Әл-Фараби» 12-наурыз 2020ж. А.Дербесәлі «Әл-Фараби» 18-ақпан
2020ж. С.Узақпаева «Тамыры терең тәрбие» Алматы «Білім» 1965ж
UDC 373.62
Amzeyeva Tolganai Omarаlikizy m.ph.s.
Zhumagulova Gulshat Kopzhankizy c.ph.s., a.p.
Join Stock Company “South Kazakhstan medical academy”
Shymkent, Kazakhstan
Мақалада білім беру процесінде қолданылатын инновациялық білім беру технологияларын
қолдану қарастырылады. Білім беру мекемелерінде қолданылатын инновациялық
технологиялардың негізгі түрлері сипатталған.
В статье рассматривается применение инновационных образовательных технологий,
применяемых в образовательном процессе. Описаны основные виды инновационных
технологий, применяемых в образовательных учреждениях.
The innovative orientation of pedagogical activity involves the inclusion of teachers
in the process of creating, mastering and using pedagogical innovations in the
practice of teaching education, creating a certain innovative environment in the
school.This raises the question of who can and should be the distributor and
propagandist of new pedagogical ideas and technologies. Groups of trained teachers
under the supervision of the Deputy Director for research or the head teacher of the
school should study and disseminate the experience of an individual teacher or the
experience of a school, the results of scientific research. The need to create such
groups is explained by a number of circumstances. First, the author of a pedagogical
innovation or any constructive pedagogical idea or technology does not always
realize its value and prospects. Secondly, they do not always consider it necessary to
implement their ideas, as this requires additional time, effort, etc.
Criteria for
pedagogical innovations. Taking into account the existing experience of research in
pedagogy, we can determine the following set of criteria for pedagogical innovations:
novelty, optimality, high performance, and the possibility of creative application of
innovations in mass experience.Thus, innovative education includes a personal
approach, fundamental education, creativity, essential and acmeological approach,
professionalism, synthesis of two cultures (technical and humanitarian), and the use
of the latest information technologies.In the modern period, it is extremely important
to develop and apply open systems of intensive training. These systems give the
student the opportunity to choose the appropriate training technology and develop an
individual program for the formation and actualization of personality. But the
implementation of the synthesis of open systems of intensive training is possible only
if a number of conditions are met. A module is a logically completed part of the
educational material, which must be accompanied by the control of students '
knowledge and skills.The basis for the formation of modules is the working program
of the discipline. A module often coincides with a discipline topic or a block of
related topics. At the same time, in contrast to the topic, everything is measured in the
module, everything is evaluated: the task, work, attendance of classes, starting,
intermediate and final level of students[1]. The module clearly defines the learning
goals, objectives, and levels of study of this module.The current socio-economic
situation is characterized by the fact that many areas of human activity, including
education, are rapidly developing due to the introduction of various innovations. A
person in this situation will have to be not only a performer in their implementation,
but also a direct Creator of innovative processes. Innovations in society and education
are both a result, an effective way, and a means of restructuring society and
education.Initially, it appears a little more than a hundred years ago in cultural studies
and linguistics when describing the processes of cultural diffusion (transfers), when a
phenomenon from one cultural area penetrates into others, where it appears new in
relation to what has already been formed there as a tradition. Such innovative
processes were interpreted as the main cross-cultural factors in the development of
various cultural formations (rituals, languages and dialects, social institutions,
technologies, etc.).After the "great depression" of the early 30s, the term "firm
innovation policy" became popular among American managers; the content of this
term boils down to something like this: a firm can gain advantages in sales markets
and maximize profits not so much by manipulating prices, but by constantly updating
its products. Since the dynamics of innovation assimilation largely depends on the
characteristics of the innovation itself, E. Rogers identifies five of its characteristics
that have the greatest impact on the rate of assimilation.In the Russian literature, the
problem of innovation has long been considered in the field of economic research.
