Ex. 31, p. 454
1—3. In these sentences the Old Present Subjunctive is part of set phrases which
are a survival of the old use.
4, 8. The Old Present Subjunctive is used to express a wish. In both sentences it
can be replaced with should + Infinitive or the Indicative Mood. Using the latter
would make the sentences less emphatic. Such a use of the Old Present Subjunctive
is very common in the USA where it is preferred to should + Infinitive. That also
goes for sentence 7 in which the Old Subj unctive is used to express insistence.
After whoever, whatever, etc. one can also use may + Infinitive or the
Indicative Mood. May suggests ignorance or uncertainty and has other limitations
which makes it impossible] to use in most sentences, containing the aforementioned
words ending with ever. The Old Present Subjunctive sounds rather high-flown and
more often than not even unnatural, so the best and safest choice is the Indicative
6. After see (to i t ) that, make sure that, check that and take care that one can use
either the Old Present Subjunctive or the Indicative Mood, namely the Present
Indefinite if the situation refers to the present and the Past Indefinite if it refers to the
1. «Да будет так», — ответил Стирфорд. 2. Пусть тебе сопутствует успех! 3.
Наступила среда, и он был исполнен решимости уехать ближе к вечеру, что бы
ни случилось. 4. Я приговариваю подсудимого к повешению. 5. Кем бы он ни
был, он должен быть наказан. 6. Позаботься о том, чтобы, когда он при-1 едет,
здесь были все. 7. Он настаивал на том, чтобы мальчик соблюдал постельный
режим. 8. Рабочие требовали, чтобы им повысили зарплату.
Ex. 32, p. 455
1. Он устроился таким образом, чтобы видеть, что происходит вокруг.
(Indicative) 2. О, если бы я могла снова стать цветочницей! (Subjunctive) 3.
Если бы я думал так, как вы, я бы ни дня больше не смог остаться в Индии.
(Subjunctive) 4. Думаю, я не смогла бы произнести ни единого звука по-
старому, даже если бы попыталась. (Subjunctive) 5. О Густав, нам так хочется
пить. Ты не мог бы принести нам имбирного пива? (Subjunctive) 6. Я не умею
рассказывать истории и никогда не умела. (Indicative) 7. Шелтон не смог
сдержать улыбки: леди Бонингтон на месте бедняков! (Indicative) 8. Но он не
мог повернуться и уйти и не представлял себе, как это можно сделать.
(Indicative) 9. Как ты мог совершить такую глупость, Генри? (Indicative) 10.
Как вы думаете, к вечеру вы смогли бы закончить? (Subjunctive) 11. Она не
смогла бы нанести Джеймсу более сокрушительного удара, даже если бы
сказала: «Он улетел на Марс». (Subjunctive) 12. Чем он мог ей помочь?
(Indicative) Если бы только его отец был жив! Тогда он смог бы сделать так
много! (Subjunctive) 13. Он не мог ни двигаться, ни говорить. (Indicative) 14.
Что ты мог знать о подобных вещах? (Indicative) 15. Неужели вы в это
верите?/Вы могли бы в это поверить? (Subjunctive) 16. Неужели он врет?
(Subjunctive) 17. Интересно, чтобы это значило? (Subjunctive) 18. Он не был бы
так уверен, если бы не знал этого наверняка. (Subjunctive) 19. Как вы думаете,
вы смогли бы командовать армией? (Subjunctive) 20. Горы были далеко, и был
виден снег на их вершинах. (Indicative)
Ex. 33, p. 455
In sentences 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 9 and 24 can and could express physical or mental
ability or inability to perform the action.
In sentences 4, 5, 7, and 25 can serves to express possibility due to circumstances.
In sentences 10—14 and 26 can't and couldn't express incredulity. The use of
couldn't instead of can't in sentence 14 makes the statement less categorical.
In sentences 19—23 can expresses permission.
In sentences 15—18 can and could are used to express surprise. Could in
sentence 17 implies more uncertainty than can would.
1. Я не могу точно выразить то, что хочу сказать. 2. Он не мог отвести от нее
глаз. 3. Она изумительно играет на пианино. 4. Если хотите, мы можем уехать
сегодня. Мы можем легко успеть на поезд, который отходит в три сорок. 5.
