Хабаршы №1-2 (5-6) 2012 Вестник «Казахстан-Россия: стратегическое партнерство в XXI веке»

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  1. Republic of Kazakhstan / Emerging Markets Research. – Merrill Lynch, March 1998

  2. Kessikbayev, A. Orta Asya’da Jeoekonomik Dönüsüm: Kazakistan Petrolü ve Aktau-Bakü-Ceyhan İhracat Güzergahı. Stratejik Öngörü Dergisi, TASAM yayınları, Sayı:6, 2005

  3. Laumulin M. Tsentral’naya Aziya i situatsiya v Afganistane. Almaty: Tsentral’naya Azia, 1997.No:1.

  4. Status Kaspija. İntervju s Ministrom inostrannıh del Turmenistana B.Sahmuradovım, Caspian Ashgabad dergisi, 1997

  5. Sas B. Kaspiyskoe more: Spornıe Pravovıe Voprosı i Praktiçeskie Posledstvija, Almaty: Caspian, 1997.

  6. Muhammed Heykel, 3. Petrol Savası: Körfez Savasının Perde Arkası, Çeviri: Ahmet Asrar, İstanbul: Pınar

  7. www.globalresearch.ca Геополитика каспийского моря: Nabucco будет самым дорогим из когда либо построенных трубопроводов

Кілтті сөздер: Орта Азия, Каспий теңізі, халықаралық құқық, геосаясат, геоэкономика

Ключевыеслова: Центральная азия, Каспийское море, международные права, геополитика, геоэкономика

Key words: Сentral Asia, Kaspian Sea, İnternational Law, geopolitic, geoeconomic


магистр ПМНО, преподаватель

кафедры иностранных языков

ЕНУ им. Л.Н.Гумилева,

Game methods of teaching phrasal verbs


В данной статье рассматриваются игровые методы преподавания фразовых глаголов в иностранном языке (английский), где автор предлагает свою классификацию игровых методов.

Ключевые слова: игровая методика; классификация; фразовый глаголы; учебные игры.
As we know teaching games has appeared many times ago. Many famous teachers paid a great attention to methods of teaching games and using them in process of study. But nowadays teaching games in classes has changed. And that is why researches and works on this problem has helped and provided teachers with many modern and effective game types of learning. But progress never stays, it is always moves. Thus, actuality on game methods will always find new ways of teaching.

Game methods are very important in teaching languages. The usage of the different games on foreign language lessons promotes to achieve next aims: a good atmosphere in fast learning of the given material, develops memory and attention, and students promotes interest for the lesson, helps to better understanding of students’ personalities, a potential of each student, his /her personal good sides, activity, self-motivation, initiative skills, preparedness to work in team, and to safe and to strengthen study motivation.

The elements of games always bring an enthusiasm and interest; while students competing with each other, it provides communicational skills, in other words the process of study goes naturally.

The advantages of using teaching game methodologies:

1. The game process provides a good psychological atmosphere between students, whereas game reduces tension and gives a possibility to study without a fear.

2. In a process of study shy students get a great possibility to open them, to express their opinions and feelings.

3. Teaching games give possibility for students to speak foreign language, which is not always happen in regular lessons.

4. Game forces students to think critically and find substandard decisions and suggest new ideas.

5. Game atmosphere gives spontaneous and propitious atmosphere which helps students to study teaching material very easy.

It is the fact that phrasal verbs are just rather difficult to learn. Learning phrasal verbs out of the dictionary can help, but students really need to study and hear phrasal verbs in context to be able to truly understand the correct usage of phrasal verbs. Game methods will help to students (learners) to learn phrasal verbs quickly and understand colloquial language, news articles, and some literature very well. We also have to point out that technologies of teaching are changed. It is not enough just mechanically learn by heart all material. That is why we have to use more creative forms of teaching foreign languages. In this article some examples of game methods in teaching phrasal verbs are suggested.

Phrasal verbs are particularly frequent in the English language. A phrasal verb often has a meaning which is different from the original verb. According to Tom McArthur: “the term ‘phrasal verb’ was first used by Logan Pearsall Smith, in “Words and Idioms”, in which he states that the OED Editor Henry Bradley suggested the term to him” [1, 72-76].

According to Barbara M. H. Strang in A History of English, the separable nature of certain intransitive verbs with preposition prefixes produced many patterns in which the separated preposition prefix immediately followed the verb as in the Modern German du kommst auf meaning "you arise" or "you get up" and wirkommen an meaning "we arrive." Such syntax in which the preposition followed instead of preceded the verb became the preferred word order in English, which consequently developed into the modern phrasal verb. [2, 275]

The phrasal verbs look up and chew out differ from nonseparable phrasal verbs in that the preposition functioning as a particle may appear directly after the verb or immediately following the direct object without changing the function of the preposition. [3, 248]

Formed by a verb phrase followed by a marooned preposition, the phrasal verb forms a semantic constituent whose meaning is not determined by the verb phrase or preposition as individual parts but rather by the whole phrasal verb as a single lexical item. [4,122]

According to Joseph M.Williams in Origins of the English Language: A Social and Linguistic History, the separable phrasal verb construction developed as a result of the relative flexibility in the syntax of prepositions to direct objects [5, 286-287].

Native speakers use phrasal verbs more often than non-native speakers. It means that we have to use them in speech as they make our speech more vivid, interesting and emotional. The author looked through articles from different spheres such as politics, economy, health, etc. in a purpose to show that phrasal verbs are used in our everyday life, and how important their usage in speech is. Here are some examples: The New York Times, Sport [6]:

The N.C.A.A. will delve into the personal relationships of his relatives and demand their bank statements and other private records. And it will hand down its verdict without so much as a hearing.

