Лаврентьев В. В. Методические основы современного урока в школе с разноуровневым
дифференцированным обучением. // Завуч № 1 2005.
правилосообразным действиям. // Русский язык в школе № 5 2003.
http://videouroki.net/ Дифференцированное обучение на традиционных уроках русского
UDC 371.036.6
A.K.Dildabekova, senior lecturer, A.A.Dauletova, MA, lecturer,
G.F.Sultanova, MA, lecturer
South Kazakhstan state pedagogical university,
Shymkent, Kazakhstan
Возрастающая с каждым годом общественная потребность в знании иностранного языка и
специалистах, владеющих одним или несколькими иностранными языками, приводит к тому,
что система языковой подготовки в неязыковом вузе ориентирована на обучение языку с
использованием новых концепций, методик и технологий.
В современном мире все сферы
деятельности людей подвержены влиянию новых информационных технологий. Активное
использование НИТ в сфере образования способствует формированию информационной
культуры личности, повышает эффективность учебно-воспитательного процесса и
качество профессиональной подготовки студентов.
Шет тілін білуге және жыл сайын бір немесе бірнеше шетел тілінде сөйлейтін мамандарға
деген қоғамның сұранысының артуы лингвистикалық емес университеттегі тілдерді оқыту
жүйесі жаңа ұғымдарды, әдістер мен технологияларды қолдана отырып, тілді оқытуға
бағытталғанына әкеледі. Қазіргі әлемде адам қызметінің барлық салаларына жаңа
ақпараттық технологиялар ықпал етеді. Білім беру саласында ЖАТ белсенді қолдану
тұлғаның ақпараттық мәдениетін қалыптастыруға ықпал етеді, оқу үдерісінің тиімділігі
мен студенттердің кәсіби дайындығының сапасын арттырады.
In the context of the reorganization of the higher professional school, the transition of
society to the creation of open universities, the understanding of open, continuous,
accessible professional training, processes of improvement and further development
of the system of language training for students of non-linguistic specialties are going
on in parallel, which is aimed not only at obtaining narrowly subject knowledge and
skills, but and the formation of activity skills that meet the modern level of
professional and social knowledge. Due to the fact that the status of language as a
means of communication and mutual understanding in the process of training
students of non-linguistic specialties is increasing, within the framework of the multi-
level system of language education, the process of drawing up new programs in
foreign languages for students of non-linguistic specialties is currently underway. A
distinctive feature of such programs is the communication-oriented and
professionally-oriented nature of language learning [1, p. 3-4]. The growing public
demand for knowledge of a foreign language and specialists who speak one or more
foreign languages every year, leads to the fact that the system of language training in
a non-linguistic university is focused on teaching a language using new concepts,
methods and technologies.
In the modern world, all spheres of human activity are influenced by new information
technologies (NIT). The active use of NIT in the field of education contributes to the
formation of the information culture of the individual, increases the efficiency of the
educational process and the quality of professional training of students. These goals
are achieved through the productive use of a computer as a teaching tool and a tool
for intellectual activity [2, p. 3]. The introduction of modern computer technology in
the process of teaching foreign languages in a non-linguistic university allows for the
rapid transfer of information, its processing and storage; provide an individual
learning pace; to increase the independence and responsibility of students; encourage
them to educate themselves; to build training in accordance with the interests and
needs of students, which increases their motivation; make learning creative,
emotional, introduce an element of improvisation into the educational process.
As a result of the process of integrating computer technologies into education,
modern information and telecommunication technologies have become widely used
as a means of intensifying the educational process, in particular, when teaching a
foreign language to students of non-linguistic specialties. The technical development
of both software and hardware opens up wide possibilities for using computers for
testing, training grammatical skills, spelling skills, reading, translation and working
with text. An important means of ensuring the creation of a new information field are
telecommunications projects, which open up great opportunities in organizing the
educational process in a foreign language, provide wide access to information,
interactive dialogue.