Небо уже прояснилось, Клара, дождь перестал. Мы можем дойти до остановки
автобуса пешком. 6. Вам не под силу забрать назад те знания, которые вы мне
дали. 7. Я дам вам знать, чтобы вы могли туда приехать. 8. Он был так слаб, что
не мог оторвать голову от подушки. 9. Ему уже намного лучше, и он может
ходить без моей помощи. 10. О, не может быть! 11. Что? Фредди, тут должно
быть хотя бы одно такси. Наверное, ты плохо искал. 12. Не может быть, чтобы
он сегодня утром отнес ко робку наверх. 13. He может быть, чтобы Энн имела
это в виду, это на нее не похоже. 14. Он не мог сделать это в одиночку. Уверен,
кто-то ему помогал. 15. Неужели вы верите этой девушке? Неужели это
правда? 16. «Неужели он мой сын?» подумала она. 17. Неужели она это
сделала, не посоветовавшись со мной? 18. Неужели все действительно так
плохо? 19. Здесь так пахнет гарью, папа. Можно, я спущусь вниз и посмотрю?
20. Джеймс, ты можешь отвести/отнести Агату вниз/на первый этаж? 21.
Можете подождать на кухне. 22. Сдачи не надо. 23. Можешь взять мой второй
зонтик. 24. Сделанного не воротишь. 25. Уже ничего нельзя сделать слишком
поздно. 26. Я не верю ни единому его слову. Он наверняка узнал эту новость
раньше нас.
Ex. 34, р. 456
1. Have you a friend whom you could/can trust? 2. What can Freddy be doing all this
time? He has been gone for twenty minutes. 3. He cannot have seen me. I came when
he had gone. 4. I am not a person who could tell a lie. 5. How could you make such a
mistake as to suppose that I was younger than you? 6. Surely you could have done it
before. What have you been doing all this morning? 7. Say what you like, but the
work can't be done in two days. 8. Mr. Fenwill's house was built on the top of the hill
and could be seen from afar. 9. I can't have slept two hours, I still feel tired. 10. He
can't be her father: he is too young. 11. They cant't hear us. Knock again. 12. If you
had asked me for money, I could have lent you some. 13. He could have told me the
answer, but he refused to. 14. Can he still be sleeping? It seems to me they simply
don't want us to see him. 15. I can't swim — I wish I could. 16. She has a university
education and could have made a career for herself if she hadn't married. 17. You
can't have forgotten. 1 I don't believe you.
Ex. 35, p. 456
1. He can't have told a lie. It isn't like him. 2. Can it be true that he has become a
famous actor? 3. They can't be brother and sister. They aren't alike at all. 4. It
couldn't be true. (I don't think it's true/It's unlikely.) Anyway we can't prove it. 5. I
wonder what you could suggest under/in such circumstances. 6. He couldn't have
made such a mistake. He's an experienced engineer. 7. Can it be just his imagination?
8. But for him we could have lost our way. It was already getting dark. 9. If I were
you,/1ц your place I wouldn't trust him, he could deceive you. 10. He couldn't be so
young. I have noticed some grey hairs on his temples. 11. You can easily recognize
him by his noble aquiline profile. 12. They can't have noticed us. We were rather far
from them. 13. They can't have failed to notice us. We were quite near. 14. You can't
judge a person by/from appearance. Appearances are deceptive. 15. Could it be little
Lizzie? How she has grown! 16. "Can I see the manager?" — "Unfortunately not. He
is coming at twelve today." 17. Could you give me your notes on condition that I
return them the day after tomorrow? 18. She hopes that she can avoid the operation.
19. One could see that he was excited though he tried to look carefree. 20. "Can I talk
to you for a moment?" — "Well, what's the matter?" 21. It can't be done so quickly.
You'll have to wait. 22. He couldn't read Latin and didn't understand what the doctor
had prescribed him. 23. Can't you explain to your parents that you can't go? 24. At
first he couldn't feel his pulse and decided that his heart had stopped beating. 25. He
can't have said it. He isn't as stupid as you think. 26. I could have done it long ago if I
had known that it was so urgent. 27. I don't believe that there are diseases that
can't/couldn't be cured. We just don't know how to cure them. 28. It can't be true.
Ex. 36, p. 457
In sentences 1—13, 21, 22, 23 and 24 may and might express supposition
implying uncertainty.
