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Крюкова Т.В. - м.п.н., преподаватель кафедры «ИЯ и ПД»,

Кокшетауский университет им. А. Мырзахметова


В статье представлено исследование в области карьерного консультирования подростков с целью формирования информированности о рынке труда, повышения уверенности, осознания подростками возможности реализации своих внутренних потребностей для выбора профессии и востребованности профессии для удовлетворения нужд экономики.

Мақалада жасөспірімдердің мансап саласындағы кеңес берудің еңбек нарығы туралы ақпараттанағаны мақсатында, сенімділіктің жоғары болуы, экономика қажеттілігін қанағаттандыру үшін мамандықтың сұраныста болуы және өзінің таңдаған мамандығы үшін жасөспірімдердің өзінің ішкі қажеттіліктерін іске асыру мүмкіндігін сезінуі туралы зерттеу жұмысы ұсынылған

This article shows the research in the sphere of Career Development in order to inform teenagers about labor market, to increase confidence, to make them aware of the opportunity realize their internal needs to choose a profession and the profession relevance to please economic need
Demands to the level of professional stuff training have increased in the modern society.

High developed person involved into social and economic process [1] seems to become distinguishing features of modern society. It goes without saying it is not enough to reequip economy with the perfect technological models to modernize society, but it is necessary to develop teaching and educating of human potential. Training industrious professionally [2] skilled, responsible young people is a task which is impossible to solve without students’ suitable professional training to conscious professional self defining and positive attitude towards labour.

State competitiveness consists of single person’s competitiveness i.e. its citizens. Image of competitive person with ability to adopt in the social and professional field, to fight for the best position in the social area, to achieve single goal to master new knowledge, habits and skills, to overcome difficulties without harm to his own psychical health [3] and to keep psychical firmness is brought to the fore. The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan often stresses in his speech that a special direction of social modernization is a creation of valid system of young Kazakh people adaptation to their independent life, initiative labour. In the XXIth century social employment has wider sense than simple job placement.

To achieve presidential single goals in social modernization it is necessary to start forming personality with stable pith of valuable orientations which submit private giddy ambitions to the mutual ones. Besides it necessary to form the model of “successful Kazakh people” which will not be abstract image, but direct example because “new generation have no attractive example of professionalism and qualitative labour”. In this connection we need to bread the generation of new formation, professionals, specialists, to apply compulsory training courses “acmeology and personal social success bases”, development “common labour society” based on the principle of professionalism.

Forming person begins with the dream [3] where everything is possible and more or less realistic oriented to reality plan of creative activity or professional route is displayed from the abstract sometimes in all cases unachievable ideal.

Life plan as the social phenomenon appears from problems of professional and moral self defining.

A certain plan appears as a result of realization and goals’ firmness which person puts before himself, integration hierarchization of his motivations [4], stable pith formation of valuable orientations. From the other hand the process of concretization and differentiation of goals and motives is in progress.

Life plan in precise sense this word arises only in the case, when final result seems to be speculation object but the ways of its achievement, direction which person follows, and those objective and subjective recourses he needs. Unlike the dream, which can be as active so as speculative, life plan is a plan of activity, that’s why it is connected with the choice of profession first of all.

The choice of profession is a basis of life plan.

Occupational guidance is a life plan route. The following definition of occupational guidance is given in the popular psychological encyclopedia: “occupational guidance is a way choice i.e. all-time human problem”.

Occupational choice [9] is an essential part of harmonic and universal person’s development and it is to be considered in unity and interrelationship with moral, labour, intellectual, political, esthetic and physical perfection of personality, i.e. together with the system of training and educational process. Occupational guidance is an important moment both in development of every person and in functioning society in general.

Occupational guidance is youth training aimed activity to confirmed choice of occupation according to the personal addiction, interests, abilities together with social definite occupations and different qualification levels stuff needs. It seems to be unity of practical activity and developing inter-discipline theory and is realized not only in educational process and in the work with students”. – A.P. Menshikov, A.D. Sazonov, N.I. Kalugin define occupational guidance in such a way.

Summarizing definitions we can say that occupational guidance is not only the choice of profession but personal entrance into society his self determination, satisfaction with his own significance, ability to bring profit by his job to the state.

