay on for
a week as our guest? 16. "How I wish I had been there with you," I said with deep
regret. 17. "Don't be sorry," she said. "I should be relieved if you went, if it were
settled somehow." 18. Well, at any rate, the weather isn't going to present difficulties.
It looks as though it has set in fine. 19. I wouldn't be sure of it if I were you.
Ex. 27, p. 451
1. It is a simple sentence containing an implied unreal condition. The Present
Conditional Mood is used because the whole situation refers to the present. 2. This is
a Type 3 complex conditional sentence. The Past Conditional Mood is used in the
principal clause because the whole situation refers to the past. 3. This is a complex
sentence with a clause of unreal concession. The Present Conditional Mood is used in
the principal clause because the whole situation refers to the present. 4. This is a
simple sentence of implied unreal condition with a but f o r construction. The Past
Conditional Mood is used because the situation refers to the past. 5. This is a
complex sentence which contains an implied unreal condition. The Present
Conditional Mood is used in the principal clause because its action refers to the
present or future. 6. This is a compound sentence; its second clause contains an
implied unreal condition. The Past Conditional Mood is used in it because the whole
situation refers to the past. 8. This is a simple sentence containing an implied unreal
condition. The Present Conditional Mood is used because its action refers to the
present 9. We shouldn't have managed them alone is a simple sentence containing an
implied unreal condition. The Past Conditional Mood is used because its action refers
to the past. 10. This is a complex sentence containing two subordinate clauses: a
clause of real condition and an object clause. The latter: Crawford would never have
done so in similar circumstances contains an implied unreal condition. The Past
Conditional Mood is used here because the situation refers to the past. 11. This is a
simple sentence containing an implied condition expressed by a but for construction.
The Present Conditional Mood is used here because the situation refers to no
particular time. 12. This is a compound sentence. Its second clause contains an
implied unreal condition. The whole situation refers to the past, so the Past
Conditional Mood is used. 14. The second of the two simple sentences contains an
implied unreal condition. The Past Conditional Mood is used because the whole
situation refers to the past. 15. This is a simple sentence containing an implied unreal
condition. The Present Conditional Mood is used because the situation refers to the
present. 17. This is a compound sentence; the clause that comes first contains an
implied unreal condition. The situation refers to the past, hence the use of the Past
Conditional Mood. 18. This is a conditional sentence of a mixed type. The action in
the conditional clause refers to the past, hence the use of the Past Subjunctive, and
the action of the principal clause refers to the present, hence the Present Conditional
1. На твоем месте я бы сейчас не волновался. Уверен, очень скоро все
прояснится. 2. Я бы не удивился, если бы он нашел какую-нибудь
уважительную причину и не пришел. 3. Но даже если бы вы были правы, я бы
предпочел действовать по-своему. 4. Если бы не моя помощь, он бы провалил
последний экзамен. 5. По-моему, сейчас она была бы счастлива заполучить то,
от чего тогда отказалась. 6. Сэр Хорэс задал мне один или два вопроса, и с
моей стороны было бы невежливо не ответить. 7. Несколько лет назад он не
стал бы так говорить о Джейгоу. 8. Пойдем, Джесси! В одиночестве тебе будет
еще хуже. 9. Я думаю о тех замечательных результатах, которых мы достигли,
работая вместе. Поодиночке нам бы это не удалось. Жаль, что теперь мы
действуем врозь. 10. Если ты нарушишь свое обещание, люди скажут, что в
подобных обстоятельствах Крофорд никогда бы так не поступил. 11. Не будь
пчел, не было бы и меда. 12. Она не желала даже смотреть в мою сторону.
Взгляни она на меня хоть раз, я бы подошел и извинился. 13. Он очень спешил,
и ему некогда было все обдумать. Иначе он нашел бы лудший выход из
положения. 14. Но миссис Джейгоу не смогла в точности скопировать
особенности речи леди Мюриэл. Говоря с мужчинами или о мужчинах, леди
Мюриэл никогда не стала бы употреблять их университетские звания. 15.
Лично я бы на это не согласился. 16. Они все были бы только рады тебя видеть.
17. Я бы ее выпроводил, но мне казалось, что ты хочешь записать ее речь с
помощью этих твоих устройств. 18. Ты никогда никому не делал ничего хоро-
шего. Если бы ты вел себя по-другому, у тебя сейчас было бы больше
Ex. 28, р. 451
1. It would do you/him/her, etc. good to consult a doctor./ It would be good to
consult a doctor. 2. It would be interesting to find out which of us is right: you or me.