In sentences 5, 6, 9, 10 and 13 the use of might instead of may implies greater
uncertainty. If one uses may in this kind of sentences, that shows that one is about 50
per cent sure, if one chooses might, that means that they are only some 30 per cent
sure that their supposition is correct. In sentence 11 might + Perfect Infinitive
belongs to the Past Conditional Mood, and the sentence itself is a Type 3 conditional
one. Sentence 12 is a mixed type conditional sentence, and might + Simple Infinitive
belongs to the Present Conditional Mood. In sentence 21 might and not may is used
because of the Sequence of Tenses.
In sentences 14—16 and 26 may and might are used to ask for or give permission.
In sentence 16 might is used instead of may to comply with the rules of the Sequence
of Tenses.
In sentence 17 might + Simple Infinitive expresses a reproach for the non-
performance of the action in the present and in sentences 18 and 19 might + Perfect
Infinitive expresses a reproach for the non-performance of the action in the past.
In sentence 20 might serves to express possibility due to circumstances.
Sentence 25: in complex sentences with clauses of concession introduced by
however, wherever, whatever, etc. the Indicative Mood is usually used in both the
principal and the subordinate clauses, but in literary style may/might + Infinitive
sometimes occurs in the clauses of concession to emphasize the supposition.
1. Может быть, это правда, а может, и нет... Я этого не знаю, да и знать не
хочу. 2. «Старый актер был пьян, — подумал он. — Однако в том, что он
сказал, возможно, есть доля правды». 3. Возможно, причина их отказа
присоединиться к нам кроется именно в этом. 4. Возможно, когда-нибудь вам
понадобится друг. 5. Думаю, мы могли бы стать хорошими друзьями. 6.
Думаю, сэр, что она, быть может, приходится Мерси сестрой. 7. Может быть,
она встречалась с ним у своего дяди. 8. Возможно, они еще не вернулись.
Давай позвоним им и выясним. 9. Не исключаю, что она, быть может, будет
рада его видеть, но я в этом не уверена. 10. Все еще остается риск, что он таки
придет. 11. Соме почувствовал, что если бы при нем было оружие, то он,
пожалуй, пустил бы его в ход. 12. Не будь он болен, ему, вероятно, грозила бы
куда большая опасность. 13. Он знал, что увидит еще до того, как посмотрел,
но его поддерживала смутная надежда на то, что он, быть может, ошибается.
14. Мистер Дулитл, можно мне прийти? Мне бы очень не хотелось пропустить
эту свадьбу. 15. Позвольте поинтересоваться: у вас есть претензии к тому, как с
вами обращаются/как вас здесь лечат? 16. Мистер Хиггинс позволил мне
прийти. 17. Думаю, ты мог бы работать и поусерднее! 18. Холли, конечно же,
вполне могла бы рассказать ему все это и раньше. 19. Право же, мама, ты могла
бы избавить Фредди от этого. 20. Его можно каждый вечер увидеть в клубе. 21.
Больше всего я страдала от того, что окружающие могут догадаться о моем
состоянии. 22. Давайте отойдем немного дальше. Боюсь, нас могут услышать в
доме. 23. Возможно, он оставит все как есть. 24. Надеюсь, что твоя мечта
исполнится. 25. Сколько бы он ни работал, ему не удастся догнать группу
после того, как он так серьезно и долго болел. 26. Можно мне иногда разгова-
ривать с вами? Я знаю, что умной меня не назовешь, но я постараюсь не быть
Ex. 37, р. 458
1. Let's wait a little. Не may/might come yet. 2. He may/ might not know anything
about it. 3. A lot of things may seem unusual in a foreign country. 4. My question
may/might puzzle you, but I want to ask it anyway. May I? 5. "Auntie, may/might I
take another lump of sugar?" Tom asked. 6. It may/might surprise you all, hut I have
received an invitation to their party. 7. We may/might stay at home or we may/might
go to the cinema. 8. Call Nick, he may/might have already seen the new film. Ask
him if it is worth seeing. 9. Really John, you might have explained to me in the very
beginning how important it was. 10. If you have been to London, you might have
noticed that it's a city of contrasts. 11. Won't know where she is, she may/might be in
the garden or she may/might have gone to the library. 12. No one is answering the
phone. He may/might not have come home from work yet. 13. I think he may/might
not know all the details, but the main idea is clear to him. 14. It may be impolite, but
I'll tell him not to come again. 15. If he hadn't run into/across us in the underground,
we might never have seen him again. 16. I may come too, may I not?/I might come
too, mightn't I? 17. They may well be waiting for us downstairs. 18. I'm afraid we
may/might be late. 19. I hope we may/might meet your sister there. 20. They were
afraid that they might be asked why Tom hadn't come with them. 21. However late
you may come, I'll be waiting. 22. I've brought you a big box so that you may pack
your books.
