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Past Simple - простое прошедшее время

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Past Simple - простое прошедшее время

Время Past Simple используется для обозначения действия, которое произошло в определенное время в прошлом и время совершения которого уже истекло. Для уточнения момента совершения действия в прошлом при использовании времени Past Simple обычно используются такие слова, как five days ago (пять дней назад), last year(в прошлом году), yesterday (вчера), in 1980 (в 1980 году) и т.п.

Образование Past Simple

Утвердительные предложения:

I played

We played

You played

You played

He / she / it played

They played

Вопросительные предложения:

Did I play?

Did we play?

Did you play?

Did you play?

Did he / she / it play?

Did they play?

Отрицательные предложения:

I did not play

We did not play

You did not play

You did not play

He / she / it did not play

They did not play

Для того, чтобы поставить английский глагол во время Past Simple, нужно использовать его «вторую форму». Для большинства глаголов она образуется прибавлением окончания -ed:

examine – examined, enjoy – enjoyed, close – closed

Однако есть также достаточно большая группа неправильных английских глаголов, которые образуют форму прошедшего времени не по общим правилам, для них форму прошедшего времени нужно просто запомнить.

We saw your friend yestеrday.

Перевести в Past Simple

Я не ходила вчера в магазин и не покупала зелень. Летом нас не было в городе- мы жили в деревне. Ученые не сомневались в пользе смешанной диеты. Заболевания пищеварительной системы врачи не лечили жаропонижающими препаратами.

3 Составить диетугрупповая работа

Wright a diet to the child after disease, to the grown up after fracture, to the student during exams





Тема Vitamines

1 Дополните предложения изученными терминами по теме « Диета»

In hospital the doctor … must have.

Any patient with high t … . appetite.

… must be fluid.

If a patient has high t … weak.

For weak patient we give … food.

Many diseases can be … by diet.

Тема «Витамины»

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Where containing


Пищевой рацион должен включать свежие фрукты и овощи.

Причем он должен быть сбалансированным.
Слишком много витаминов может навредить организму ребенка, как и их нехватка.

Работа над грамматикой:

Past Continuousупотребляется для обозначения действия, происходящего в точно указанный момент или период прошлого (В прошлом году в этот день я ехал на море- I was travelling to the sea at this day last year)

Перевести предложения

When I entered the room he was reading a book. At three o clock yesterday I was reading a book. While my mother was reading a book I was playing the piano. At the end of June I was preparing for my exams. When he came I was looking through the book of his early sketches. While he was making tea she was watching him.

Тема «First aid»
1 запишите слова в словарь

First aid, save the lifes, bruise, bruised place, swollen, swelling, scratch, knee, put iodine, to hurt, to wet cloth in cold water, to relieve the pain, emergency,

2перевести на русский язык:

      • bruised place

      • put iodine on the scratch

      • wet some cloth in cold water

      • will relieve the pain

      • put the cold compress on the bruised place

3 SOSsave our souls

Ответьте на вопросы

  • Why it is very important to know methods of giving of the first aid?

  • What is the most important thing in an emergency?

  • How must a person act when he gives the first aid?

  • Do you know how to give the first aid?

4 Перевдите мини-диалог в Past Continuous:

  • - Что ты делал вчера целый день?

  • - Вчера целый день я готовился к экзамену.

  • - Неужели целый день?

  • - Честно говоря, я учил с 12 до 3х, все остальное время – играл на компьютере.

Тема Bleeding

1Продолжите предложения:

When you fall on your knee you get …

The bruised place looks …

If you knee hurts you very much

2Тема: времена в английском языке.

Задание: найти сказуемое в изученных временах, и указать в каком времени оно стоит.

1) I am putting

2) He is putting.

3) We are putting.

4) She was putting.

5) They were putting.

6) I shall be showing.

7) He will be rending.

9) I do beating.

10) We shall tell.

11) He will tell.

12) I had gone

13) I have fit.

14) He has fit.

15) We shall have fed.

16) It will have fed.

