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baytanaev 2022 zhinak 1 tom gotov

Peter Serdyukov, National University, La Jolla, California, USA 
Pinter A. “Children learning second languages”.London – 2011
Thornbury S. “How to teach grammar”. - 2000 
UDC 811.111 
Shaizanda B.B.–
student of 1703-30 group 
Research supervisor: Balkybekova S. Zh. – the teacher of master’s degree
South Kazakhstan state pedagogical university, Shymkent 
Әлемдік деңгейдегі ағылшын тілін үйрету тәсілдері зерттеліп, олардың 
ерекшеліктері мен артылықшылықтары салыстырылып көрсетілген.Сонымен қатар, 
тиімді тәсілдер сарапталынып, қорытынды жасалды. 
In this globalized world 55 % of all the information that ever existed on the 
Internet is written in English, which shows its supremacy. 17 countries of European 
Union teach English as a foreign language from kindergarten, whereas the same 
(Organization for Economic Co-
operation and Development) started teaching English from primary school. In 

Kazakhstan English language is taught from the 1
grade of school, which is the same 
as in the most countries of the World. In spite of that, most of the teachers and 
students face with different problems during the FLL process. [1] 
300 years ago, there was only one version of the English language. It was first 
formed in Britain. After that, English became the common language of the peoples of 
America, Australia, New Zealand, India, Asia and Africa. But in these countries, the 
English language has developed, matured, replenished, and enriched at different 
English is a world language or international language. But, for the first time, 
the Dutch and Spaniards began to colonise. Well, why didn't their language become a 
world language? After all, the Dutch" our language is beautiful, melodic, you do not 
know grammar, you break the language", the colonial countries did not speak their 
own language. The English used to say," as you speak, we can understand 
information." The grammar of the English language consists of two cases. Therefore, 
it is easier to speak, but more complex to write. 
Throughout the history of mankind, various methods and methods of Education 
have been developed. The ways of teaching a foreign language were originally 
derived from programs developed for teaching "dead languages" such as Latin and 
Greek within the framework of the educational process, which were adapted for 
reading and translation. 
The learning process, especially language learning, is very complex and 
difficult. It consists of systematisation and perception of information, cognition and 
understanding, observation and definition, processing and comparison, memory and 
search, and much more. 
As the learning process is updated and updated every year, both the 
requirements and responsibilities for modern language learners increase. Recently, 
new methods have been developed to open up students ' opportunities, increase their 
activity, and arouse interest. These methods are a new method of teaching, which 
increases the personal cognitive activity of a language learner. 
New teaching methods mean teaching the language using new advanced 
technologies. And this means that advanced technologies can be improved by 
processing, repairing, analysing long-standing methods, looking for new ways, 
working in the same direction. The goal of new learning is not to teach the learning 
process, but to give the language learner the will, to make a choice, to guide him, to 
reveal his abilities and abilities through control. One of these methods is active 
training. This methodology includes role-playing games, modelling, Language 
Teaching through diagrams, Business games, etc. When using this methodology, new 
technical means are used: audio-video tools, various visual aids, a computer, a laid-
pro, and hodoscopes that increase the student's interest in learning the language. It 
perceives the set of Information well, increases activity, independently summarises 
what it hears, sees, observes, and assimilates. 
Modern teaching methods are used by the teacher in practice, transforming and 
activating them, guided by the existing skills and methods as much as possible.

Globalization has turned a whole world into a small village; however, English 
language is dominating in there. Hence, mastering it as a foreign language provides 
us with a huge opportunity to be in touch with the world. 
The idea of using three languages in our education system first was mentioned by our 
ex – President in 2006, and by the next year the project was introduced for the first 
time. After a while, in 2015 it was decided to officially teach Kazakh, Russian and 
English at school in the 12
conference of Assembly. The project was planned for the 
period of 5 years, between 2015 and 2020 years respectively.
However, it was impossible to teach high school students in 3 different 
languages as it was never experienced before, so they decided to add English 
language in the curriculum of 1
grade children. As a result, these days school 
children are ready to understand the materials in 3 languages and use those languages 
in their daily life. But how do the developed countries deal with this process and what 
kind of method do they use for learning foreign language in a short period of time? 
Finland is the top country in the world in terms of education and 70 % of 
inhabitants in Finland speak English as their second language, which is the high 
proportion in itself. In 2015, Finland was placed in the fourth place for English 
speaking proficiency, and even the weaker sectors were still higher that international 
Finnish students start studying English in their 3
year at school, which means 
when they are 9 y.o. Initially teachers more and mostly use Audio – Lingual method, 
which focuses on listening and speaking more rather than reading and writing. [2] 
This method helps student to enhance their understanding of foreign language as well 
as communicating. Unlike most countries in Europe, Finland does not focus on 
grammar and phonetics which leads to mastering language by the time they graduate 
school. However, France, Italy, Spain and other countries in Europe teach more and 
mostly grammar, including phonetics and barely speaking. As a result, at the age of 
18 they can graduate 12
grade without even speaking a single word.
Alike Finland, Asian country South Korea assumes that foreign language 
should be studied not from 1st, but from 3rd grade at school. In 2018, South Korea 
banned teaching English at 1st and 2nd grades of elementary school to minimise 
negative effects of early English education practices.
The director of early childhood education and care policy devision at the Ministry of 
Education Kwon Ji Young mentioned that “According to many English education 
experts and neuroscientists, the right age for learning English is the third grade”
There are a number of English teaching organisations from kindergarten, 
however, they are not officially registered as pre - school education but operated as 
private academies. This is because scientists say that teaching a new language from 
pre - school is not adequate as till 3rd grade their cognitive skills should be improved.
However, parents consider that the earlier you learn, the better it is for your 
future. Vast majority of parents plan teaching English at an early age even before 
their children is born. [3] 
When considering the issues of teaching foreign languages, first of all, we are 
talking about the place of the native language. There are two different views on this 

issue among scientists. One of them considers it necessary to teach a foreign 
language based only on the native language, comparing it with the native language, 
the other – to learn a foreign language lesson directly without the help of the native 
language. Scientist L. V. Lyakhovitsky: "when learning a foreign language, it is 
absolutely necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the native language, to 
understand the difficulties faced by the learner in a new language. Only by relying on 
the native language, you can eliminate such difficulties that you face. By doing 
exercises in a foreign language, you can not use your native language in the 
classroom, but the native language will remain in the minds of students. And if you 
do not pay attention to the peculiarities of your native language in the lesson, then in 
some cases it can be harmful for students to learn a foreign language. That is, if the 
lesson is only in a foreign language, the number of language materials that are 
incomprehensible to students increases, which reduces the student's interest in 
learning a foreign language," he says. 

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