Сборник научных статей научно-практической конференции «Байтанаевские чтения-Х»

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baytanaev 2022 zhinak 1 tom gotov

Методика преподавания русского языка в национальной школе. Под ред. Н.З.Бакеевой,
З.П.Даунене. –Л., 1986 
Шанский Н.М., Рахманина Н.Н. Некоторые вопросы воспитывающего обучения русскому 
языку в национальной школе. – В кн, Воспитание учащихся в процессе преподавания русского 
языка и литературы». –М., 1980, с.14 
Митрофанова О.Д., Костомаров В.Г. Принцип активной коммуникации/ РЯНШ, 1983, №1, 
Баранов М.Т. и др. Методика преподавания русского языка». –М., 1998 
Выготский А.С. Избранные психологические исследования. Мышление и речь. –М., 1956 
Гвоздев А.Н. Формирование у ребенка грамматического строя русского языка. –М., 1949, 
ч.ІІ, с.179 
Основы методики преподавания русского языка в V-ХІ классах кахахской школы. – Алматы, 
Кенесбаев С.К. К вопросу о влиянии русского языка на казахский // Вестник АН КазССР. –
Алма-Ата, 1953, №6 
Базарбаева М. Ж.
– М1703-11 тобының студенті
Ғылыми жетекші: Киясова К. К.
– Шетел тілдері
кафедрасының доценті м.а., п.ғ.к.
Оңтүстік Қазақстан мемлекеттік педагогикалық институты, Шымкент
Since the beginning of the pandemic, significant changes have taken place in all areas. There 
were many difficulties in the field of education, and in dealing with them, experts considered various 
ways out of this situation. One of the biggest positive problems in the field of education today is the 
acquisition of knowledge in any case. Therefore, in this article I will consider ways to create non-
traditional English lessons in the combined learning period. 
Cause of my choosing this theme is actualization during these time. Its 
importance that no one knows when will finish of nonstabyling conditions. When 
pandemic powerened last year, all pupils, students are forced to learn on online format. 
Government let to teach whole educational organizations in Kazakhstan halfly offline, 
halfly online after So it is called Blended learning in a field education. Considering this 
situation, aim focuses on to creat non-traditional English lessons not to lose students' 
activness, qualitness of knowledge. Teachers can use non-traditional lessons both 

online and offline. There are more methods, activities which can be used both of them. 
Teachers are able to improve students' critical thinking, communicative skills, language 
skills, creative skills, finding solutions themselves , expressing their opinions by 
creating Blended learning.
It is impossible not to say about technologies. Because, our century is connected 
with technologies, Internet. Perhaps, people can not image this century without 
technologies, Internet. Also, right to say new inventions of this time helped and helps in 
difficult situations. The undoubted advantages of computers that are present in almost 
all spheres of human activity include acceleration of information processing in the 
production and social spheres, assistance in making the most optimal decisions, as well 
as a banal saving a person from boring and basic repetitive work. 
Today, the Internet is the most common form of information technologies, 
representing the most rapid and giant source of information. Every year the number of 
Internet users is only growing in all countries. According to Internet World Stats, 
Kazakhstan occupies one of the leading positions in terms of the number of Internet 
users among the CIS countries, which already indicates the sufficient prevalence and 
accessibility of technology and the Internet compared to other countries. 
The modern education system involves the use of a wide variety of innovative 
technologies. The development of new information technologies in education 
encourages the creation of new software tools and applications that will be able to 
implement methodological ideas related to semi-automatic or automatic access to 
educational information, checking the correctness of the results, evaluating the initial 
and current training, etc. The audiovisual information provided by the use of technical 
means allows the teacher to able to make psychological effects on students which are 
simply not available in traditional education. An example is font size, picture size, color 
scheme, and other factors. Thus, memorization and understanding of the material being 
studied is made easier for students. 
Modern technologies are not able to replace teachers, students or the classroom, 
they only create new opportunities for the development of the education system as a 
whole and contribute to making possible to putting student learning in the limelight. 
The urgent task of modern education is not the empty development of technologies 
solely for the sake of developing technologies, but their use to maintain and develop an 
interest in knowledge and studying within students. 
Informational media today are able to provide students with access to non-
traditional and authentic sources of information; they increase productivity during 
independent work. Students discover completely new opportunities for creativity, 
acquisition and consolidation of various skills. 
In the teaching process, one cannot fail to mention such a term as “information 
literacy”. It is of great importance, both for the teacher and for students. Aspects that 
express the full importance of information literacy are knowledge of modern ways of 
obtaining and exchanging information, adaptation and willingness to put it into practice

At the end, At these time is requirement all skills which written above. Youth are 
our future, that's why, they must have like these skills. 

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