Teaching a foreign language as a means of intercultural communication through the
use of telecommunication projects helps to improve the cultural, linguistic and
communicative training of students of non-linguistic specialties through the
accumulation of information based on comparing their own and foreign culture,
deepening the ability to familiarize themselves with reading and understanding
authentic information. Distance learning (DL) is a form of organization of the
educational process, based on the principle of independent student work. With this
form of training, students are distant from the teacher in space and (or) in time, at the
same time, they have the opportunity to maintain a dialogue at any time using
The educational process in distance learning consists of successively alternating
periods of contact and non-contact time. The duration of these periods is different,
and in some cases the contact period may be absent altogether. The supreme goal of
creating and developing the DL system is to provide the widest circles of the
population in all regions of the country and abroad with equal educational
opportunities, as well as to improve the quality level of education through more
active use of the scientific and educational potential of the university. The DL system
will allow the student to receive both basic and additional education in parallel with
his main activity. Ultimately, the created system of distance education is aimed at
expanding the educational environment, at the fullest satisfaction of the needs and
human rights in the field of education [3].
Thus, one of the most important tasks of educational activity is the mastery by
students of the skills and abilities of independent work, which is considered as the
basis for preparing them for continuing professional education. This problem is very
relevant for students of non-linguistic specialties studying a foreign language. The
use of modern educational telecommunication technologies allows you to solve this
problem by developing and introducing a variety of test methods and tasks into
teaching, allowing students to exercise self-control and self-correction. Consequently,
one of the strategic goals of modern education is the transformation of the student
into an active subject of their own learning. He/she must be psychologically and
functionally ready - depending on his/her abilities, interests, inclinations and life
plans - to build an individual educational trajectory, conduct research searches,
extract information from various sources and turn it into knowledge. For this it is
necessary that the student:
- takes an active position in training;
- can mobilize intellectual and volitional efforts to achieve educational goals;
- knows how to predict, design and plan educational activities;
- is able to initiate his cognitive activity based on intrinsic motivation.
Consequently, students who can and want to study according to individual curricula
must have a high level of self-motivation, self-regulation, self-control, self-
organization and self-esteem [4, p. 227].
The use of new technologies in the educational and pedagogical process represents,
according to experts, a qualitatively new stage in the theory and practice of pedagogy.
The desire of progressive teachers to meet the growing needs of society in education
by using the capabilities of computer technology leads to the emergence of new
forms of education.
One of these forms is distance learning using computer telecommunication networks,
which has become widespread in a number of developed foreign countries.
In foreign scientific and pedagogical literature, the term distance learning is used to
denote such forms of education in which the transfer of information between the
student and the teacher occurs at a distance using technical means of communication
[5, p. 17]. The most typical examples of such forms are radio and television lessons,
which have become very widespread and are very popular abroad. The popularity of
distance learning is explained by a number of its features in comparison with
traditional forms of education. First, it should be noted the availability of such
training for almost every person who has a radio or television receiver at his disposal
and who was within the reach of radio and television broadcasting. Secondly,
distance learning is widely democratic, as it can be used by people of different ages,
different levels of education and social status. Thirdly, for each student there is an
opportunity to choose a course in accordance with their inclinations and abilities.
However, the lack of operational individual feedback between the student and the
teacher significantly limits the didactic capabilities of radio and television lessons.
The use of computer telecommunication networks significantly expands the
possibilities of distance learning, allows it to be carried out at a qualitatively different
level compared to radio and television lessons. First of all, this is due to the fact that
the teacher is provided with operational feedback from the student, and,
consequently, the possibility of operational control and correction during the
educational process.
Communication between teachers and students in computer networks can be carried
out using various types of services provided by the network, depending on the nature
of the pedagogical or methodological problem being solved. These types of services
are now well known and are provided by almost all telecommunication networks.
These types of services are: email, teleconference, electronic bulletin board.
Email. Each e-mail user has his own address and his so-called mailbox in the form of
a memory area allocated to him in the memory of the host machine. This mailbox
receives messages addressed to this user, which he can familiarize himself with at any
time convenient for him. Such messages can be not only text and graphic (pictures,
photographs), but even audio and video fragments. The convenience of e-mail, first
of all, is that it does not require the simultaneous presence of the correspondent and
the addressee at the computers. This messaging mode is called asynchronous. In case
of distance learning of foreign languages by e-mail, the teacher can send the student
various educational materials, individual assignments, instructions, answer his
questions and receive from the student the results of the control tasks, his questions
and wishes. Thus, e-mail provides the teacher with the opportunity to remotely carry
out individual learning of the student, while providing him with a feedback channel,
without which the learning process cannot be complete.
Electronic conferences in computer networks are organized for users who wish to
jointly discuss a problem of interest to them. The conference name is the addressee.
