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Макенова А.Х. - магистр педагогических наук, преподаватель кафедры «ПД и ИЯ»

Исасеитова А.Б. - преподаватель кафедры «ПД и ИЯ»

Кокшетауский университет им. А. Мырзахметова

Webinar showed that using such technology simplifies the preparation of teachers to an unusual lesson, increases motivation to learn the language, gives scope to the creativity of the student and the teacher, helps to fulfill the main aim of teaching of English language – interactive communication.

В данной статье рассматривается, что использование новых технологий упрощает подготовку преподавателей к уроку, побуждая изучать язык, дает творческий потенциал студенту и преподавателю, помогает выполнить главную цель обучающего английскому языку - диалоговая коммуникация.


Берілген мақалада оқытушылардың сабаққа ықшамдап дайындалу үшін жаңа технологиялар қолдануды,шетел тілді үйренуге түрткі болып, студентке және оқытушыға шығармашылық ыңтасына қызығушылығын арттыру, ағылшын тілі оқытушының негізгі мақсатын орындауына диалогтық коммуникация әсер етеді.
Teaching is a dynamic, demanding, and rewarding profession. Each classroom is a microcosm of our larger communities and within that space the hopes and aspirations for our future prosperity are cultivated. There is constant interplay in a classroom between individual knowledge, experiences, learning styles, social relationships, and curricular goals. It is the teacher’s ability to integrate these variables that creates daily opportunities for success. In addition to deep content knowledge, teachers should know how to motivate, inspire and challenge their students so that they move beyond the comfort of performing acceptably and into the power of accomplishing excellently. Planning lessons, analyzing student work and progress, collaborating with other teachers, and enhancing one’s own knowledge - all require work beyond the school bell’s ring. Teachers should reflect upon their instructional practices and consider the needs of their students on a constant basis. Being charged with the education of our youth demonstrates the ultimate trust and confidence of our communities. It is edifying to know that a teacher’s work enhances the economic and social vitality of the community. Yet, what holds the greatest reward for a teacher, is witnessing the intellectual and personal growth of students and the moments when their expressions reveal a new confidence in their abilities [1].

My Teaching Philosophy means that creatively working teacher always asks the question: how to build a lesson, so that the children were interesting to learn, and the teacher would have been a moral and professional satisfaction from their work.

Webinar showed that using such technology simplifies the preparation of teachers to an unusual lesson, increases motivation to learn the language, gives scope to the creativity of the student and the teacher, helps to fulfill the main aim of teaching English language – interactive communication.

According by participants of webinar this technology is unlimited freedom for creation. We must teach to play during the English lesson; because PLAY is the form the students can get positive experience which makes their LEARNING more effective.

Let me introduce you to The Webinar.

I’m sure you’re familiar with webinars, but let me just explain the format...

A webinar is a lecture given over the internet by an expert presenter, using a Powerpoint presentation, so you're not following an on-line course, but hearing a live interactive lecture, and participating via instant polls and surveys.

The webinars are all given at a very practical level so that each vet can take away 2-3 things which they will do differently in their practice.

  • It makes learning so much easier, and more fun!

  • No travelling to and from a venue and getting home late

  • No expenses for fuel, food or entertaining

  • No time wasted out of your Practice

  • No need for a Locum to cover your absence

  • No stress!

The subject is very actual today.

I think that forming estimation assumes:

  • a self-assessment

  • a mutually assessment

  • assessment of teacher's work

  • the most important, the subsequent work on creation of the plan of advance that metasubject activity assumes

I use five-ball system of estimation, having changed perception of a mark as end result.

It is especially interesting to estimate "open tasks" which have no unambiguous results of their performance. They essentially differ from traditional questions, tests, exercises which have correct answers to which the result received by the pupil is compared. In our case the result is always unique and reflects extent of creative self-expression. (It is used the formed color paper, according to a task, then with answers it is attached on a magnetic board) [2].