Запишите в словарь
Новая лексика
а) Bleeding

To flow


Pad of sterile gauze

As soon as possible


To fasten



To breathe

Severe case

б) Переведите на английский

Остановить кровотечение

Опасное кровотечение

Кровь вытекает медленно из раны

Давящая повязка

Кровотечение из конечности

Холодный компресс на нос

Немедленно вызвать скорую

в) Переведите Bleeding can lead to a severe loss of blood. The best way to stop bleeding is by direct pressure with a clean cloth. The artery bleeding is more dangerous than vein bleeding because the blood flows very quickly from the wound.

Тема Fractures

1Работа над грамматикой. Past Perfect употребляется для выражения действия совершенного к определенному моменту в прошлом
Формы глагола в past perfect


Утвердительная форма



Ед. и мн.

I (you, he, she ,it ,we, they) had asked

Had I (you, he, she ,it ,we, they ) asked?

I (you, he, she ,it ,we, they) had not asked


Past perfect употребляется:

а) для выражения действия, завершившегося до какого либо момента или другого действия в прошлом (результат действия)

He had read the book by 5 o’ clock yesterday. ( Он прочел книгу до пяти часов)

Bu eleven Cathy had finished all the work.

When Montanelli awoke the next morning, Arthur had disappeared. (Когда Монтанелли проснулся на следующее утро, Артур исчез)

I had hardly read more than the first three chapters when my attention was diverted by a conversation. ( Не успел я прочесть первые три главы, как мое внимание привлек чей-то разговор.)

б) в предложениях, в которых одно действие завершилось до другого действия, длящегося в прошлом.

He had read the book and was watching TV when I came. (Когда я пришел, он уже прочитал книгу и смотрел телевизор.)

We had finished our work by 5 o’clock.- Мы закончили работу к 5 часам.

I lost money, which I had received.- Я потерял деньги, которые получил

2Выполнить упражнения

Упражнение 1 Переведите, подчеркните Past Perfect

I remembered that my sister had invited me to go to the theatre with her.

He returned to the country which he had left in his childhood,

By dinner time the young people had finished the inspection of the yard.

Our train had arrived at the small station by the afternoon.

He remembered that he had left his address on the table.

It seemed to me that I had never met such interesting people.
Упражнение 2 Прочитайте и переведите

He has been ill for three months. I saw that my friends had gone. By six o’ clock I had learned all the words. I thought he had written to you. He did not think that the boy had grown so much. She knew I had spoken to her father. She didn’t know that the text had been changed. I could not remember what had been said about accident.

3 Тема Fractures
Записать в словарь новые термины




to bind


to pierce

to immobilize


to prevent



put plaster cast
б) составьте словосочетания, используя новую лексику

открытый перелом

закрытый перелом

сложный перелом

жаловаться на боль

наложить щину

выше или ниже места перелома

предотвратить движение сустава

пронзить кожу и мышцы

сделать рентген и наложить гипс

Тема Fainting
Упражнение 1Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple or Past Continuous

Last night I (have) a wonderful dream. This is what I (dream). We (take) a trip to Hawaii. I (be) with my family and two of my friends. We (be) on ship and we (travel) to Honolulu. On the ship there (be) a disco. We (sit) on nice comfortable seats and we (drink) exotic cocktails. Lots of people (dance) and the music (play) loudly.

Записать в словарь

а) fainting

the cause


want of foof


lose consciousness

feel dizzy

to breath

ammonia water

б) Continiue the sentences:

  • The cause of my fright is …

  • In hot day sweat …

  • I fell dizzy when …

  • When the person has want of food …

в) Let’ s speak about the symptoms of fainting and the first aid

г) Make the sentences

- on, sweat, patient’s, the, appears, forehead
- the person, in, give, ammonia water, to breathe
- there, no wound, is, closed, in, fractures, a
- the person, in the place, complaines, of the break, of pain
- the splint, bind, with, to the limb, bandages, several

Тема Shock. Poisoning

Продолжить предложения – контроль д\з

The breathing is …

The pulse is …

In fainting the person loses …

The face of a person before fainting …
Blood doesn’t get to …
Give the person to breathe …

  1. Записать и перевести новые термины

loss of blood poisoning

severe pain to empty the stomach

pale face asphyxia

rapid pulse prompt

keep quiet
прочитать и перевести текст


Shock is very dangerous. Loss of blood can cause shock. Severe pain or strong emotion can cause shock too. The face of a person in shock is very pale and the skin is cold. Breathing is rapid and shallow. The pulse is rapid.

