Нариманова А, Сарсенбаева Т. Ғылыми жетекші

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Татьянаб Ару — диплом
диплом 20, диплом 20, диплом 20, Абай өлеңі, азия, Ақыл ой жан қуаты, Тест cұрақтары ББ IT қолдану Студентке, кіріспе практика, кіріспе практика, кіріспе практика, кіріспе практика, кіріспе практика, кіріспе практика, кіріспе практика, Резюме
1.Жаман болса – жақын жау.
2.Шайпау болса – қатын жау.
3. Шабан болса – атың жау.
4. Тартыншақ болса – түйең жау.
5. Тебеген болса – биең жау.
6. Күнде келсе – күйеу жау.
7.Жымысқы болса жиен жау.
8. Тіл алмаса – ұлың жау.
9.Арсыз болса – қызың жау.
In conclusion, the concept of "nine" is the beginning of life in folklore, abundance, the meaning of reproduction, honor, justice, fairness, rites of passage has become a symbol.
The meaning of the concept of "twelve". The number twelve is involved in the creation of astronomical terms in the language. For example, the phrases twelve months and twelve years were used in the form of "twelve domes" on J. Balasagun's Kutty Bilik.
The number twelve signifies wholeness, compactness, maturity: twelve limbs, twelve limbs, twelve limbs, one in twelve unopened flowers, one in twelve variants, and so on. The phrase "one in twelve unopened flowers, one in twelve variants" refers to the twelve limbs [17,9].
The meaning of the concept of "forty". Phraseologisms with the name of the number forty are combined with the old beliefs and are also found in the Kazakh language: after enduring forty, enduring forty-one; the child is over forty; giving a haircut to a dead person, etc. In some Turkic countries it is often said that a child was baptized with forty bowls or forty spoons of water, in fairy tales he had forty days of games, forty days of weddings, forty days of the khan, and forty days of travel. It is said that the bones of a slaughtered animal are removed and cut into pieces.
When women get angry and upset with cattle, think forty bones! he curses. In Kazakh folklore there is a word for forty numbers (forty numbers are black). The number forty here must have indicated the number of Uzbek tribes with ninety-two strings.
Forty religious concepts exist in other countries as well. For example, in the Istanbul Turkic language, there is a forty-dollar donation (there is a saying about this - fear of cedar, which means "if you give forty, you will not be afraid"). In all peoples who have converted to Islam, there is a ritual of cutting the dead (for example, the Tatars say that this ritual is preceded by a forty).
The first scientific opinions on the properties of the number forty along the phrases were analyzed in the works of academician I. Kenesbayev [2,6]. The number forty represents a certain age of a person. In the epic "Kutty Bilik" jašyn gyrgta kecsǎ "you are over forty", kundin son bedukladi, oinady "grew up in forty days, ran, played" and so on.
The number forty must have been used in the beginning to mean "many", "immeasurable". In the Kazakh language, the phrases forty pirates, forty twists, forty holes, forty years have a plural meaning.
In Turkish:kyrk defa söjledim «ауыз жаппай сөйледім» (қырық рет сөйледім), kyrk evin kedisi «өз үйіндей көру» (қырық үйдің мысығы), kyrkjamaly «қырық жамау», kyrk jylyn basynda«баяғы заманда» (қырық жылдың басында), kyrk jylda bir «анда-санда» (қырық жылда бір); татар тіліндегі: cöje gyrylsyn «қырыққа бөлінсін» (маған десе быт-шыт болсын), gyrygga jaryla almam bit inde «енді не істе дейсіңдер» (қырыққа жарыл дейсіңдер ме?), gyrg törlö höjläü«көп сөйлейтін» (қырық түрлі сөйлеу), қырғыз тілінде: gyrg coro «қырық уәзір», gyrg köjnök «қырық көйлек» (баланы қырқынан шығарғанда кигізетін жейде), gyrg cilten «қырық шілтен» (аңыз бойынша, адамдар арасында жүретін ерекше күш иелері) және т.б.
Forty days after the birth of the baby, the Kazakh people put silver in the bottom of the bowl, poured forty spoons of water to wish good luck to their loved ones, took them into the water and shaved their bellies. In addition, forty days after the death of a person, he "spends forty" and gives food. There is a religious notion that a person's soul leaves in forty days. Forty days of games and forty days of wedding phrases are often found in fairy tales and legends. It is thought that these notions will be traces of mythological cultures in the minds of the people.
