14. What is a rainbow? 15. Why doesn’t the Moon fall onto the Sun? 16. What is inside the Earth? 17. When
are we nearer to the Sun, noon or evening [5]?
Задание 3: Конкурс на лучшее знание законов по физике на английском языке. Студенты отвечают
на вопросы:
1. What is the first law of motion? --Every body continues in its state of rest or of uniform motion, in a
straight line unless compelled to change that state by some external force. 2. What is the third law of motion?
--Action and reaction are equal and opposite in direction.
3. What is kinetic energy? --Energy of motion; i, e. the power of doing work that a body has by virtue of
its motion. For example: the energy of running water. 4. What is potential energy? --Energy of position; i. e.
the power of doing work that a body has by virtue of its position. For example: the energy of a head of wate.
5. How are these varieties of energy related? --They are mutually convertible. Either may be converted into an
equivalent amount of the other. 6. What is a pendulum? --A weight suspended so as to be able to swing to and
fro. 7. What is an oscillation? -The motion from one end of the arc to the other. 8. What is Archimede’s
principle? --A body's loss of weight when immersed in a fluid equals the weight of the fluid which it displaces,
i. e., it equals the weight of a like volume of the fluid. 9. What are the laws of boiling? Under a constant
pressure, every liquid begins to boil at a certain temperature which is invariable for the given substance. 10.
How is light propagated? --In straight lines, as long as it travels in a homogeneous medium. 11. What is a
transparent body? --One that transmits light so freely that objects may be distinctly seen through it. 12. What
is an opaque body? --One that does not transmit light. 13. What is the cause of a rainbow? --The refraction,
reflection and dispersion of sunlight by raindrops. 14. What is the first law of magnetic poles? --Unlike poles
attract each other; like poles repel each other.
Задание 4: Студенты готовят презентации и выступления по заданным темам: a) Developing nuclear
energy in Kazakhstan. b) What are the advantages of using nuclear power? c) Applications of nuclear energy.
d) What are the disadvantages of using nuclear power? e) Safety Principles. g) Accelerator complex.
Задание 5: Используя разные
поисковые системы Интернета, студенты подбирают актуальные и
интересные тексты по физике на английском языке и готовят пересказ.
1) Search the web for information about the latest conferences, forums and symposiums on Physics. 2)
Access the sites on different types of reactors and their purposes. Describe the advantages of using new types
of reactors. 3) Using Internet resources find interesting news about properties and uses of new types of
materials. What new conducting, semiconducting, magnetic and other types of materials do you know? 4)
Using Internet resources find legends about constellations and retell them.
Задание 6: Студентам демонстрируются эксперименты по физике.
Необходимо рассказать об
явлениях и экспериментах на английском языке.
Experiments: I. Light and colour - Spinning disk - When you spin the disc, these colours will mix together
to produce white. Spin the disc as quickly as possible. The colours merge together and the disc looks almost
white. II. Gases and Heat - Gases expand a lot when they are heated, and contract a lot when cooled. Place the
balloon in a large vessel of hot water. The balloon starts inflating and eventually stands up right as the air
inside the bottle expands.
III. Centripetal force – Can you turn a bucket of water upside-down without the water falling out? You can
with the help of centripetal force. IV. How can you take the coin from the bowl with water without getting
your fingers wet? Put the coin into the bowl. Pour water into the bowl so it covers the coin. Carefully place
the warm jar upside-down near the coin. V. How can you lift the small pieces of paper with the help of a
balloon? - The balloon sticks the small pieces of paper if you rub it against your sleeve, because it becomes
Задание 7: Просмотреть видео материалы по физике. После просмотра видео студенты отвечают на
вопросы «What do the experiments show?». Объясняют какие физические законы и явления они увидели
при просмотре видеоматериалов.
В зависимости от содержания профессиональной деятельности начинают доминировать такие
формы учебной деятельности, как перевод текстов по специальности или подготовка презентаций на
профессионально важные темы, или обобщение результатов исследований в статьях или докладах на
иностранном языке и т.д. Использование таких разнообразных заданий
позволяет эффективно
формировать языковую и речевую компетенцию, необходимые для использования в последующем
английского языка в профессиональной среде [6].
Таким образом, через развитие необходимых профессиональных компетенций студентов решается
одна из важнейших проблем современного высшего образования в эпоху глобализации – подготовка
специалистов, готовых к социальной и академической мобильности и компетентных в
профессиональном отношении.