However, the spread of innovative processes to all spheres of human life has led to
the need to study these processes in terms of their essence, structure, classifications
and features, not only in science and technology, but also in the field of management
and education.The formation of the science of innovations took place mainly within
the framework of the concept of scientific and technological progress in General, A.
I. Prigozhin believes that "the selection of innovations into a relatively independent
subject of study began with research on the social consequences of industrial
automation. Specialization in the field of innovation took place belatedly. This was
caused by insufficient attention in the past to the tasks of accelerating scientific and
technological development and improving management." If in the 70s. the science of
innovation in the West is becoming a complex, branched industry, but in these years,
responding to the steady dictates of social development, innovative research in our
country has just begun to take shape in an independent direction of scientific activity.
According to researchers O. G. Khomeriki, M. M. Potashnik, and A.V. Lorensov,
pedagogical innovation processes have been the subject of special study by scientists
since about the end of the 50s of the 20th century in the West and in the last 30 years
in our country. Addressing the problems of innovation and identifying them among
the most important areas of modern scientific thought was the result of awareness of
the increasing dynamics of innovation processes in society. The development of
pedagogical innovation in our country was hindered by the monopoly of one ideology
and the totalitarianism associated with it in the management of all spheres of life,
science, and school [2], as well as by the complete disregard of the requests and
needs of the developing socio-cultural space."Like many things in the world culture,
pedagogical innovation as a scientific discipline did not exist for us until recent
years," says S. D. Polyakov, a prominent researcher of the problems of pedagogical
innovation. - It cannot be said that Soviet pedagogy did not study the introduction of
the new in public education at all. But this problem was limited to the introduction of
scientific achievements and the dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience.
And in these studies, the image of the teacher emerged as a person who is enough to
fill with new knowledge and skills (and, perhaps, to make reasonable demands on
him), so that he becomes inspired and effectively use new ideas and ways of working.
M. V. Clarin considers one of the ills of Russian pedagogy to be the separation from
the world experience, both in scientific and applied fields, when innovative didactic
findings of world pedagogy remain little known even for specialists, and teachers,
experiencing a huge need for fresh ideas, have the opportunity to get acquainted, at
best, only with fragments of innovative technologies developed by foreign scientists;
he speaks of the need to integrate domestic theory and practice into the world
pedagogical culture [3].The democratic changes of recent years have provided
teachers with additional opportunities to implement their bold ideas and initiatives,
legislating the right to freedom of pedagogical creativity. And this is where the
practice encountered a contradiction between the need for development and the
inability to implement it. Many of our managers (not to mention teachers),
unfortunately, are not fluent in such concepts as "new", "innovation", "innovation",
"innovation process", which are not as simple and unambiguous as it may seem at
first glance.The concept of "innovation" (lat. in - in, novus - new) is interpreted as
innovation. A. I. Prigozhin belongs to the following definition of innovation:
innovation acts as a form of managed development and is a purposeful change that
introduces new, relatively stable elements into the implementation environment. The
latter may be purely material or social, but each of them in itself represents only an
innovation, i.e. the subject of innovation. Innovation is a process, i.e. the transition of
a system from one state to another. Accordingly, the subject of innovation is the
creation and dissemination of various types of innovations.Researcher of innovations
A. I. Lapin notes that the etymology of the word "innovation" indicates that it means
"introduction", i.e. the creation and use of any innovation. (Specifically, we are
talking about those innovations that arise in response to a certain social need).
However, N. I. Lapin notes that innovation and innovation are not identical concepts.
