2. Гинзбург Л.С.К анализу стихотворения Лермонтова «Смерть поэта». Кого
подразумевает Лермонтов под словами: «певец, неведомый, но милый»? (Опыт
построения новой гипотезы) // «Slavia», 1930, roč. 9, seš. l, č. 85—102
3.Тынянов Ю. Литературный источник «Смерти поэта» // «ВЛ», 1964, № 10, с.
ӘОЖ: 82-131
Нұриман Б.Т.
– PhD, ОҚМПУ Қазақ тілі мен әдебиеті кафедрасының
қауымдастырылған профессор (доцент) м.а.
– ОҚМПУ Қазақ тілі мен әдебиеті кафедрасының магистранты
The “Book of Korkyt Ata”, which reflects the worldview, literature, culture, and history of
peoples of Turkic origin, was based on the research of world scientists on the versions of Dresden
and the Vatican previously published in science. A third variant called “Turkestan”, “Gunbed” or
“Turkmen Sahra” was found in 2019 in the Iranian region of “Turkmen Sahra”. The manuscript
was found by a man named Veli Mohammed Khoja. The new version has been actively analyzed by
Turkish scientists since its discovery. Facsimiles, transcription, translation and a frequency
dictionary of the manuscript have already been published in several Turkic languages. The study of
the third version of the “Book of Korkyt Ata” is an important issue for Kazakh science. However,
there is no work about the literary monument in the Kazakh language, except for the study of Erjan
Alkaya. This article contains information about the discovery and publication of the third version of
the Book of Korkyt Ata” in science. The object of the study was the works of Metin Ekiji, Yusuf
Azmun, Nasir Shahgoli, Valiollah Yaghoobi, Ekrem Arikoglu and other scientists.
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