The sacred concepts of the number forty are preserved in the oral literature. "Forty girls" of the Karakalpak people, "Forty lies" of the Kazakh people, "Forty heroes of the Crimea" and others. fairy tales and epics are proof of this.
Forty variations in the Kazakh phraseological fund "disobedience", forty bites on the ears of a wanderer, a wanderer, forty pockets "swindler, culprit", forty dogs' tails "very cunning, swindler", forty guards, "various deviations" and so on. Phrases are directly related to the internal semantics of forty words.
I.Kenesbayev, the grandfather of Kazakh phraseology, semantically analyzes the phrases with the number forty and says: Proverbs, sayings and other phrases also show that this number is not a "simple" number, but once a sacred quantity. ... Forty religious concepts exist in other languages ​​as well ”[28].
Previous works on the numerical names of the Turkic languages ​​do not give a detailed account of the use of these numbers. However, in the work "Root Chuvash-Russian Dictionary" by N.I. Zolotnitsky, published in the Kazakh city, there is little information about the role of seven and nine in the faith. Galevi says that the word "seven" comes from the word "yet" (yet). So it seems that the first form of the word was "yatt" and not "yatt". Everyone says that this number was a finite number in the beginning. But no one has defined the shape of the seven and given a definitive opinion.
Examining the order of use of words such as seven, forty, three, nine at the present stage of our language, their current semantics, stylistic function, opens the way to know the etymology of these words. Seven, etc. Today's lexical meaning and grammatical meaning of such words can testify to the past history of these words. We think that it is a question of whether the verb zheti, zhet, ne or zhe comes out. The gist of the story lies in the linguistic function of this word and other similar numbers. That's why we often talk about it.
In short, the symbols of mythical cultures are preserved along the phrases, which are the basis of numerical names. Their formation was influenced by mythical, magical concepts and cognitions in the minds of the people.
Compound names derived from the above numerical names are involved in the formation of concepts that have a certain place in the cognitive system. The units of knowledge that make up those concepts are.
It was found that numerical concepts are separate concepts. For example, the names of five numbers are associated with the five fingers of a person and form the concept of integrity, connection. And many complex names in the language created by this numerical concept create different concepts of system units of cognitive consciousness. That is, the creation of a complex name using the concepts of numbers - naming a new concept is a process in itself, but now the formation of a linguistic image of the world through those complex names, the creation of a cognitive image of the environment is another process that can be considered.
The first process takes place at the level of language, the second process takes place at the level of cognition. The two do not work without each other, but are a testament to the integrity of language and cognition.
Thus, complex names created by the notion of numbers form a variety of concepts in our language, that is, they serve as a tool to recognize, summarize and summarize the knowledge of the world in accordance with the life of the individual, representing a particular linguistic environment, ethnicity.
Among the various concepts, we want to focus on a few that contain a lot of data in our work.
In the first chapter, each number ranges from one number to nine conceptual and cultural-semantic structure is analyzed. In Kazakh culture, the numbers one and a thousand are the limits of the two smallest and largest numbers proved.
It was noted that this tradition continues to this day. The main reason is the stereotype of the cultural content of the language should be taken as non-destructive. In fact, one person finished the work of a thousand people relatively speaking, it is not a lie. Instead of a lot of people here the choice of a thousand, not a million, is the highest number in Kazakh culture.The ideal number is thousands. In our work, one number the semantic structure of several cultural concepts is defined, culturally derived from the concepts of double, even, side, side, contradiction. The names of the nation with the religious and philosophical value of the three numbers preserved in the culture of the Quartet, based on world symbols,widely used in the names of the material and spiritual culture of the five discovery, aesthetic cognition (ideas of ornamentation) nature is associated with the psychology of recognizing the beauty of phenomena determined. The number six is ​​derived from the values ​​of size, quantity, count, sequence, the cult of the seven was shown to exist. The number eight is the oldest in the world is based on mythology, and the number nine represents the spiritual culture of the nation proved to be the main concept. Number ten in Kazakh culture is a combination of integrity,used in the representation of the Kazakh community, the number forty births and deaths in the description of religious concepts, sixty - two - in female physiology cunning in nature and character, equality of ingenuity in a woman. It is used to express the combination of body and soul.

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