IM P R O V E D O R G A N O L E P T IC IN D IC A T O R S O F B U C K W H E A T U N G R O U N D V .A . M ar'in, A .L. V ereshchagin, N.V. Bychin B iy sk Technological Institute (branch) o f A lta i State Technical University n a m ed after I.I. P olzunov (Biysk, Russia) The paper presents research results of organoleptic indicators of buckwheat unground when using deck of vis coelastic material on the shelling machine brand 2ДШС-3В. During the study, the results of comparative tests of the efficiency of shelling machines with abrasive (standard) decks and viscoelastic material. It was found that when peeling with abrasive decks, there are grains with damaged faces and edges, while in viscoelastic decks such chips are absent. In order to hide the disadvantages of technology when peeling abrasive decks, the grain is steamed under very harsh conditions and the grain becomes dark with a brown tint color ie. with this technology, flaking grain corresponding to the requirements of regulatory documents, the grain can be obtained only dark shades. The use of viscoelastic deck for peeling buckwheat grain, can not only increase the yield of the mass fraction o f the whole grain, but also to avoid dam age to the core thus improve organoleptic characteristics. Keywords: grain, kernel, organoleptic indicators, viscoelastic, abrasive, deck, grain В веден ие. На долю гречневой крупы ядрица приходится более 20% общего потребления круп. Получают гречневую крупу из гречихи (Fagopyrum ),травянистого растения, происходящего из семейства Гречишных. Одним из крупнейших производителей зерна гречихи является Алтайский край. Он производит до 50% производимой в стране гречневой крупы ядрица (Важов и др., 2016). Благодаря высокой пищевой (Sedej et al., 2006) и биологической ценности (Zielinski et al., 2006), про