3. It would be nice to have a swim/to go swimming in such hot weather. 4. It would
be nice to have a cup of coffee. 5. It would be very important to learn his opinion of
this matter. 6. It would do you a lot/a world of good to go in for sports. 7. She would
be a good student if she weren't so often ill and didn't miss classes. 8. We would be
glad to help you, but we are very busy today. 9. I think she wouldn't have got angry if
you hadn't made so much noise. 10. I would go to the south but my doctor advised
me against it. 11. I would go to the cafeteria with you, but my doctor has prescribed
me a diet. 12. You did well to follow the doctor's advice, or else/otherwise you
would surely have gone down/fallen ill with pneumonia. 13. On Sunday it rained all
day, otherwise we should have gone to the country. 14. He says there's something
wrong with his heart, otherwise he would have taken part in the competition. 15. But
for my headache I would join you keep you company. 16. He wouldn't have
recovered so quickly if he hadn't been taken good care of in hospital./He wouldn't
have recovered so quickly but for the good attendance in hospital. 17. But for his
good health/If it weren't for his good health he wouldn't have been able to endure all
the hardships of the expedition. 18. But for your pills, doctor, I would have had to go
to hospital. They have worked a miracle. 19. If you had dressed more warmly
yesterday, you wouldn't be coughing and sneezing now. 20. If you knew the
symptoms of measles, you would have understood right away/at once that it wasn't
scarlet fever. 21. He would have come with us but for his sudden illness. 22. What a
strange woman! She wouldn't consult a doctor even if she felt ill. 23. Even if he had
been operated on, it wouldn't have done him any good. Even he were operated on, it
wouldn't make any difference. 24. It was late, and it would have been natural if the
sick child had fallen asleep, but he was awake and his eyes were fixed on the foot of
the bed. 25. How would you answer this question? 26. What would you do in my
place? 27. I would advise you to go to a dentist. 28. I would never have done it
without your help.
Ex. 29, p. 452
1. I knew he was silly, but I did not believe that he was as silly as that. 2. I
wish he had been a bit stronger against Crawford. 3. After a moment's silence he
broke out: "Would it be a nuisance if I begged a cup of tea in your rooms?" 4.
You must thank him, not we. Without him we wouldn't have achieved any
success. 5. I wish she didn't look so pale. 6. "If I were Crawford, I would thank
Winslow much," said Chrystal. 7. I would give a good deal for that assurance! 8.
"Are you glad to see me?" — "You're funny, Dick! As if you didn't knowl" 9. If I
thought as you do, I would feel miserable. 10. Mr. Dennant's glance rested on
Shelton and quickly fell down to the ground as though he had seen something that
alarmed him. 11. I wish you had shown/would show more sign of not liking it in
practice. 12. I can't for the life of me understand why you didn't wait until they
decided. I had expected you to discuss it with me. 13. When Hilary opened the
door, the stranger made a quick movement forward, almost as if he were going to
stick his foot hurriedly into the opening. 14. Her voice sounded as though something
had offended her. 15. I wish I could play tennis as well as you do. 16. He looked
up sharply as if he had made a dangerous remark. 17. I may travel out with Uncle,
but it would be such fun if you came. 18. He saw it as clearly аs though it were
before his eyes. 19. But for your friendship I would feel lonely here.
Ex. 30, p. 453
1. I wish he hadn't gone away. 2. She wished it were night instead of day, so that
no one could see how miserable she was. 3. I wish she were my sister, I would love
her very much. 4. I wish it were Sunday today, I would take the kids to the zoo. 5.
We wished we hadn't left him alone. 6. I wish you believed me. I have never
deceived you. 7. He wished he hadn't left so early. 8. Randall was so angry as though
it were his own money that had been spent. 9. Don't look at me as if you had never
seen me before. 10. She looks as though she doesn't/didn't know what to say. 11.
Even if we had received the telegram yesterday, it would have been too late anyway.
12. Even if I were/had been very busy, I would find/have found the time to visit her
in the hospital just the same. 13. If only he weren't so lazy! 14. Oh, if only I were
sure that it was so! 15. If it hadn't been for/But for the bicycle, he wouldn't have
caught up with us. 16. But for your carelessness there would have been no accident.
17. But for his bright mind we wouldn't have done the translation so quickly and
wouldn't be free now. 18. If I had known that you would come, I should have stayed
at home. 19. I would go with you, but my little brother is ill, and I've got to go to the
chemist's. 20. It would have been important then, but it isn't now. 21. It would do him
good to sleep with an open window the whole year round.
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