According to the http://dictionary.cambridge.org [9] delve into - phrasal verb which means: to examine something carefully in order to discover more information about someone or something. To hand down - phrasal verb which means: to announce an official decision, often a decision about how someone should be punished

The New York Times, Business [7]:

Three big banks disclosed on Friday what their top executives will receive in deferred stock for their work in 2011. Such stock is expected to make up most of their bonus as banks are increasingly paying employees more in deferred stock. Those awards to top bank executives are coming as lower-level employees are finding out that their own bonuses will be much smaller than a year ago.

According to the http://dictionary.cambridge.org [9] to make up - phrasal verb which means: 1. to be too friendly to someone or to praise them in order to get advantages; to find out - phrasal verb which means: to discover that someone has done something wrong.

The New York Times, Economy[8]:

Weekly applications fell by 50,000, the biggest drop in the seasonally adjusted figure in more than six years. The four-week average, which smoothes out fluctuations, dropped to 379,000. That was the second lowest such figure in more than three years.

When weekly applications fall consistently below 375,000, it usually signals that hiring is strong enough to push down the unemployment rate.

According to the http://dictionary.cambridge.org [9] to drop in - phrasal verb which means: to visit someone; to smooth out - phrasal verb which means: to reduce the difficulties or changes in a process or situation; to push down - phrasal verb which means: to cause the amount, number or value of something to increase or be reduced.

In modern spoken English language and generally in modern world, people in lack of time and being busy or just being easy going with each other, or more emotional and vivid use informal words rather then formal. And as it was mentioned before from the examples of the New York Times, in politics, medicine, in sport, even in formal media, people use informal language.

Here is the short table of informal phrasal verbs which are more preferable then formal phrasal verbs in the context. (The table was made according to the news articles of the New York Times):



To delve into

to examine or to discover more information about someone

To hand down

to announce an official decision

To make up

to be too friendly or to praise in order to get advantages

To find out

to discover that someone has done something wrong

To drop in

to visit someone;

To smooth out

to reduce the difficulties or changes in a process or situation

To push down

to cause the amount, number or value of something to increase or be reduced

Game is the highly organized strategy, which demands a great emotional and mental endowment. Games help students to achieve become more creative. Creativity is very important, as it helps to do tasks on a higher level.

It is very useful to practice games on lessons as it reduce tension in a class, a monotony of the lesson; it gives brightness, vividness and students’ interest to the studied materials.

Games in teaching phrasal verbs help to achieve next aims:

  • to destroy tension in a class in studying phrasal verbs;

  • to make psychological preparedness for the lesson;

  • to remember phrasal verbs in interesting and vivid way;

  • to learn materials on phrasal verbs very quickly.

Talking about game methods, it is very necessary to work on its classification. Nowadays many game classifications were created. I would like to mention M.Ph.Stronin’s games classification. He had mentioned this classification in his book “Teaching games on English lessons”. He classified it in the next way [10]:

1. Lexical games;

2. Grammatical games;

3. Phonetic games;

4. Orthographical games;

5. Creative games.

Looking through the different classifications on game methods helped me to create my own game methods in teaching phrasal verbs. Further is given the classification of some games in teaching phrasal verbs:

  1. Listening” games

  2. Speaking” games

  3. Reading” games

  4. Writing” games

The classification includes all 4 main instruments of the language and it also very helpful in preparing for deferent examinations or international tests, as phrasal verbs are very broadly used in foreign test as TOEFL/IETLS and etc. Some of the games at the given classification were defined into 2 types, e.g.: speaking and writing.

Listening” games - help to remember new phrasal verbs very quickly, to understand phrasal verbs in the first mentioning and to define comprehension of the phrasal verbs in a speech of other people, to develop students’ listening memory skills.

Movie. Teacher can take different movies or just an extract of the movie (drama, show and ect.) and play it. After 15 minutes movie should be stopped. While listening students have to write phrasal verb which they might hear, and explain their meaning.

Song. Students will listen to a song with phrasal verbs, they have to point them out and give explanations. After the whole song is done, students will get a printed version of the song in order to check other missed verbs.

You are an Actor. Students will watch an extract of a movie. The main aim of the game to put movie on a silent mode and let students to speak instead of the heroes, but to express themselves, it is obligatory to use in speech phrasal verb.

Reporter. This game is played in a small group. One of the group records their any news story with phrasal verbs on cell phone’s Dictaphone. The other group has to listen and give correct answers to the missed phrasal verbs. The winner group prepares the next story on Dictaphone.

Radio news anchor. There are several news anchors telling their news stories on a radio using phrasal verbs. The main aim is to explain the general meaning of the news and definition of phrasal verbs. Teachers can prepare fusion of different news stories not only from radio station, but from TV shows and many others.

Speaking” games – help to develop students’ speech skills: their ability to use phrasal verbs in speech and to know the right meaning, to develop speech - thinking ability in using phrasal verbs, to develop students’ speech reaction, to develop sureness in using phrasal verbs in speech.

Matching phrasal verbs on the pictures

The given exercise is shown on an interactive board. The purpose is to match a phrasal verb with the correct picture. And speak about the meaning of the phrasal verb.

The correct answer is the picture № 3. As the meaning to pick up someone means: (Collect (a person) this differs from the 'collect a thing' meaning - as that means 'collect and bring back' whereas this means either (1) 'collect and drop off on your way' or (2) 'collect and bring to the same destination'. Example: 1) Can you pick me up and take me to the George when you go to the party? 2) Can you pick up some friends of mine on your way to the party? They're going too.) [11]
Pick up

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