Innovation is a broader definition, it means the process of creating and using
innovation. An interesting, though not indisputable, interpretation of the term
"innovatio" (innovation) - innovation is offered by the researcher A. Pinsky. Let's
give it in full: "For modern consciousness, semantic subtlety was very significant - a
successful combination of two moments in a word: the appearance, creation of a new
one, as such, and at the same time its implementation, implementation. Indeed, on the
one hand, where and how does the new arise in the world? (from intuition? from the
spirit? from pure creativity?.. - this eternal philosophical question has always
attracted the thought of man, has never been exhausted). On the other hand, the Latin
prefix - in - emphasizes the practical, technological side of the implementation of this
ideal and mysterious new (the shade of practical everyday life is also well felt in the
Russian equivalent of innovation), and not in itself, but in the already existing reality
and in its previously formed cultural framework and contexts."So, the innovation
process has attracted and is attracting the attention of a number of scientists both in
the West and in our country. As mentioned above, innovation has been established as
an inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary field of research. Her "parents" and
"relatives" were philosophy and sociology, management theory and psychology,
Economics and cultural studies. This explains the fact that pedagogical innovation,
which has developed into an independent branch, has a conceptual apparatus that is
replete with terms borrowed from the above-mentioned areas of human knowledge.
Social change is associated with the innovation process only at an early stage of its
diffusion, and innovation can be both a cause and a consequence of social changes,
and the resulting change brings new ideas to the system. The diffusion process is a
phenomenon that arises from the agreement of potential recipients of innovation with
the proposed changes and is partially the result of the interaction of these units [4].
This is something more than a simple sum of positive decisions of individuals, and is
an emergent property of the subsystem of the relevant social subject. It includes the
phenomenon of interaction between a proponent (agent) and a potential proponent of
The result of acceptance and diffusion of processes is a structural and
functional change in the social system. Diffusion can also be defined as the process of
spreading innovation through communication channels to members of the social
system. The nature of innovation is directly related to the degree of success of
diffusion, i.e., the positive perception of innovation by members of the social system.
The innovation process is modeled as a sequence of phenomena that form the life
cycle of innovation.Innovation is also considered as an inventive activity, when two
previously unrelated systems - an individual and an innovation-intersect in a special
way. The perception of novelty, as such, is purely subjective and does not depend on
whether the subject under consideration existed as new before or not: the individual
perceives it as new. A social subject becomes a supporter of innovation when it can
adequately assess the state of the environment and predict its state in the context of
the innovation process in terms of the acquisition or loss of social advantages. This
phenomenon is known as an innovative perception. Innovative perception can
develop in an individual in the process of acquiring new knowledge and revising their
values, attitudes, and expectations.The main problem of change management is the
emergence of the phenomenon of resistance to change which agent becomes a certain
social group (because the adoption of innovations - the result of group decisions, i.e.,
a function of collective action, reflected in the formation of group consensus on the
proposed innovation). The reasons for rejection lie in the sphere of consciousness of
individuals involved in the process of change.The problem of innovations has been
developed for a number of years, mainly in the framework of economic research on
scientific and technological progress, where the term "innovation"itself is beginning
to be used. Gradually, a broader view of innovation is spreading, as a concept that is
not limited to the sphere of Economics and material production, but more and more
actively includes the problems of sociology, General management theory, and other
disciplines, including education. However, there is no generally accepted
classification of innovations in education yet.One of the most important, in this
respect, can be considered the work of N. I. Lapin, A. I. Prigozhin, B. V. Sazonov, B.
C. Tolstoy "Innovations in organizations". The authors created a concept of this
phenomenon and expressed an important idea: the ability to innovate is one of the
indicators of society's culture.So, innovation is a process that, developing in social
systems, contributes to the transformation of their structure.Radical changes in the
socio-economic structure of society inevitably lead to a change in the requirements
for education. In such circumstances, change is the only way to survive. Thus,
innovative processes in education are a crucial factor in the development of the socio-
cultural sphere.By now, it has been realized that innovations are the most effective
means of achieving strategic goals (socio – economic, socio-cultural, technical and
technological) that are not available within the framework of traditional models. In
this regard, it is legitimate to distinguish four stages in the development of innovation
processes in the Russian Federation at the turn of the XX and XXI centuries.
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