Руководство для педагогов предшкольных групп и классов по Типовой учебной программе дошкольного воспитания и обучения

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Scheduled activity




Warm up:

of the lesson

To warm up the children suggest them playing the

game “Find the same picture”. Give the children a set of

flashcards with different pictures. The children should

You can use the

find the same pictures and name the objects.

5 minutes

For drills in pronunciation of the sounds [ð], [s], [z]

following resources for

tongue- twisters:

play the following tongue twisters:




This and that,


This and that,


that and this and this.



I saw his six sisters singing at six.



Fuzzy wuzzy was a bear

Fuzzy wuzzy had no hair

Fuzzy wuzzy wasn’t very fuzzy, was he?

Main part of

Exercise 1.Look at the pictures and listen.

the lesson

Before doing the task of this exercise ask the children

what is their favourite holiday. Encourage them to give

reasons. Make the children exchange their ideas. Then

tell them to look at the pictures, follow the words and

listen to the audio. Draw the students’ attention to the

new words winter, cold, Happy New Year, school,

together, Father Frost, a granddaughter, Snow

Maiden, a present. Ask them to guess their meanings.

You can use the flashcards to introduce the new words.

Make sure the children understand everything. Pause

after each picture and make the children repeat.

Track 37.

15 minutes

It’s winter. It’s cold.

Dana: This is my friend. Her name is Ira. We go to

school together.

Father Frost: Happy New Year, everyone!

Girls: Happy New Year, Father Frost.

Father Frost: This is my granddaughter. Her name is

Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden: Happy New Year!

Father Frost: These are presents for you. These are toys

for you.

Children: Thank you, Farther Frost and Snow Maiden.

This is a song for you.

Exercise 2. Listen and sing.

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