Ex. 38, p. 459
1. When you get there, tell them to wait. I may/might/could be a little late. 2. lean
come at six. I'll be free by that time. 3. Can this old man be Tom Brown? He can't
have changed so much! 4. None of us know what may/might/could happen before it
is finished. 5. This may/might/could be a great idea. It may/might/ could also be a
trap in which England will perish.6. I told them he might be in the garden. 8. Sh! She
may hear you. 9. How strange! Can you believe that? 10. I haven't seen her for ages.
She might/ could be quite middle-aged by now. 11. Don't send him away. We may
need his advice. 12. I fear they may miss the train. They left rather late. 13. It
could/might be seen that he was puzzled. 14. Why do what may/might never be
needed? 15. People may chatter about her, but they don't know anything definite
against her. 16. He cannot have thought of this himself. Who suggested it to him? 17.
He might/may/could be a medical student though I'm not sure. 18. But what more he
may/might/could have said I don't know for I left. 19. You might tell me what he
said! I have a right to know. 20. Miss Carter may/might/could have gone to the
school to call on Mr. Everard. 21. Then he found that he could not stay in bed. 22. I
cannot swim. I expect you can. Everyone can except me. 23. You might have warned
me beforehand! 24. He can't have said that. I don't believe you. 25. It was a year or
two ago, or it may/might/could have been three years ago. 26. She came to ask her
mother if she could/might stay and dance a little longer.
Ex. 39, p. 459
— Вы еще приедете в этом году, мистер Уэллс?
Может быть, если получится.
2. Может быть, это и не произошло бы, если бы ты отпра вил его к
настоящему врачу, когда он только заболел.
3. — Меня бы это нисколько не удивило, — сказал Бертранд,
посторонившись, чтобы пропустить Маргарет.
4. На мгновение она подняла глаза, как будто ожидала этого вопроса, но он
не мог понять, обрадована она им или встревожена.
5. — Пожалуйста, перестань говорить об этом.
Я сожалею о том, что сказал. Я был дураком. Я вел себя как полный
6. По-моему, они вернулись раньше нас. Они могли взять/Может быть, они
взяли такси.
7. —Почему ты мне не сказал?
Я не мог. Пользы бы мне это не принесло.
8. Если бы не ваша доброта и чуткость, я бы не сумел сделать все это за
столь короткое время.
9. Жаль, что у меня нет здесь машины, чтобы отвезти вас домой.
10. Будь она мужчиной, ее можно было бы назвать молодым способным
Ex. 40, p. 460
1. Can/Could this be John Steerforce? Why, he is quite an old man, grey-haired
and round-shouldered! 2. "I think she didn't want to talk to me." — "I wouldn't think
so. She may/might not have seen you." 3. He can't have deceived them, he's an
honest man. 4. Couldn't you guess where I had put the money? 5. He
may/might/could know about it and may/might not want to tell us. 6. She can't have
failed to find your house. 7. Can/Could the child be still asleep? It's high time you
woke him. 8. You might have told me about it yesterday. 9. I would love to come,
but I may/might/could be busy. 10. It may be true or it may be not. 11. Could you
lend mejihree roubles until tomorrow? 12. I'll phone him, he may/might not know
what has happened. 13. You'll have to hurry up, or you may be late. 14. I'll do all I
can to help you. 15. Where can/could he have gone? 16. You could have done it
yourself, you just didn't try. 17. Come up closer so that I may/ can see you better. 18.
Can you recognize him from/by his photograph? 19. I can't imagine what may come
of it. 20. The news may already be known to everybody. 21. He can't have known
about it. He would have behaved differentey. 22. Who can/ could have said such a
thing? 23. He may/might/could have already told them everything. 24. Wait till he
comes. He may/ might explain to us what the matter is.
Ex. 41, p. 460
Sentences 1, 5, 6: must expresses necessity.