If you help a person who is in shock you must:

Lay him flat on his back.

Raise his feet a little.

Cover him with blankets to keep him warm

Give him a warm drink

Keep him quiet.

вставьте вместо точек слова, подходящие по смыслу

When the person is in shock his face …

The pulse and breathing …

If you help the person in shock lay…

It is important … a person in shock.

определите правильные ответы на вопрос “ What are the aids for poisoning?”

1. Have the person to lay down; 2. Give the person four or eight glasses of water; 3. Take off the person’s dress; 4. Examine the person’s mouth

Повторение грамматики
Упражнение 1. Поставьте вопросы к следующим предложениям, употребляя нужную форму глагола.
I went to the cinema yesterday. –Did I go to the cinema?

Where did I go?

1. He lived in Paris.

2. They saw this film last week.

3. Ann ate cherries.

4. My mother read many books.

5. He spoke English.

6. I began to study French (live - lived, see – saw, eat – ate, read – read, speak – spoke, begin – began).

Тема Sun stroke

1Запомните структуру

you should better + глагол =выражение совета- Вам бы лучше…

you should better go to bed- Вам бы лучше лечь в постель.

Переведите, используя You should better

you should better помазать руку йодом,

поднять ноги,

дышать через нос,

сделать рентген,

растереть кожу губкой,

накрыть его одеялом,

намочить ткань в холодной воде.

Переведите и дополните схемы

The first aid for poisoning is to empty the stomach. Do it as soon as possible. Give large drinks of water: 4-8 glasses. Some poisons cause shock, other- asphyxia. In every case the patient needs prompt medical care.

To empty stomach dry skin



To cool skin prompt cake

Заполните дифтаблицу по изученным темам








first aid

Работа над грамматикой

Past Simple or Past Perfect

Вставьте глагол в скобках в соответствующую форму

When I (arrive ) at the station, the train (leave ).

We ( light ) the candels because the lights ( go off ) .

When I ( come ) home, I ( discover ) that somebody( break into ) my flat.

The patient ( die ) before the ambulance (reach ) the hospital.

John ( eat ) all the cakes by the time the other children ( arrive ) at the party.

I (thank ) her for everything she ( do ).

When we ( get ) to the office, I (realize ) that I ( forget ) to lock the front door,

Тема Обобщающее занятие по темам разделов 4 и 5
Найти соответствия, что пропущено?

Остановить кровотечение сold compress on the nose

Опасное кровотечение call the ambulance

Кровь вытекает медленно из раны stop the bleeding

Давящая повязка dangerous bleeding

Кровотечение из конечности blood flows slowly from the wound

Холодный компресс на нос bleeding from the limb

Немедленно вызвать скорую ?

Работа над грамматикой

Задание: указать тип предложения.

1) The car stopped.

2) Go on reading.

3) Love me, love my dog.

4) I was out when he came.

5) It seems that he was late for the train.

6) I don’t know how you do it.

7) He laughs best who laughs last.

8) The man sent a telegram yesterday.

9) Are you coming tomorrow?

10) The lad you have just talked to is my sister’s friend.

11) I’ve forgotten whom I gave the book.

12) I went to work, but she went shopping.

13) He said he would come in the evening.

14) A cold wind was blowing, a snowstorm began.

15) Never did he come in time.

16) His words that he wasn’t coming upset me.

Тема Hospitals and other medical Services.
Повторите употребление и образование Future Simple


Утвердительная форма

Вопросительная форма

Отрицательная форма


I will ask. You ( he, she, it) will ask.

Will you ( he, she, it) ask?

I’ll not ask. You ( he, she, it) will not ask.


We’ll ask. You (they) will ask.

Will you ask?

We’ll not ask.

Упражнение 1Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или Future Simple

If the weather (to be) nice, we probably ( to go) to the beach.

