Сборник научных статей научно-практической конференции «Байтанаевские чтения-Х»

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baytanaev 2022 zhinak 1 tom gotov

1. Алгоритм решения задач по кинематике [Электронный ресурс], - http:// kiseral.edurm.ru - 
статья в интернете. (Дата обращения: 14.02.2019).
2. Алгоритм решения задач по физике [Электронный ресурс], - http://pandia.ru - статья в 
интернете. (Дата обращения: 14.02.2019).
3. Асмолов А.Г. Психология личности: культурно-историческое понимание развития человека/ 
А.Г. Асмолов. – М., 2007.
4. Битянова М.Р. Организация психологической работы в школе / М.Р. Битянова. — М., 2002
5. Генденштейн Л.Э. Решение ключевых задач по физике для основной школы 7-9 классов/ 
Л.Э. Генденштейн, Л.А. Кирих, И.М. Гельфгат. - М.; 2013. - 208 с

UDC 811.1:378(082) 
Duisenova M.M
, Kasymbai D.U. 

PhD, senior lecture
. Master student
South Kazakhstan state pedagogical university, Kazakhstan, Shymkent. 
Біздің жұмысымыз бірлескен оқытуды түсіне отырып, шағын топтарда оқыту үшін, 
оқушылар үшін барынша өзінің оқуы және басқаларды оқыту негізінде. 
Бірлескен оқыту дегеніміз - белгілі бір білім беру мақсаттарымен айналысатын 
топтарда немесе жұмыс топтарында оқыту. Оқытудың бұл түрі жеке оққыту жұмысына 
қайшы келмейді, өйткені оны оқушының жалпы дамуына ықпал ететін қосымша оқыту 
стратегиясы ретінде қарастыруға болады. Бір мақсатқа негізделген адамдарды тобын 
біріктіреді және мақсатқа қол жеткізу үшін оқуды құрылымдау үшін қажет. 
Our work will focus on collaborative learning, understanding it as the learning use 
of small groups so that students work together to maximize their own learning and that 
of others. Students they work together. This type of apprenticeship does not contradict 
individual work, as it can be seen as an additional learning strategy that enhances the 
overall development of the student. There are three types of training that have been 
classified according to the model of the work performed: individual. 
Collaborative learning refers to learning in groups or working groups dealing with 
specific educational purposes. Students work together. This type of learning is not 
opposed to individual work, as it can be seen as an additional learning strategy that 
enhances the overall development of the student. 
Collaborative learning methods share the idea that students work together to learn 
and are responsible for educating their peers just as much as their own. All this brings 
with it an update to the roles associated with teachers and students, this update also 
affects the developers of educational programs. Collaboration tools should emphasize 
aspects such as reasoning, self-learning, and collaborative learning. Throughout history, 
the strategy of collaborative work and learning has been something quite used and 
disseminated, although recently it has been starting to be talked about as a topic of great 
boom and research. However, being able to work really collaboratively is not an easy 
thing to do. Not only does it place a group of people around the activity and believe that 
learning will come, it is necessary to structure the activity to truly achieve that goal. 
Collaborative learning methods share the idea that students work together to learn 
and are responsible for educating their peers as much as they are for their own. possess. 
All this entails updating the roles associated with teachers and students, the subject of 
this work. This update also affects educational developers. Collaboration tools should 
emphasize aspects such as reasoning, self-learning, and collaborative learning. 

In the existing literature on co-education, what is considered "learning" is widely 
For some, it involves more or less any joint activity in an educational context, such 
as learning course materials or exchanging course assignments. Here, the term "Co-
students" would be most appropriate for use.
Other studies say that learning occurs when a problem is solved. This 
understanding has been studied recently by researchers in the field of multi-agent 
Within some theories, co-learning is directed in terms of development, as a 
biological and/or cultural process that takes place over many years. 
This range of definitions also includes training, which is achieved by gaining 
experience in the professional community. 
In other words, the common denominator of all these learning situations is the 
word "collaboration" rather than the word "learning." However, the diversity of the use 
of the word "learning" reflects two notions of "collaborative learning": is it a 
pedagogical method or a psychological process? In this respect, many authors have 
defended each of these positions, now, according to Dillembourgh, collaborative 
learning is neither a mechanism nor a method [1]. 
Learning together isn't a simple mechanism: if someone talks about "collaborative 
learning," they should also talk about "learning alone." The cognitive systems of 
individuals learn not because they are individual, but because they perform some 
actions (reading, forecasting, etc.) that this entails with some learning mechanisms 
(induction, prediction, compilation, etc.). Similarly, peers learn not because there are 
two of them, but because they perform some activities that involve specific learning 
The field of collaborative learning relates specifically to these activities and 
mechanisms. This can happen more often with co-training than with individual 
settings. However, there is no guarantee that these mechanisms will arise in any joint 
interaction. On the other hand, they arise not only during cooperation. At some level 
of description—at least at the neural level—the mechanisms potentially involved in 
collaborative learning are the same as those potentially involved in individual 
Collaborative learning methods share the idea that students work together to learn 
and are responsible for their own learning and that of their peers [2]. This implies an 
update of the roles associated with teachers and students, a different model of 
understanding the teaching/learning process, this update also affects the developers of 
educational programs [3]. The implementation of a collaborative learning scheme 
requires a number of elements that must be taken into account for its normal 
In this scheme, the teacher 's activity is most similar to traditional models of 
education. It corresponds to the implementation of pedagogical activities as thematic 

blocks, as well as social skills and group work [4]. A set of actions that you must 
Explain the task, the structure of cooperation and the necessary social skills.
Monitoring and intervention. 
Evaluation and processing. 
One of the tasks that a teacher should perform as an instructor is to teach students 
the skills of cooperation. Many students, especially the brightest, start with a reluctance 
to work in teams. In addition, interpersonal conflicts, usually associated with 
differences between group members in terms of skills, sense of responsibility, ethics, 
inevitably grow in group work and can seriously affect the effectiveness of the group.
For this reason, it is convenient for a teacher as a coach to teach these skills, problem 
solving and teamwork.
The ideal way is to prepare students with some learning elements that generate an 
understanding of what a work team means and strengthen interpersonal relationships 
that help team performance [5]. 
Despite the growth, growth and impact of collaborative learning as an institutional 
strategy, much remains to be explored for the impatience of collaborative computer 
learning. Many of the existing technologies are traditionally developed according to an 
individualistic, rather than a group scheme. 

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