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UDK 821.512 
Dauenova Ainur, 
group BT-18, Yessenov University, Aktau 
Superviser: Dalmukhanova F. 
This article discusses the philosophical and pedagogical views of the great 
humanist Abay Kunanbayev on the problem of moral education. Particular attention is paid to 
the fundamental universal problems of the formation of moral principles and moral values in 
the life of every person. 
Key words:
Abay Kunanbayev, moral education, principles. 
Every nation has spiritual and moral support. One of such fundamental pillars in the 
minds of the Kazakh people is the creative heritage of the outstanding enlightener Abay 
Kunanbaev. In his works, the traditions of folk art and the understanding of the problems of 
society are reflected as much as possible.
It’s not for fun that I compose a verse, I don’t fill it 
up with fiction, For those who are sensitive with hearing, heart and soul. For young people I 
give birth to a poem, so Abay himself determined the subject of his work [1]. 
If we turn to the pedagogical views of Abay, which was formed in the last century, 
then they reflect the fundamental universal problems of pedagogical theory and practice. 
Here are some of them: "Only man lives by knowledge, Only age moves by 
knowledge, Only knowledge is the light of hearts ..." [2]. 

Although Abay did not write special philosophical and pedagogical works, almost all 
the works of the fiery youth mentor, without exception, are penetrated by moral and ethical 
edifications based on the interests, moral ideals and wisdom of the working people, on the 
work of the Kazakh national intelligent people – poets and composers, on the achievements of 
public thought peoples of the East and West. 
Abay’s thoughts on the formation of moral principles and moral values in the process 
of life itself, as opposed to the religious doctrine of the “divine predestination” of morality, 
are relevant today. According to Abay, a person is not born with some ready-made personality 
traits. All concepts of virtue, all rules of behavior are acquired in the process of his life and 
work. He urges the young: 
Do not rush at everything in a hurry, Be proud of your gifts: And you, a man, a brick 
of the universe In the building of life itself lie down. Despite the different social status, says 
Abay, people are naturally equal. Abay writes about this innate biological equality of people 
in 34 edifications: “In this world, birth and growth, satiety and hunger, grief and death, body 
structure and the place where a person came from and where he should go, are all the same.” 
And since people are equal, then there is no reason for them to strive to impose their 
will, power on others, for they are no better than others. On the contrary, people, peoples 
should be imbued with mutual respect for each other, love each other, live in peace, not be at 
enmity and not envy each other.
Thus, in the center of Abay’s worldview, like other thinkers, there is a man whose 
essence the thinker considers extremely multifaceted, from the point of view of biological, 
psychological, social and pedagogical. Abay is attracted to the aesthetic, ethical face of a 
person, his education and upbringing, the world of his feelings and intellect, his ideals and 
purpose of life. 
Education in the interpretation of Abay was considered as a means of improving man 
and society. Mastering the world of culture, a person perceives certain ideas and ideals, 
languages and norms of behavior. For the great poet, thinker, humanist, spokesman for the 
innermost thoughts of the Kazakh people, Abay Kunanbaev, the main thing is humanity, the 
value of human existence, and finding one's place in life [2].
Turning to the advice and moral commandments of Abay can help us a lot in 
overcoming our own moral imperfection, and especially in educating the younger generation. 
Putting forth the moral principle “Become a Human!” in a series of moralistic poetic works, 
Abay develops for youth a whole code of ethical standards of friendship and camaraderie, 
love in marriage, duty and conscience, courage and beauty of human relations, etc. In this 
regard, such works are characteristic as: “Oh, horsemen, dear laughter, not buffoonery”, “To 
study at a boarding school” and many others. If in some poems Abay teaches what to do in 
order to be a man, in others he teaches what should not be done in order to become a man. For 
example, “Do not flaunt things,” “Exhausted, I will deceive everyone around” and others. 
Abay’s moderation in needs and especially in actions acts as a single moral category, a 
commandment. To know the measure of everything and everything is a big deal. “Do not get 
confused in thoughts, dressing, do not lose common sense. In food, in drink, in patterns, in 
dressing, in hugs, in kisses, in a passion for wealth, even careerism and cunning - there is a 
measure in everything. Everything beyond measure is evil ” And the conscience being the 
moral regulator of actions and behavior should prompt a measure to a person. A conscientious 
person feels his moral responsibility to those around him, since conscience is a self-
assessment of his actions. In order to keep himself from immoral acts in time, Abay offers 
constant self-reports to his conscience. Thus, Abay formulates in his poetry and prose the 
most general moral principles of his highest ethical ideal, “Become a Human!”. Firstly, it is 
hard work, secondly, the desire for knowledge, reasonableness, thirdly, moderation, fourthly, 
conscientiousness and fifthly, self-control, self-education, self-discipline. It can be argued that 
the moral norms proclaimed in the last century by Abay, condemning on the one hand 
meanness, dishonesty, debauchery, on the other hand, exalting the love of work, the selfless 

struggle for the interests of the people, honesty, truthfulness, perseverance in the study of 
science, its highest ethical ideal " Become a Human!" not only have not lost their significance 
in our time, but have acquired a new sounding power and require the most careful study and 
mastery of them by everyone. 
We will not be mistaken, if we compare Abay Kunanbayev’s poetic skill with the 
endless, deep ocean. Wonderful artist of the word, gentle lyrist, word master, and first of all, 
he is a wise poet. This opinion is related to his songs about life aspects, connects with his 
philosophic worldview and his wisdom words, especially his thoughts and ideas religion, 
religiousness. The whole description of the historic age, in which Abay lived himself, can be 
found in Abay’s creativity. The obscenity of Abay Kunanbayev is of great educational 
importance. We can learn a lot from him. Each word leads to deep reflection, knowledge of 
oneself, one's environment, inculcation of good qualities, avoidance of evil. 
Conscience and faith must go hand in hand in life. Then a man will leave behind good 
offspring. Shame and faith are one of the main qualities of human life. The happiness of 
mankind lies in his conscience. 
1. Құнанбаев А. Шығармаларының толық жинағы. – Алматы: Көркем әдебиет, 
2002. – 368 б. 
2. Мамырбекова А.С. Нравственный оптимизм Абая // Мысль. – 2007. – № 8. – 
116 с. 

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