Today the Internet strongly located in life of society and in all its spheres, including in education. Educational institutions have the Internet pages, many reports are transmitted through "network", e-mail and Internet resources, an educational orientation is actively used. However the distance learning (DL) became the most significant for education by possibility of the Internet. It is a type of training which develops with a huge speed, in many respects thanks to development computer and Internet technologies. If ten years ago TO was considered as designation of one of forms of the correspondence education, is today a special form of education along with internal and correspondence. And though services TO are provided today by many educational institutions, this form of education isn't rather developed in the Russian educational space, especially the last achievements in this sphere. The webinar or online seminar belongs to one of such novelties. As well as many other development to the fields of education, a webinar I came from corporate training where it is used by the management being in the central office of firm, for consultations and professional development of employees from the different cities.

The webinar is the "virtual" seminar organized by means of web technologies in a mode of a live broadcast. Communication between participants and trainers is supported on the Internet. We can tell that the main sign of a seminar — interactivity, i.e. feedback existence with pupils in real time that wasn't earlier in to is inherent in a webinar.

Participants can hear and see the trainer, ask questions (in a chat or through a voice communication). On the screen presentations, Internet links can be broadcast, the leader can use tools of a virtual white board, carry out polls in real time, participants can work in groups, etc. The online seminar does TO most approached to real, "live" training, thus, that pupils and training can be in the different cities and even the countries.

Many modern teachers see the education future behind a webinar. Use of webinars can bring education to absolutely new level qualitative TO. However their use practically isn't developed in system of higher educational education. Webinars of training character meet today only on special the created Internet services, such as webinar.ru, webter.ru, webex.com, onwebinar.ru and others. Here everyone can visit the webinars organized by tutors, or hold the webinar. It isn't always free, but usually costs the spent money. We see in webinars special form of education of students, creation of a special portal on a university site where the whole courses of webinars which can be used as for additional, and the main training will be organized.

Thus, we see that behind a webinar as the innovative form of the organization of distance learning in higher education institution covers the huge didactic and media educational potential allowing on new to look at the organization of process of training at the higher school [3].

  1. Hinett_Improving learning through reflection_1.pdf

  2. Meyer_2003_Attitude Is Everything (smartgoals).pdf

  3. Race_2002_Using feedback to help students to learn.pdf

УДК 82.09

Медетов Р.Ж. - преподаватель, магистр педагогических наук, КУАМ

В данной статье рассматриваются особенности коммуникативно-регистрового аспекта стихотворного текста различных стилевых направлений.

Бұл мақалада өлең түріндегі мәтінінің әр түрлі стильді бағыттағы коммуникативтік-регистрлік аспектілердің ерекшеліктері қарастырылған.

This article focuses on the peculiarities of the communicative-register aspect of the poetic text of different stylistic trends.
В настоящее время одним из актуальных направлений современной лингвистики текста является коммуникативный подход к членению речевого потока, выделение единиц текста по принципу их коммуникативной целостности. Истоки этого подхода лежат в трудах А.М. Пешковского, Л.В. Щербы, представителей пражской функционально-семантической школы [1].
В дальнейшем, развитие коммуникативного направления, в лингвистике текста в частности, выражается в концепции коммуникативных регистров Г.А.Золотовой, считающей, что от множества текстов отвлечены сопоставляемые и противопоставляемые признаки, характеризующие любой текст:

1 - пространственно-временная позиция говорящего/перцептора (сопристутствие его в хронотопе события и сенсорное восприятие противопоставлено дистанцированности и ментальному восприятию);

2 - динамический или статический характер представляемой действительности, реальной либо виртуальной (сообщения о действиях, процессах противопоставлены сообщениям о качествах, отношениях);

3 - коммуникативные интенции говорящего (сообщение в широком смысле противостоит волеизъявлению и оценочной реакции).

Соотношение этих признаков позволило разграничить 5 коммуникативных типов (регистров) речи:

  • в репродуктивном регистре говорящий как бы из хронотопа происходящего сообщает о наблюдаемом, единичном, конкретно-референтном, актуальном;

  • в информативном регистре говорящий, дистанцированный от происходящего, сообщает об известном ему или осмысляемом, узуальном;

  • в генеритивном регистре говорящий формулирует (или цитирует) высказывания высшей степени обобщения – афоризмы, сентенции, пословицы, общечеловеческие всевременные истины;

  • в волюнтивном регистре говорящий выражает побуждение адресата к действию, в том числе речевому;

  • в реактивном регистре – выражает оценочную реакцию на речевую ситуацию [2].