Occupational guidance work in Kazakhstan is still at the beginning stage of the development. Though different kinds of attempts of introduction and working out programs and plans of occupational guided work are fulfilled. E.g. the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev initiated the foundation of ethnic memorial complex “The Kazakhstan Map “Atameken” [5]. The Administration of Astana city worked out special programs of occupational excursions. Senior students can learn different spheres of business and different professions. The program is worked out together with the best in their business companies and professionals who are in love with their job. On the site of memorial complex there exists an opportunity to pass test finding an occupation which mostly corresponds tempo and interests, to choose university or higher school, to plan possible variants and discuss with expert.

Occupational forums organized annually by SF “Modern Education” [6] give a real opportunity to learn adult life a little closer, to realize a dream, to denote next way or understand if the chosen goal worth all strengths to be given to it… But it’s not occasionally that children are waited by the surprise at each forum. It is specially invited experts in the field of education, talented students which can exchange by their own experience and can tell about what the mass media keep silence, and even … about the Kazakh show business.

Besides exhibitions of educational institutions, so-called “open doors days” which give an opportunity the school leavers to come together with parents and speak to representatives of universities and different educational institutions, an opportunity to define the right professional choice and definite educational institution (higher educational institution or college), where they continue their study after leaving school, to get answers their questions, to take booklets and personal information are organized in many cities of Kazakhstan.

Stands expositions of higher educational institutions are being organized.

Occupational guided centers aimed to direct and help to make choice are being opened.

Many higher educational institutions organize different kinds of PR-Companies to visit distant located districts and city schools.

BNews.kz broadcasts according to the attitude of the RK mass media agency the unemployment level was less than 5,4% of economically active population in January 2014 [7]

“The amount of the unemployed on estimation is 488000 people, unemployment level is 5,4%. Officially 47900 people are resisted in the employment bodies of Labour and Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan Social Defense Ministry” is told in the massage. Generally according to the attitude of the RK mass media agency in the economy of the Republic in January 2013 8,5 mln. people were employed. Comparatively the same period of the last year the amount increased to 57000 people or 0,7%. The amount of hired workers was 5800000 people (68,8% from general amount of employeers). However in spite of such wide occupational guided work and low level of unemployment a poor situation of population satisfaction by different aspects of labour activity is observed in Kazakhstan.

Only about 35% respondents consider that achieved essential and additional education corresponds the content of their present work. Another more 35% respondents have education which completely or partly does not corresponds the content of current working activity.

About 30% respondents changed both their work and even profession during their working activity [8].

The best base for career development is an education which was got in such fields as engineer sciences, economy and finances.

Social and economic factors are leading in the motivation of choice and in this case factor “good work conditions” is in advance factor “high standard of wages”.

Career factors ("good prospects of professional growth", "good prospects of office growth") and self-affirmation and prestige factors ("possibilities of implementation of own plans", "high prestige of work"), take approximately equal positions, significantly lagging behind social and material factors.

The role of career factors and self-affirmation in comparison with social and material factors of continuation motivation weakens in comparison with a choice motivation.

The importance of career factors and self-affirmation sharply allocates public service, and a salary factor is an industry and construction sphere. The factor of working conditions is the most essential for trade and finance.

Due to the above it is possible to come to the following conclusions:

  • a low level of positive labour mobility, i.e. the labour movements based on aspiration to professional and career growth, can become a serious problem on a way of modernization and economy diversification. Backwardness of a positive model of labour mobility promotes dangerous tendencies development in the pseudo-urbanization caused by an agrarian overpopulation and involving social structure marginalization in the large cities of Kazakhstan;

  • in labour motivation of the majority of workers except those who are busy in more intellectual or modernized spheres, it sharply dominates the salary factor. It also sharply prevails over the factors of professional and career growth, self-affirmation and self-expression;

  • the vocational training opportunities and professional development has very low rating positions. The factor of favorable climate in collective didn't find the priority importance. At a choice of the employer the salary factor dominates over the company reputation;

  • per cent of a dissatisfaction with a profession and work not in the specialty remains high.