If he still (to have) a cold and (not to feel) better, he (not go) to a disco.
If you (to decide) to forget about your diet, you (to eat) wedding cake tomorrow.
If I (to drink) too much champagne at my friend’s wedding, I (to get) a bad headache.
If they (to go) to California next year, they (to visit) his friend in San Francisco.
If she (not work) properly, her boss (to fire) her and ( to hire) my sister.
Прочитать и перевести текст
Bryansk regional station of blood transfusion

The Bryansk regional station of blood transfusion was opened in 1958 on the basis of office of blood transfusion of regional hospital 1. The station settled down in the wooden building, in seven rooms. Only 29 people worked there, donorship promoting, creation of a certain reserve of donors without which the Service of blood can’t exist was the main objective of the personnel. Doctors, average medical employers of station together with activists of society of the Red Cross regularly acted with conversations, lectures and movies. For the first year of work of station about 950 liters of tinned bloodfrom1400 people were prepared. From 55 liters of blood prepared solutions, the rest poured the needing. In1969 the Bryansk regional station of blood transfusion moved into the new three-stored building and the new eguipment was received.

Дать определения терминам Donorship,

medical employers,

station of blood transfusion,


society Of the Red Cross

Тема Policlinics.

Работа над грамматикой Future Simple – записать предложения в Future Simple

1) The car stopped.

2) Go on reading.
3) Love me, love my dog.
4) I was out when he came.
5) It seems that he was late for the train.
6) I don’t know how you do it.
7) He laughs best who laughs last.
8) The man sent a telegram yesterday.
9) Are you coming tomorrow?
10) The lad you have just talked to is my sister’s friend.
Переведите слова и выражения


Hospital treatment

Medical treatment

surgical treatment
to prescribe treatment
incomplete ( complete) recovery
rubber bedpan
mustard plaster
to take arterial pressure
to give somebody a stomach
to give an injection
intravenous injection

intradermal injection

intramuscular injection
to review the temperature chart
to insert a thermometer to take temperature
Тема Departments and medical staff of a hospital.

Работа над текстом « Departments and medical staff of a hospital»


A. To identify those practitioners whose privileges make them eligible to admit and/or

treat patients.

B. To orient hospital personnel to the resources available to assure that a practitioner

has been granted privileges to admit and/or treat patients.

C. To provide guidelines to hospital personnel on the procedure for obtaining temporary

privileges for a practitioner who is not on staff, and requests the privilege to admit

and/or treat a patient in the hospital.

D. To identify classes of privileges and proctoring requirements.


This policy applies to all practicing medical staff members at Texas Health Harris Methodist

Hospital Southlake.


A. Practitioners who wish to admit and/or treat patients in this hospital must have been

formally granted the privilege to do so, in accordance with the Bylaws of the Medical

Staff of Harris Hospital Southlake.

B. Members of the Provisional, Courtesy or Active Medical Staff or practitioners, who

have been granted temporary privileges in accordance with the Medical Staff Bylaws,

may admit or provide medical or health-related services to patients in the hospital if

granted these privileges.

1. Members of the Consulting Staff do not hold admitting privileges. Allied Health

Professional Staff do not have privileges to admit. Psychologists, however,

may perform consultations.

C. To identify members of the Medical Staff:

1. The Medical Staff Roster is a resource available to identify members of the

Medical Staff. The Roster contains an alpha listing of all members of the

Medical Staff, including the office address, telephone number, specialty, staff

status and class of privileges. A current copy of the Medical Staff Roster is

distributed to all hospital departments and nursing units on a quarterly basis by POLICIES & PROCEDURES

Policy Area: Administrative

Medical Staff

Name of Policy: Privileges, Admitting and Temporary

(Medical Staff

Policy :

Pages: 3 Effective Date: October 26, 2004

Reference: Revision Date:

the Medical Staff Services Office. Changes in the roster are communicated via

a typed memo from the Medical Staff Office.

D. To identify practitioners who have been granted Temporary Privileges:

1. Each time a practitioner is issued temporary privileges, a copy of the

temporary privilege form with the approved clinical privileges is distributed to

appropriate hospital departments and nursing units, if applicable. Each

temporary privilege form specifies the purpose for which the temporary

privileges were granted. This is done only once. Temporary privileges have an

effective date and they are issued for a specific period of time. If temporary

privileges are renewed, the renewal will be communicated to the appropriate

hospital departments and nursing units, if applicable.

Тема Work in a hospital.

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