Грамматика английского языка

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Lisicina Grammatika angl azika

part of a com-
pound verbal pre-


He  was seen  turning round the corner.
Видели, как он повернул за 

She was heard singing.
Было слышно, как она поет. 

Her name was heard mentioned. 
Было слышно, как упомянули её имя. 

The children  were found  sleeping on the floor. 
Детей нашли спя-
щими на полу. 

I was kept waiting two hours. 
Меня заставили ждать два часа./Меня дер-
жали в ожидании два часа. 

The dress was found torn. 
Платье нашли порванным. 

The boat was considered lost. 
Считалось, что лодка потерялась. 

She is considered cured. 
◄► 5. The Nominative Absolute Participial Construction ◄► 
Function: Adverbial modifier of: 
a) time
The game having ended, the crowd went home.
The lamp having been lit, he opened his book.
Her luggage registered, she went to the platform. 
Когда ее багаж был 
зарегистрирован, она пошла на платформу.
The signal given, the train started.
b) cause
The report being in French, we couldn’t understand a single 
The score being level after 90 minutes, a repay will take place.
The interview being over, he stood up and left the room.
The rain having ruined my hat, I had to buy a new one.
It being Sunday (=As it was Sunday), the library was closed. 
как было воскресенье, библиотека была закрыта.
There being much work to do, I’ll stay at home tonight.
c) attendant 
She passed along the pavement, the boy walking next to her.
Mabel hurried out of the car and walked away, tears streaming 
down her face.

He was given two articles on this subject, the latter being more 
Ему дали на эту тему две статьи, причем последняя была интереснее. 
He lit a cigarette, his fingers trembling.
He rose to his feet, his arms folded. 
Он встал, скрестив руки на груди.
She rose from the bed and stood motionless, her head bent, her 
hands clasped.
d) condition
Weather permitting, the football match will take place on 
Если погода позволит, футбольный матч состоится в среду.
Negotiations failing, we will have to change our proposals. 
переговоры не будут иметь успеха, нам придется изменять наши предложения.
◄► 6. The Prepositional Absolute Participial Construction ◄► 
Function: Adverbial modifier of: 
a) attendant 
It is unhealthy to sleep with windows shut. 
It was a lovely morning with a keen 
 breeze whipping the 
Andrew went into the house with his heart beating fast. 
She sat silent, with her eyes fixed on the ground. 
Она сидела молча, 
опустив глаза. 
She looked especially pretty this morning with her hair and 
nails carefully done.
b) cause 
With Louise living in Spain, we don’t see her very often. 
(=Because Louise lives in Spain, we don’t see her very often.) 
I won’t speak with him staring at me like that. 
I can’t walk with my leg broken. 
◄► 7. Absolute Constructions without a Participle: ◄► 
◄ 7. (A) The Nominative Absolute Construction ► 
Function: Adverbial modifier of: 
a) time
The interview over, he stood up and left the room.
b) attendant circumstances 
She waited a moment, her eyes full of alarm. 
She sat there, her mind deep in thought. 
◄ 7. (B) The Prepositional Absolute Construction ► 
Function: Adverbial modifier of: 
a) attendant circumstances
He left the room, with the dog after him.
She sat there in silence, with pain in her heart.

The Non-Finite Forms of the Verbs (or The Verbals) 
The verb has finite forms and non-finite which are also called verbals. There 
are three verbals in English: the Participle, the Gerund and the Infinitive. 
The verbals do not express person, number or mood; therefore they cannot be 
used as the predicate of the sentence. Like the finite forms of the verb the verbals 
have tense and voice distinction. 
◄► The Participle ◄► 
The Participle is a non-finite form of the verb which has a double nature: it is 
a verbal adjective (it has a verbal and adjectival character) or it is a verbal adverb (it 
has a verbal and adverbial character). 
(Причастие - это неличная форма глагола. Функции 
причастия близки к функциям прилагательного и наречия.)
There are two participles in English – Participle I and Participle II, tradition-
ally called the Present Participle and the Past Participle though they differ in voice 
rather than in tense. Participle I is formed by adding the suffix -ing to the stem of the 
verb and Participle II – by adding the suffix -ed to the stem of the regular verbs, while 
the irregular verbs have special forms of Participle II. 
Cf. taking – taken 
(берущий - взятый)
asking – asked 
(спрашивающий - спрошенный)
writing – written 
(пишущий - написанный)
telling – told 
(рассказывающий - рассказанный)
the rising moon – the risen moon 
the retiring director – the retired director 
The same in the auctioneer’s formula: Going! Going! Gone! 
Продается! Продается! 

The adjectival and adverbial character 
of the participle is manifested in its 
syntactic functions as an attribute and an adverbial modifier. 
Problems facing parents should be discussed. 
When left to herself, she spent her time at her writing desk.
 (adverbial modifier of 
time) Оставшись одна, она провела время за своим письменным столом. 

The verbal characteristics of the participle are as follows: 
  Participle I of a transitive verb can take a direct object. 
Reading English books, he finds interesting expressions. 
  Participle I and Participle II can be modified by an adverb. 
Knowing English well, he had no difficulty in translating the article. 
Deeply moved, she stood up and left the room. 
Rising early, you’ll make your days longer. 

  Participle I has tense distinctions: Participle I of transitive verbs has also voice 
distinctions and it has four forms: 


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