Sentences 2, 3, 7, 8 express obligation or compulsion from the speaker's
Sentence 4: obligation. Must I... in a question usually implies that the speaker is
unwilling to perform the action.
Sentences 7 and 8: obligation or compulsion from the speaker's viewpoint.
Sentence 9: emphatic advice.
Sentences 10 —18: supposition implying very strong probability (supposition
bordering on certainty).
1. Старикам необходима поддержка. 2. Человек должен отстаивать свои права.
3. Не надо думать, что это так уж легко. 4. Это обязательно нужно сделать до
завтра? 5. Она должна трудиться с утра до ночи, чтобы заработать на жизнь. 6.
После дня напряженного труда необходим отдых. 7. Он знал твердо лишь одно:
он не должен/ему не надо встречаться с Антонией. 8. Ты прав. Я не
должен/Мне не надо здесь оставаться. 9. Право же, мистер Хиггинс, вы должны
проявить благоразумие. 10. Дайте ему поесть. Он, должно быть, голоден. 11.
Этот парень, должно быть, сделан из стали. Он никогда не устает. 12.
Прелестное письмо. Наверное, бедный юноша писал его целый час. 13. Должно
быть, теперь он уже старик. 14. Наверное, вы ее напугали. 15. Этот человек
повидал и перечувствовал вдесятеро больше моего, хотя он, должно быть, на
десять лет моложе. 16. Я чувствовал, что скоро мой секрет, вероятно,
раскроется. 17. Я слышу чьи-то шаги на лестнице. Должно быть, это она! 18.
Судя по книгам и бумагам на его письменном столе, он, по-видимому, работал
несколько часов.
Ex. 42, р. 461
1. There is most probably/evidently/very likely no one there. 2. He must have
understood nothing and taken offence. 3. I don't think she remembers (Most
probably/Evidently she doesn't remember) that she has promised to bring us a map of
Moscow. 4. You must have been unaware/Evidently you didn't know that they had
moved to one of London's suburbs. 5. She must have left the door unlocked. 6. I don't
think you have ever met such an amusing boy as our Tom. 7. It must be difficult for
you to believe it. 8. The children must have failed to notice that it had already got
dark. 9. She must be unaware of it. 10. She must have very little experience/She must
be quite inexperienced in translating medical articles from English into Russian. 11.
It must seem improbable to you, but it's true. 12. He must have failed to/Surely he
. recognize you in the crowd.
Ex. 43, p. 461
1. This medicine must be taken regularly. 2. Homework must be done in time. 3.
Peace can be won. War is not inevitable. 4. The book maybe put on the upper shelf.
5. The children maybe allowed to go for a walk. 6. The matter must be discussed not
later than tomorrow. 7. It can't be done without your help. 8. The matter must be
looked into. 9. The magazine mustn't be taken away. 10. The letter must be posted as
soon as it has been written. 11. May the books and papers be taken away? 12. The
dinner must be paid for. 13. Success must be worked for. 14. It can't be desribed. It
must just be seen.
Ex. 44, p. 462
1.I have forgotten my own language and can speak nothing but yours. 2. We must go
somewhere. We can't wander about forever. 3. But I think you must have told us this
half an hour ago! 4. You can't see much of interest there. 5. I did not hear him return
to the room. I must have been asleep. 6. You must have mistaken him, my dear. He
cannot have intended to say that. 7. It seemed possible they might return. 8. It cannot
have happened at Ainswick. 9. No good looking back; things happen as they may. 10.
To be ashamed of his own father is perhaps the bitterest experience a young man may
go through. 11. How could you let things slide like that, Dick? 12. I think you may/
might/could be glad of some coffee before you start back to your hotel. It's such a
cold night. 13. It was known — whispered among the old, discussed among the
young — that the family pride might soon receive a blow. 14. And though he
undressed and got into bed, he could not sleep.15. You mustn't go out so late at night.
16. I think it may/might/could happen sooner or later. 17. I may come tonight, may I
not? 18. "Somebody is knocking at the door. It must/may be John." — "It can't be
John. It's too early for him to be back." 19. I don't know for certain, but he
may/might/could have been a sailor in his youth. 20. They may/might/could ask me
about him. What should I say?
Ex. 45, p. 462
Достарыңызбен бөлісу: |