Владимира Дмитриевича Аракина одного из замечательных лингвистов России

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Аракин В.Д. Практический курс английского языка. 2 курс

    Бұл бет үшін навигация:
  • 7. bare
5. foot n (pl feet) 1. нога (ниже щиколотки, ступня), е.g. The boy jumped to his feet. A dog's feet are called paws.; 2. фут (около) 30,5 см, pl часто без изменений, е.g. The boy was too tall for his age and he was three foot two in his shoes.; 3. подножие, нижняя часть, основание, as the foot of the mountain, at the foot of the page, the foot of the bed, е.g. This boy is at the foot of his class.
Ant. top, head, as the top of the mountain, the top (head) of the page, at the head of the bed, etc. е.g. This boy is at the head of his class.
on foot (= walking, not riding), е.g. When people are having their walking holiday they cover long distances on foot. (Cf.: by train, by bus, etc.)
footnote n сноска
6. prescribe υi прописывать лекарство, е.g. Doctor, will you prescribe a tonic for me? What can you prescribe for my headache (cold, etc.) ?
prescription n рецепт; to make up a prescription for smb., е.g. Please call in at the chemist's and have this prescription made up for me; to write out a prescription.
7. bare adj 1. обнаженный, голый, непокрытый (usu. about some part of our body), е.g. His head was bare.
Syn. naked (= having no clothes on), е.g.Victorine was shocked when she learned that she would have to sit for the painter quite naked.
barefoot adj predic, adv = with bare feet, without shoes and stockings, е.g. Children like to go (run, walk) barefoot.
barefooted adj, attr. Barefooted people were standing on the bank.

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