В данной статье предпринята попытка освещения типичной коммуникативно-регистровой структуры поэтических произведений англоязычных поэтов по критерию их принадлежности к основным литературным направлениям XVIII-XX веков – неоклассицизму, романтизму и модернизму.

Неоклассицизм XVIII века

Эпоха неоклассицизма, продолжая традиции классицизма, отличается известным традиционализмом искусства. Оно, как правило, обращено к примерам древности и исходит из того, что существует единый и единственный закон прекрасного, основанный на разуме [3].

Для рассмотрения типичной коммуникативной структуры приведем отрывки из философской поэмы Александра Поупа «Essay on Man». Произведение начинается с волюнтивного регистра, выражающегося в повелительном наклонении глагола:

  1. Awake, my St. John! Leave all meaner things

  2. To low ambition, and the pride of Kings.

  3. Let us (since life can little more supply

  4. Than just to look about us and to die)

  5. Expatiate free o'er all this scene of man

В следующем отрывке волюнтивный регистр продолжается в форме риторических вопросов:

  1. Say first, of God above, or man below,

  2. What can we reason, but from what we know?

  3. Of man what see we, but his station here,

  4. From which to reason, or to which refer?

Концептуальная информация, характерная для генеритивного регистра, выражается в высказываниях высшей степени обобщения:

  1. Through worlds unnumber'd though the God be known,

  2. 'Tis ours to trace him only in our own.

  3. He, who through vast immensity can pierce,

  4. See worlds on worlds compose one universe,

  5. May tell why Heav'n has made us as we are.

В отрывке из басни Джона Гэя «Mother, Nurse, and Fairy» сюжет развивается по типичному информативному регистру, выраженному глаголами действия в прошедшем времени:

Waked to the morning's pleasing joy,

The mother rose and sought her boy.

She found the nurse like one possessed,

Who wrung her hands and beat her breast.

Оканчивается басня генеритивным регистром - информацией обобщенного характера:

For neither would a fairy mother

Exchange her baby for another;

But should we change with imps of clay,

We should be idiots - like as they".

Сам факт того, что произведения эпохи (нео-)классицизма носят дидактический характер, выражается в преобладании волюнтивного регистра, который выражает побуждение к действию, к моральному совершенствованию. Генеритивный регистр выражен в форме поучительных вневременных истин в человеческих отношениях.

Романтизм XIX века

Романтизм это движение в европейской литературе, добившееся расцвета в XIX в., которое характеризуется повышенным вниманием к внешней природе, ее идеализации, а также любовью к прошлому и ко всему мистическому. У романтиков на первый план выступают баллада, романтическая поэма, разнообразные формы политической и медитативной лирики [3].

Для рассмотрения типичной коммуникативной структуры приведем в качестве примера отрывок из оды Уильяма Вордсворта «Ode on the Intimation of Immortality», характеризующийся репродуктивным регистром, передающим авторское описание визуальных образов:

I hear the echoes through the mountains throng,

The winds come to me from the fields of sleep,

And all the earth is gay;

Land and sea

Give themselves up to jollity,

And with the heart of May

Doth every beast keep holiday;

В поэме встречаются и сентенции вечных истин, выраженные генеритивным регистром, как, к примеру, в отрывке стихотворения Уильяма Блейка «The Clod and the Pebble»:

Love seeketh not Itself to please,

Nor for itself hath any care,

But for another gives its ease

And builds a Heaven in Hell's despair.

Но все же преобладающим являютcя информативный и репродуктивный регистры, например, в поэме Сэмуэла Кольриджа «Christabel»:

She stole along, she nothing spoke,

The sighs she heaved were soft and low,

And naught was green upon the oak

But moss and rarest misletoe.

Как видно, в романтизме также используются различные регистры, но доминирующие - это репродуктивный регистр, описывающий непосредственное восприятие фантазий и картин природы, и информативный регистр, особо характерный для романтических поэм, выражающийся в повествованиях.

Модернизм XX века

Модернистскую литературу характеризует отторжение традиций XIX века, консенсуса между автором и читателем. Поэты, в свою очередь, отказывались от традиционной метрической системы в пользу верлибра. Модернистские писатели видели себя как авангард, окинувший буржуазные ценности, и заставляли читателя задуматься, применяя сложные новые литературные формы и стили [4].