When entering a conference, each conference participant's computer screen displays
the conference participants’ statements in the order in which they were received. In
the interests of distance learning, electronic conferences are an excellent opportunity
for group lessons in a creative atmosphere, group consultations, and answers to the
most frequently asked questions of the teacher, to complete assignments, as well as
group work. It is difficult to find a more successful means for the formation and
consolidation of communication skills. The mode of holding such conferences can be
both synchronous and asynchronous at the request of its participants.
An electronic ad board is a type of service that allows each user to place his own ad
on it and read the announcement of others. An electronic bulletin board is often
created as part of an electronic conference and serves to solve organizational
problems. For distance learning, an electronic bulletin board can be used, for
example, to organize study groups by interest and ability level.
Thus, even a very general analysis of the technical capabilities of computer
telecommunication networks for the implementation of information exchange
between objects and subjects of the educational process shows that the didactic
potential of networks for distance learning purposes is primarily associated with the
possibility of active communicative activity of the student, which is the most
important component of teaching foreign languages [6, p. 153]. That is why distance
learning of foreign languages through computer networks seems to be the most
In addition to purely communication services (ensuring remote communication of
people with each other), modern networks play the role of a storage and custodian of
a huge amount of information in various areas of human knowledge. This information
is stored in the memory of the main machines of the network, and access to it is
possible in principle for every user of the network. In order not to ‘drown’ in this sea
of information, quickly and purposefully find the information of interest, special
search software systems are introduced and function there in computer networks,
which make the search and retrieval of information on your computer simple and
One of these popular search engines is WWW (World Wide Web), which operates in
the international network INTERNET. The work of the WWW system is based on a
very flexible hypertext model of access to information resources of the network. The
organization of the WWW system is similar in nature to the organization of articles in
an encyclopedia, where the technique of cross-referencing from one article to another
is widely used. This technique is well known and consists in the fact that words for
which separate articles are given in encyclopedias are highlighted in a different font
in the text. The text information provided by the WWW on a computer screen also
includes words in font, color, or “highlighting”. If you point to such a highlighted
word with a marker, then more detailed information associated with this word will
appear on the computer screen.
There is no doubt that such a hypertext principle of access to an information resource
itself has a didactic potential. This potential is connected, on the one hand, directly
with the semantic aspect of the information, access to which is organized. On the
other hand, with the possibility of choosing the optimal, in the teaching sense,
structure of this access. Consequently, hypertext as one of the tools for accessing
information on the network can be considered as a tool for mastering knowledge,
provided a professional and pedagogical approach to the selection and structuring of
educational information. In other words, on the basis of the hypertext principle,
sufficiently effective training courses for distance learning purposes can be
developed. The degree of effectiveness of such courses will be determined by how
successful their methodology will be, taking into account the real technical and
didactic capabilities of computer telecommunication networks [5, p. 69].
The possibilities of hypertext are especially attractive for the purpose of teaching
foreign languages. Learners of a foreign language know how much time is wasted
unproductively looking for the right word in the dictionary, its meaning, grammatical
form in a reference book, a suitable exercise for consolidating knowledge or
developing skills, how timely prompting is important. In training courses based on
hypertext, the computer takes over this work.
In addition, modern hypertext network systems, such as the WWW, provide the user
with online access to e-mail mode. This means that while working with the course,
the student has the opportunity to seek advice from the teacher-curator and receive
this advice. Attention should also be paid to the fact that work with such a course will
have a pronounced communicative, activity-based character. This circumstance
makes distance learning of foreign languages using computer networks especially
attractive from the point of view of its effectiveness. Therefore, further analysis of the
prospects for the development of distance learning concerns mainly foreign
Based on the above, the following conclusions can be drawn: global changes at all
levels of society require new approaches to education. Telecommunication
technologies, with the potential for interactivity, collaborative learning and unlimited
lifelong learning opportunities, are part of the new structure of education. Distance
learning based on new telecommunication technologies can become a real alternative
to traditional education for students of non-linguistic specialties. It is characterized by
the possibility of organizing an active cognitive activity of each student; providing
effective feedback, interactivity; individualization and differentiation of the learning
process; the formation of sustainable motivation for educational and cognitive
activity. This is the possibility of creating sufficiently favorable conditions for the
development of educational independence, autonomous independent activity of
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