According to BNews.kz, only 75% of higher education institutions graduates of Kazakhstan in 2013 found a job. During 2011 - 2012 160 thousand people graduated from the higher educational institutions, 104 of them are employed, and only 75% are employed on the specialty. That is 25% were arranged not on the specialty.

Why is there high percent of unemployed graduates of higher education institution and don’t more than 35% of respondents education completely correspond to the content of the current labor activity rather? Answers to these questions are in the wrong profession choice.

In real life not everyone manages to make the best professional choice. In Psychology there is experience, allowing to estimate the complications arising in the course of professional conscious choice. Its essence is in the professional choice to consider as multi-stage process of decision-making.

In the first stage there is a problem of choosing a profession and decision is made. The second stage is connected with identifying the information sources and competent people who can help to choose an occupation. The third stage is collection of information that reflects essential points of particular choice situation. In the fourth stage the general idea of profession choice situation is formed. The fifth stage is searching variants of solutions and their evaluation. In the final, the sixth stage, final choice of profession is made.

One of the conditions to overcome these difficulties and, therefore, to make correct choice of profession is occupation guidance, which is a complex of psychological, educational and health activities, aimed at optimizing employment process in accordance with desires, inclinations, abilities, and taking into account needs of society for specialists.

You should also take into account the need for early detection and correction of personality traits that may hinder professional development, cause professional deformation of the individual - to reassess their professional attitudes and values, tolerance to other social and professional positions, conflicts in relationships with others, formation of specific professional ethics, serving narrowly personal aspirations.

Early detection and correction of features cannot be realized successfully in high school but in adolescence. Moreover, it is necessary to begin planned, regular, active occupation guidance work from 10 years.

The problem of Kazakhstan's society is that active occupation guidance work usually begins from the 9th grade [10], that is, at a time when it is necessary consciously to choose specialization. Certainly, ninth graders will do their choice according to achievements in school subjects. Whereas the choice of specialization should be a result of systematic occupation guidance. The range of choice in this case is small. When the range of choices expands, in some cases, up to 10 specialties, it is psychologically more difficult. The choice of specialty happens on a whim, and as a result, there are problems in finding employment and future career growth.

As a result people will suffer for years because of a bad choice, and society will have an army of workers who hate their jobs.

Unfortunately, in interview with students of 9-11 grades on their professional choice, most of respondents do not know anything about a profession, which they prefer, and about its difficulties, peculiarities and priorities. For example, during the conversation "My Choice" about the choice of occupations in the 9th grade of Lavrovskaya secondary school, prestige, salary and money are brought to the forefront. In Kazakhstan schools there is no obligatory or optional subject in which schoolchildren are taught with the choice of a profession. At the lessons of self-knowledge a few hours are given to this problem. It depends on the class teacher or director if the subject “occupational guidance” is conducted at schools. Understanding the importance of occupational guidance problem directors conduct testing and organize trips to the enterprises in some schools. And this program is working out for a long period. Universities and colleges also conduct occupational guided work, but not all schools are aware of the importance of this work, paying little attention to the presentation of the educational institution, testing for occupational guidance counselor, because school leavers are very busy people: United National Testing (UNT), consultations on preparing for UNT. But visiting the same events held by universities and colleges is a special task that requires resistance and endurance from occupational guidance counselors, because general educational institutions and secondary schools have little desire to participate in such events. It is easier for them to devote half an hour of occupational guidance counselors to the presentation of college or higher school at school. However, occupational guidance work carried out by educational institutions is inadequate, as universities, schools and vocational schools realizing this kind of work are often guided by the amount of students attracted to study at their educational institutions and occupational guidance is mostly directed to the school leavers, putting first of all the following tasks and occupational guidance centers kinds of activities:

  • оrganization of training courses for university entrants for United National Testing and Complex testing;

  • рreparation of promotional booklets, advertising posters for the students matriculation to the University;

  • preparation and advertisement the rules for admission to the university in the mass media;

  • organization and conduction of so-called "Open Doors Day" for higher school and college graduates;

  • organization of the Enrolment Commission;

  • formation of students’ and technical staff of the Enrolment Commission, Enrolment Commission for creative exams, Enrolment Commission exams in the form of interviews, the Appeal Commission, the duty in classrooms;

  • formation Enrolment Commission documents and stationery set necessary for the Enrolment Commission;

  • instruction consultations for members of the Enrolment Commission;

  • fixing advertising displays and showcases at the Enrolment Commission.

