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11914-Текст статьи-37581-1-10-20211010

1. Gasanova M. A. The place of gender in the Tabasaran paremiological picture of the world. 
Slovesnost’. Kul’tura,
2012, no. 2–3, pp. 17–26. (In Russian)
2. Mikailova A. A. The negative image of the wife in Avar proverbs and sayings. 
Filologiia i kul’tura,
2015, no. 4 (42), pp. 109–113. (In Russian)
3. Gasanova M. A., Magomedova P. A., Gasanova S. N. Linguoculturological analysis of woman’s 
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International Journal of Environmental and 
Science Education
, 2016, vol. 11, no. 18, pp. 11869–11887.
4. Gasharova A. R. 
Sound Organization and Poetic Forms Of Lezgi Folk Proverbs and Sayings
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5. Adjiev A. M., Alieva F. A., Gasharova A. R., Murtuzaliev Yu.M., Mukhamedova F. H. Dagestan peo-
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The Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communica-
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6. Gasharova A. R. Differentiation of aphoristic genres of Lezghin folklore. 
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7. Serebrianskaia V. N. Gender representation in social communication. 
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8. Nazarevich A. 
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9. Nagieva M. K. Transformation of the role of women in the socio-economic and political life of Dag-
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10. Saniukevich D. V. Gender stereotypes in English proverbs and sayings. 
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11. Ganieva A. M. 
Lezgin folk lyric poetry
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12. Dubrovskaia A. E. Construction and representation of the sexuality of men and women. 
2012, no. 1 (19), pp. 135–139. (In Russian)
13. Van V. Cultural scenario “Marital quarrel” in the mirror of Russian paremias. 
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2017, no. 1, pp. 22–34. (In Russian)
14. Dias Ferrero A. M. Analysis of 6 paremias expressing a negative assessment of women in Russian 
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15. Jung C. G. 
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16. But’ko Iu. V. The image of a woman in the new paremiology. 
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2008, no. 4, pp. 125–128. (In Russian)
Received: March 7, 2021 
Accepted: June 24, 2021
Au t h o r ’s i n f o r m at i o n :
Aida R. Gasharova — 
PhD in Philology; aida.2015@yandex.ru

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