A new foreign term demands an exact decoding by the logical and
linguistic analysis of this word and its connection with the context and
formation of a precise monosemantic equivalent.
From the point of view of the understanding and translation difficulty
terms may be classified into three groups:
1) Terms denoting realia of other countries. Several ways of
translation are possible: a) by a Russian term, the form of which is
connected with a form of an English word (international terms); b) by a
Russian term, the form of which is not connected with a form of an
English term; c) the meaning of a multi-word English term has a fully
equivalent Russian term; d) the general meaning of a multi-word term
coincides with the meaning of an analogous Russian term, but their
components are different.
2) Terms denoting realia of other countries, but having generally
accepted Russian terminological equivalents.
3) Terms denoting realia of other countries and not having generally
accepted Russian terminological equivalents. Translation of such terms
may be done in the following ways:
а) description of an English term; b)
word-for-word translation; c) partial or full transliteration; d) transliteration
and word-for-word translation; e) transcription; f) transcription and
It is necessary to mention that the main mistake in translation of such
terms is that translators sometimes try to find a literal equivalent of the
English term in Russian materials. Such approach is not completely
correct as it is important to render the specific character of foreign realia.
Furthermore, these terms may express concepts typical only of foreign
reality and, consequently, they may not correspond to the realia
accepted in Russian special texts. Translators can also make a mistake
as a result of wrong referring of a term to one of the groups mentioned
above and choice of an inadequate way of translation. One more
translator‟s mistake is word-for-word translation when an English term or
its components are analogous to a Russian term, but they have another
meaning. In translation it is necessary to take into consideration the
meaning of the term in the particular situation and concrete context. It is
also necessary to take into account the possible changes
of term‟s
meaning if it is used in the plural form.
Thus, correct understanding and translation of terms depend not only
on good knowledge of the language, but also on being aware of foreign
and Russian realia.
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