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Халықаралық пед. оқу. жинагы 10-11.04 2024 (1)

sentence into words, to divide the word into syllables and to clearly pronounce the sounds in the 
word, to perform exercises on how to compose a word from a sound;
c) in the family, to teach works of art to make an expressive, figurative story, to be able to 
evaluate the activities of the heroes of the work, to describe their positive characteristics and to 
be able to distinguish their speech.
One of the main requirements for preparing children for school in preschool education 
Kern Yerasek and L.N.Vanger on Wenger's methods, it consists in preparing children for writing 
based on the use of notebooks and hand movement exercises. Fulfilling the above tasks and 
preparing children for school education is the main task of every parent. In performing these 
tasks, the following should be given importance:
a) to increase the tendency of children to speak, to teach them to answer questions, to teach 
them to compose a story, a fairy tale with the help of painting-toys.
b) doing the exercise of drawing a picture of a thing, object, toy. For example, at first, 
children should be offered to draw a picture of a ladder, a bridge, such an exercise is to know the 
children's notebook line, prepare them to know where the notebook will draw from. Such 
exercises will help children learn to move from left to right, from bottom to top, from top to 
bottom without breaking the hand, will become the basis for teaching children to writing. 
Because preparing children for school ensures that the moral qualities of children are growing, 
realizing that they are growing up. Therefore, during this period, it is necessary to attach 
importance to the development of figurative listening, hearing, observation, generalization, 
thinking. For this, it is required to develop children's play activities, observe, remember by sight, 
hear and remember, form figurative speech.
That is, when preparing children for school, it is necessary to develop their listening skills. 
To do this, it is necessary to attach importance to:
A) See to Remember games and perform various work. Children are shown several 
pictures, it is required to compose a story based on the words in the picture. For example: an 
exercise is performed to teach you to distinguish between pictures of a tulip, a butterfly, a kitten, 
a ball, to compose a sentence using a word. Pictures denoting the name of the fruits are dialed on 
the board by the educator, an exercise is performed to teach children to compose a sentence with 
their participation, they say a word 3 corresponding to the first word: pomegranate, apple, peach, 
pear, grape fruits; poplar, willow, apricot, peach trees; sheep, calf, goat, cow, horse, camel – 
B) According to Kern Jerasek's method, the child says the word corresponding to what he 
said. For example: it is important to organize games such as cow's child-calf, bird's child-bird, 
horse's childmare, crow, sparrow, nightingale, fowl;
V) In preparing children for school education, it is important to organize games with 
children such as "Find a similar one", "Say a pair of words", "Let's take the doll for a walk";
G) Also, when preparing children for school, "What's gone?", "What's changed?" exercises 
are also important. Such games help to develop children's thinking and memory, as well as to 
increase vocabulary, especially to prepare children for school. In our republic, it is important to 
pay attention to the improvement of children's hand movements when preparing children for 
school in pre-school educational institutions.
For this, it is good to draw the following pictures and shapes in a notebook: They draw 
pictures of apples, a house, a window, an umbrella, a duck, a bird from the forms, on the basis of 
which they learn to identify, distinguish, hand and eye movements from the cells of a notebook. 
Such exercises will be important in preparing children for school education, in the formation of 
their writing skills. "Find pairs of words", "Describe pictures", "What did you do at home?", "Do 
you see pictures from fairy-tale books?", "Which fairy-tale books did you see?" it is possible to 
organize conversations on topics such as Such activities improve children's ability to retell what 
they see, remember it, improve their memory, increase their love for books, and their desire to go 
to school.

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