На следующих отрывках из стихотворения Уистана Одена «The Unknown Citizen» видны использования информативного и волюнтивного регистров:

For in everything he did he served the Great Community.

Except for the war till the day he retired

He worked in a factory and never got tired

Was he free? Was he happy?

В поэме Томаса Элиота «The Waste Land» широко используется репродуктивный регистра,

April is the cruellest month,breeding

Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing

Memory and desire, stirring

Dull roots with spring rain.

и генеритивного:

You cannot say, or guess, for you know only

A heap of broken images, where the sun beats

Таким образом, в то время как в литературных традициях XVIII и XIX веков доминирующими коммуникативными регистрами в поэзии английских поэтов являются волюнтивный и генеритивный регистры в классицизме и репродуктивный и информативный регистры в романтизме, для модернистских течений характерна полирегистровая структура, в которой нет выраженного преобладания отдельного регистра.


  1. Тураева З.Я. Лингвистика текста М., 1986.

  2. Золотова Г.А. Роль грамматики в композиции текста // Язык. Культура. Гуманитарное знание: Научное наследие Г.О. Винокура и современность М.: Научный мир, 1999.

  3. Мокрушина А.В. Эволюция поэтических жанров в эпоху Романтизма [Текст] / А.В. Мокрушина // Филология и лингвистика: проблемы и перспективы: материалы междунар. заоч. науч. конф. (г. Челябинск, июнь 2011 г.). - Челябинск: Два комсомольца, 2011. - С. 37-40.

  4. Аствацатуров A.А. - Вводная лекция: Модернизм. [6 октября 2009] http://ast.rpod.ru/124861.html.

УДК 81, 255.2



Корнилова О.А., Пяскорская Е.Н.

Кокшетауский университет имени Абая Мырзахметова


The article is devoted to one of the most controversial issues today in higher education, which relates to preparation of students for their future jobs at the university: whether university should or should not provide students with practical training while teaching theoretical knowledge. Some people think developing the practical skills of students in higher institution is of great importance, because at the beginning of students’ career they must prepare themselves for their future employment.Others support the opinion that the universities should only prepare the students theoretically.

Берілген мақала университеттің қабырғаларында келешек мамандыққа студенттерді дайындау жоғарғы білім жүйесінде ең көкейкестік мәселелерге арналған. Біреулер жоғарғы оқу орындарда тәжірибелік дағдылар нығайту керектігін, өйткені студен өзінің мансабында керек міндеттерды орындай кажеттігін есептейді. Басқалары жоғарғы оқу орындарда студенттерге тек қана теориялық дайындықты беру қажеттігін есептейді.

Данная статья посвящена одной из самых актуальных проблем в сфере высшего образования относительно подготовки студентов к будущей профессии в стенах университета: следует или нет прививать студентам практические навыки параллельно с теоретическими знаниями. Некоторые считают, что очень важно развивать практические навыки в высших учебных заведениях, так как уже в начале своей карьеры студенты должны быть готовы выполнять свои обязанности на рабочем месте. Другие полагают, что высшие учебные заведения должны давать студентам только теоретическую подготовку.
Practical skills are necessary at work especially at the beginning of the career,so developing the practical skills of students in higher institution is of great importance.

Universities provide the higher level of education in a country. With its vast grounds and fine buildings, students study there to prepare themselves for their future employment. One of the most controversial issues today relates to preparation of students for their future jobs at the university: whether university should or should not provide students with practical training while teaching theoretical knowledge. Some people think that the universities should teach the students theory as well as practice, which are necessary in their careers. Others support the opinion that the universities should only prepare the students theoretically [1].

The essential task of higher education is to provide students with knowledge since academic qualifications are required in many professions.It isgenerally considered that university is an institution, which concentrates on mainly two tasks: one is cultivating people to be professional in their fields; the other is doing further research on certain aspects. These two tasks decide that university focus on theoretical knowledge, but not practical training. What's people looking for in the further education in university? Certainly it's knowledge and most probably the theoretical knowledge. If they are seeking for some practical training, why not they enter some kind of skill-training institution or just find a job, both of which are likely to give them many more chances of practical training than a university can afford.

