("View to the Future: Modernization of Public Consciousness") [2] only adds a
source of searching for many historical issues. What will we leave descendants?
What historical facts? What historical heritage should be learned to re-read works,
letters of famous education figures of science,
history like Ibrai Altynsarin, Abai
Kunabayev, Al Farabi, whose significant dates were noted quite recently with the
public of Kazakhstan and the whole world in 2020. Their works should be kept for
descendants. The legacy of ancestors makes us understand that the past is a chance to
survive and continue humanity.
Let’s consider the educational activities of Ibrai Altynsarin that took part
in1879. That time he was appointed a school inspector of the Trugay region. In
1881-1882 he opened two-year-class Russian-Kazakh schools in all four counties of
the region. It is only possible to wonder and admire the courage of a person who for
decades sought for improving education for the Kazakhs.
Ibray Altynsarin was born on November 2, 1841 in Arakaragay of the
Nikolaev district of the Trugay region. Having lost his father at an early age, he was
brought up in the family of the father’s elder brother Balkozha. Since childhood, he
manifested a strong craving for knowledge and self-education, often communicated
with an educated part of Russian society. In 1850, he
went to the boarding school
under the Orenburg Border Commission. During the years of study, in Orenburg, he
got acquainted with the scholar-orientalist V.V. Grigoriev. He finished the school in
1857 with a gold medal. Then, for three years he worked as a writer for his
grandfather Balkozha. Altynsarin worked as a translator in the Orenburg regional
board for some time where he met Ilminsky N.I. In 1860, the regional rule
commissioned him to open a school for Kazakh children in the city of Turgay, in
which he was appointed a Russian teacher. In 1861, he worked as a teacher at the
Turgay school. In 1864 Ibrai Altynsarin established the first folk school.
Altynzarin was assigned a rank of statistical advisor.
For some time, I.
Altynsarin also worked in the Turgay District Hall as a clerk performed the duties of
the senior assistant of the county chief.
From 1879 to the end of the life he was an inspector of Kazakh schools in
the Turgay region.
In 1883, Altynsarin moved to Nikolaev (Kustanay) County. He built a house
which was three kilometers far from the city of Kostany, on the bending of the Tobol
River, on the island, where there was a small lake, which was subsequently called the
"Inspector". There Ibray Altynsarin lived and worked until the death. He died on July
17 (July 29) 1889 and was buried not far from his house on the bank of Tobol near
the grave of his father.
https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ibriy_altynsarin [3
The Grand Enlightener laid the beginning of female education. At the end of
October, 1888 Altynsarin opened the first boarding school for the training of
Kazakh women in the Kazakh steppe, in the city of Irgiz.
The teacher not only opened the secular folk schools, but also developed the
didactic principles of learning and education for them, created educational and
methodological aids. Natural Science, the Russian and Kazakh languages were given
the main place in teaching. The moral education was an important part of program
which was aimed
to instill a sense of humanity, honest attitudes towards labor and
love to homeland.
I. Altynzarin also owned the initiative to create periodic printing in the
region. He was a fighter for the progressive development of his native people, for the
distribution of the democratic culture of the Russian people in Kazakhstan, for the
friendship of the Russian and Kazakh peoples.
Ibray Altynsarin, forgetting about fatigue and health problems, still strived
for leaving a storehouse
of documents for descendants ,which could be a strategic
plan for the development of the formation of Kazakhstan education in XXI century.
By the way, the other day in the media of Kazakhstan there was information that the
Ministry of Education and Science is prepared for the discussion of the State Program
for the Development of Education of Kazakhstan. And in those years, Ibrai
Altynsarin attached the exceptional importance of training of the indigenous
population necessary for the economic development of the region. And yet he
contributed to the opening of craft and agricultural schools.
The story of Kipchak Seitkul tells how the entrepreneurship developed in the
Kazakh land and how it raised the well-being of the people. If we speak in the
of the modern economy, Seitkul opened the first joint-stock company,
learned the patterns of the market and achieved good results in entrepreneurship.
The method of organizing the economy of Seitkul can be compared with
modern entrepreneurship, and the joint stock company and space with the modern
free economic territory [9, p.52].
Thus, the socio-economic, spiritual and moral ideas of the society contained
in the works of Ibrai Altynsarin go along with the modern requirements.
Today, spiritual and moral culture of both society as a whole and a separate
person, acts as a prerequisite and guarantee of success of each citizen of the republic
in professional and social activities, the prerequisite for its entry into the world of
educational space and in the global economy.
Under these conditions, the formation and special
type of personality - a
young man is characterized by such moral principles as hard work, decency, justice,
human dignity and nobility. If these qualities are not manifested in young people, the
civilized market relations are doomed to failure [10, p.28].
Consequently, the upbringing of high spiritual and moral qualities becomes
an indispensable condition for the preparation of business people who can revive and
develop the economy. It will lead to the formation of a new social type of personality,
who combines ideological culture, citizenship, businesslike and creative personality.
Own life experience, historical documents stored in the archives of the
National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in selected writings,
prove to how much the process of creative evolution of the enlightener was fruitful.
And they give the right to argue that I. Altynsarin was entirely absorbed by the
education of the younger generation for the prosperity of
the state and statehood in
the future.