And it’s in spite of the fact that occupation guidance question is essential and durable process. Testing offered by the occupational guidance centers which they consider to be fundamental, which should help to choose the life course for half an hour.

We find in the Internet one of such tests and we answer questions honestly. The test result “The occupational choice test”: You are the brave researcher, always looking for new adventures and discovering! You don't want any management about yourself as you are so creative personality that the simple person can't even track your thought flight. You are a creative person! It would be better to pursue science or art. It is possible to be engaged in advertising, creation of clothes models, accessories, cars – anything you want! Thus, it is possible to come to conclusion that our place is everywhere among those who transform this world.

Besides, it is offered to pass consultation and test in the occupational guidance centers, where the price of one and a half hour consultation fluctuates from 3,5 thousand to 7 thousand tenge, in case carrying out testing for group more than 10 people the price is 3500 tenge for each school student.

As for schools, they often realize passive forms of occupational guidance, they are school events:

  • in elementary grades so-called "Meetings with a profession";

  • in seniors — so-called “Meetings with experts”;

  • conversations about professions;

  • invitation of professionals to school thematic meetings "What are you going to be? ", "Find your occupation";

  • carrying out competitions on the knowledge of equipment and specialties;

  • stands and "Profession" showcases;

  • visiting enterprises and establishments by school students;

  • creation and constant work of " Knowledge University" at the enterprises and institutions;

  • professionals’, teachers’, veterans’, scientists’ reports [11].

Many active forms of occupation guidance are gone and not used:

  • organization of various children's and youth sports camps, clubs for young technicians, radio operators, child marine, rail etc. clubs, cadet corps;

  • involvement of young people into radio, aviation sports and others clubs and circles;

  • various school and out -of -school clubs on professional interests network development;

  • classes in the industrial plant departments being a primary vocational training system, which allows to conduct professional selection on a combined criterion of professions success, have left in the past;

  • consulting with representatives of schools, masters of vocational training to make a conclusion about professional competence.

Active and passive given forms cannot be fully realized as occupation guidance, although being indicated by every supervisor in the section "Occupational guidance" of the educational work plan. Social teachers, psychologists, teachers of " Safety of living", Technology teachers organize testing and conversations which are not effective as practice proofs.

Occupational guidance role of films that enhance the prestige of profession, form professional trend, is great, but they are very rare for last 10-year-period.

Thus, we can draw the following conclusions:

  • occupational guidance is not only the choice of a profession, but also the person’s involving into the society, his self-satisfaction, importance, the ability to bring benefit by their work to the state;

  • the necessity to conduct regular occupational guidance work, beginning with careers introduction in the preschool age, carrying out consistent work on the identification abilities and bent of teenagers and children, thereby supporting a painless choice of the specialization in senior classes and next professional self-determination in adult life;

  • the lack of occupational guiders, hard overwork of teachers, social teachers, school psychologists makes occupational guidance work irregular in Kazakhstan;

  • absence of professional consultants, supervisors, social teachers, school psychologists hard engagement promotes not systematically occupational guidance work at Kazakhstan schools;

  • outdated and not always effective forms of occupational guidance work don't realize pupils needs;

  • absence of examples and imitation samples for school children;

  • the occupational guidance work carried out by educational institutions seems to be insufficient because higher education institutions and colleges are often guided by entrants attraction to study in educational institutions, and occupational guidance is often directed on leavers;

  • it is necessary "to cultivate" generation of a new formation, professionals, experts, introduction of obligatory educational courses "Bases of akmeology, personal and social success", the formation of “ general labour society ", based on the principle of professionalism;

  • low satisfaction interest of the population by various aspects of labour activity;

  • to start carrying out occupational guidance work actively from 10 years to reveal and modify the personality qualities.

Summing up the results we can realize that occupational guidance work with teenagers is social and economic need of a society. The work on occupational guidance is very difficult multistage process demanding on an integrated approach.

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