On the other hand, some of university graduates are helpless in their first jobs if they learn only theory at university. Theory is necessary, however. One cannot do everything with theory and he must have practical experience and, of course, graduates should know something practical about their major, which means the students ought to be prepared for their future career.

First of all, many graduates find themselves unable to do practical work or to solve practical problems at work, so the number of young graduates that cannot find jobs is increasing since universities spend too much attention on students' theoretical education rather than practical work skills. Therefore, it is understandable that what young students have learnt at their higher levels tend to dissatisfy the demand of their jobs.

Secondly, another fact worth noticing is that the youth lack experiences in social communication, which is needed for their workspace in the near future. And to achieve this skill is not any easy for reserved person and they cannot grasp all of this in a short period of time but to practice it afterschool or within the lessons when they are in college.

On the other hand, universities that focus on practical training create students who can only know about their jobs. These students cannot learn how to answer questions about the world or communicate with other graduates who have gained a wide range of world knowledge. What is more, theoretical knowledge benefits the students who plan to be experts in specific areas. Thus, without academic background, it is impossible for young graduates to research something deeply.

For the reasons mentioned above, it seems that students are more likely to be successful in their careers if they have learned theory as well as practical skills in their universities [2].

What are the ways of developing of the practical skills of students in higher Education?

Practical skills relate to the application of knowledge, theory and/or skills students have developed in higher education to complete real life tasks. When undertaking practical tasks, students need to use their common sense, to be proactive and follow health and safety procedures.

There are many careers that require practical skills and several others which have practical elements including, for example, geography field, teaching, laboratory work, dance or nursing.

To demonstrate practical skills students should be able to apply knowledge that is to use knowledge and skills learnt during the course to complete practical work-based tasks and problems. Graduates are likely to face real life challenges which are somewhat removed from the theoretical knowledge obtained during higher education, so students will have to adapt what they have learnt to meet the needs of the real life situation [3].

There are several ways to improve practical skills. First of all, it is work placement that offers an opportunity to apply educational knowledge and theory in a work environment. Experienced colleagues in the workplace are a great source of practical knowledge. Students shouldn’t think that they have already learnt everything they need to know in the classroom and should use opportunities to ask questions and learn from their experience. Research has shown that students who participate in a work placement are more likely to obtain better degree grades and it is much easier for them to step into their careers in the future and find a good job after the graduation [4].

Besides students must accept opportunities to participate in practical sessions whenever possible and get involved in relevant practical opportunities available in the community; for example, archaeology students may volunteer on archaeological digs or translating students may take their first steps in translation through non-formal meetings. Employers like proactive people who have confidence to find and take on new practical tasks and responsibilities [5].

To develop additional practical skills students could take a first aid or coaching course. For example, our future translators could work in such agencies as Work and Travelwhere they collaborate with foreign colleagues or work for translating agencies.This experience is of great value because our students have a great difficulty in listening comprehension and speaking for they have little experience with native speakers. These skills are the most difficult ones and this is possibly the most common problem when teaching English as a foreign language in university. The students consider the native speech too fast and not distinct and it takes them much effort to make out the words in the native speaker speech. Even if the ESL students understand a native and want to implement the information, they have another problem - language barrier, because the speaking skills are not developed. It causes persistent use of first-language, because the students are not able to adapt to using second language. Therefore, collaboration with such agencies creates the environment that encourages them to speak English fluently. However, as practice shows the students with good theoretical knowledge advance greatly with their practical skills, but those who neglected theory did not make great progress in English.

To sum up, the university ought to provide the students with theoretical knowledge and to focus on students' practical skills as well, that is to encourage the students to improve their skills in practice in all possible ways. They must go together in order students can be well-qualified graduates and could be able to address any practical problems at work.


  1. Bradley S. The value of theoretical and practical knowledge - 2012 http://www.vanseodesign.com/whatever/theoretical-practical-knowledge/

  2. Daymount T. & Blau, G. Student performance in online and traditional sections of an undergraduate management course. -Institute of Behavioral and Applied Management, 2008. - С. 275–294.

  3. http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/nauchno-issledovatelskaya-deyatelnost-kak-faktor-professionalnogo-razvitiya-studenta.

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